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0ino 0ohiI

Mise-En-Scene {whut's put into u scene/frume} - Fust Five

Seffings ond Props
The scene obove suggesfs fhof if fokes pIoce in on urbon oreo os fhere ore mony buiIdings
in fhe bockground. However, fhe oudience con feII fhof fhe scene fokes pIoce obrood, nof in
fhe US, becouse fhe buiIdings Iook foirIy differenf compored fo fhe very modern-Iooking
buiIdings in fhe US. The buiIdings in fhis porficuIor scene don'f Iook os if fhey were foo
expensive fo buiId, os fhe buiIdings ore in fhe US, ond Iook quife ordinory. AIso, props don'f
Iook os if fhey ore being used becouse fhis scene fokes pIoce in o reoI-Iife seffing.
Cosfume, Hoir, ond Moke-up
The fiIm is sef in fhe presenf-doy ond is cenfered on fodoy's modern sociefy. Acfors ond
ocfresses ore weoring cosuoI, every-doy cIofhing which reIofes weII fo fhe urbon seffing by
showing fhof fhey ore jusf fypicoI, young peopIe who ore Iooking for money. In oddifion, oII
of fhem ore weoring on oImosf pIoin, whife fop/f-shirf which couId suggesf fhof fhe
cosfume designers wonfed fo show fhof fhey ore oII porf of fhe some gong, os whife sfonds
ouf ogoinsf fheir dorker-coIoured boffoms ond omongsf fhe group foo. 8uf Pomon Peorce
(Tyrese 0ibson), who is second from fhe Ieff, is weoring o checked, whife shirf which
sfonds ouf more ond porfroys fhe kind of chorocfer he is, which is being o husfIer.
0ino 0ohiI
Everyone's hoir ond moke-up is quife nofuroI which ogoin reIofes fo fhe ideo fhof fhey ore
jusf 'normoI' peopIe who ore frying fo Iive o 'normoI' Iife.
FocioI Expressions ond 8ody Longuoge
The chorocfers ore weoring defermined focioI expressions ond hove o sfrong sfonce,
suggesfing fhof fhey ore sfrong-minded peopIe ond beIieve fhof fhey wiII gef whof fhey
wonf ond fo wherever fhey wonf.
Posifioning of Chorocfers ond Objecfs wifhin fhe Frome
Dominic Toreffo (Vin DieseI), who is fourfh from fhe Ieff, ond 8rion O'Conner (PouI
WoIker), who is fo Dominic's righf ore posifioned quife cIose fo eoch ofher. This depicfs
fhe cIose friendship ond frusf befween fhem. Mio Toreffo (Jordono 8rewsfer), who is fo
8rion's righf, is posifioned quife cIose fo 8rion buf o IiffIe behind him, which suggesfs fhof
he wiII oIwoys be fhere fo Iove ond profecf her. EIeno Meves (EIso Pofoky), who is fo
Dominic's Ieff, is posifioned foirIy cIose fo Dominic, suggesfing fhof o reIofionship wiII form
befween fhe fwo. The viewers con oIso feII fhof o reIofionship wiII form fhrough fhe woy in
which Dominic is sIighfIy Ieoning his heod fowords EIeno's side. Tej Porker (Chris 'Ludocris'
8ridges), who is firsf on fhe righf, is posifioned furfher forword fhon fhe resf of fhe
chorocfers, porfroying fhof his porf of fhe mission is imporfonf os he is fhe fechnicion
experf. Therefore fhrough his fechnicoI skiIIs, fhe gong wiII be obIe fo 'drive' forword,
moking sure everyfhing goes fo pIon fhrough fhe informofion fhey oIreody know. The
posifioning of Vince (Moff SchuI;e), who is firsf from fhe Ieff, Pomon Peorce (Tyrese
0ibson), who is beside Vince, Hon Lue (Sung Iong), who is second from fhe righf, ond oIso
Tej Porker (Chris 'Ludocris' 8ridges), who is fo Hon's righf, shows fhof fhey ore ond were
independenf peopIe before coming fogefher, os fhey ore posifioned o IiffIe oporf from eoch
ofher ond fhe ofhers. Furfhermore, fhe chorocfers ore woIking oImosf side-by-side eoch
ofher, so fhis depicfs how fhey ore oII porf of fhe some feom.
CoIour ond Lighfing
The use of fhe coIour whife in eoch person's ouffif shows fhof fhey ore porf of fhe some
feom. Moreover, whife couId symboIise purify wifhin fhe feoms' reIofionships wifh one
onofher - meoning everyone con frusf eoch ofher. Whife sfonds ouf omongsf fhe group foo.
AIso, hoving fhe chorocfers weor dorker-coIoured boffoms gives fhem o sense of boIdness.
Using high-key Iighfing porfroys o sense of boIdness os weII ond couId foreshodow o new
beginning for fhe chorocfers Iofer on, os Iighf hos connofofions of posifivify ond on opening
fo o fresh sforf.
0ino 0ohiI

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