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Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2006 33; 349–355

Is condylar position a predictor for functional signs of TMJ

& F . L O B B E Z O O Department of Oral Function, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), Amsterdam, The Netherlands

SUMMARY Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) hyper- displaced around the eminence. No posterior disc
mobility is noted only when it interferes with displacements were found in any of the magnetic
smooth mandibular movements. These interfer- resonance images. After excluding an outlier and
ences (viz. clicking sounds and jerky mandibular using both measurement methods, a small differ-
movements) result from condylar dislocation in ence in condylar position was found between the
front of the eminence at wide mouth opening, or two groups of subjects. The condyles of all hyper-
alternatively in front of the articular disc (posterior mobile persons travelled beyond the eminence;
disc displacement). The aim of this study was to test however, so were the condyles of nearly half of the
the hypothesis that condyles of hypermobile per- non-hypermobiles. The large overlap between both
sons are positioned more anterosuperiorly to the groups suggests that condylar position alone is not a
crest of the eminence during maximum mouth good predictor for symptomatic TMJ hypermobility.
opening than those of persons without TMJ hyper- It is probably the combination of condylar location
mobility. Possible posterior disc displacement was in front of the eminence with a particular line of
also evaluated. Nine persons with symptomatic action of the masticatory muscles, which gives rise
hypermobility and nine control persons free of to functional signs of hypermobility.
internal derangements were included, their diagno- KEYWORDS: internal derangement, temporomandib-
ses being based upon opto-electronic movement ular joint, hypermobility, mandibular movement
recordings. Condylar positions during maximum recordings, magnetic resonance imaging
mouth opening were analysed on magnetic reson-
ance images with two slightly different methods, Accepted for publication 16 August 2005
showing the degree to which the condyles are

there are two ways for setting a diagnosis: by

observing the morphology or by exploring the TMJ
Internal derangements (IDs) of the temporomandibu- function. The first approach aims at visualizing the
lar joint (TMJ) are, from an anatomical point of view, joint, and includes techniques such as TMJ arthrog-
defined as a deviation in position or form of the raphy, arthroscopy, computer tomography and mag-
tissues within the capsule of the joint (1). Clinically, netic resonance imaging (MRI) (5). The second
IDs are only manifest when they interfere with approach is clinical examination and mandibular
normal, smooth mandibular movements (2). In the movement recordings (6–9), with their diagnosis
literature, the most commonly described IDs are disc according to observed functional interferences during
displacements (mostly in an anterior direction, and mandibular movements.
also posterior, sideways and rotational) (3, 4) and The literature reports a great discrepancy between
hypermobility. Considering the definitions of IDs, the diagnoses of IDs, based upon anatomical TMJ

ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2842.2005.01572.x

350 S . K A L A Y K O V A et al.

characteristics and functional characteristics. The ana- Amsterdam (ACTA). Each participant underwent a
tomical picture may show a deviation, while the joint is clinical examination, an opto-electronic mandibular
free of functional interferences, and vice versa (10–12). movement recording and an MRI scan, all performed
In this study, differences between the outcomes of the within 1 month. The examinations were performed in a
two diagnostic methods for hypermobility are further ‘single-blind’ design by different experienced examin-
explored. TMJ hypermobility is usually noted only ers for each technique. The presence of an internal
when it interferes with smooth mandibular movements derangement, such as an anteriorly or posteriorly
(2). In this case, clicking sounds at the end of opening displaced disc, hypermobility, or other interferences,
and/or at the beginning of closing, and jerky lateral was determined for the three techniques, using specif-
mandibular movements are observed. These interfer- ically described criteria.
ences may be due to a condylar dislocation at wide In the present study, MRI data were further
opening in front of, and superior to, the crest of the analysed only for those participants, who were either
eminence (1, 13, 14). It has also been reported that the diagnosed with symptomatic hypermobility, or as
interferences may alternatively result from the disc having no internal derangements at all (i.e. ID-free).
being dislocated posteriorly to the condyle (15–17). Thus, subjects having a diagnosis other than hyper-
Snapping of the condyle over the crest of the eminence mobility, i.e. anterior disc displacement, were exclu-
or over the anterior band of the disc would then be ded from this study. The diagnoses were based upon
responsible for the interferences with smooth mandib- analysis of the opto-electronic movement recordings.
ular movements. Usually, symptomatic hypermobility Nine participants were assigned to the hypermobile
is not associated with complaints, except when it is group (four males and five females, mean age
accompanied by myogenous pain, secondary to the 25Æ3  3Æ6 years, ranging from 20 to 32 years), and
dislocations, or when the mandibular condyle has such nine to the ID-free control group (five males and four
great difficulty passing the crest of the eminence or the females, mean age 26Æ1  2Æ8 years, ranging from 20
anterior band of the disc that the mouth cannot close to 29 years).
properly (13).
The aim of the study is to test the hypothesis that at
Opto-electronic movement recordings
wide opening, the condyles of patients with sympto-
matic hypermobility are positioned more anteriorly or Functional signs of hypermobility were diagnosed in the
anterosuperiorly to the crest of the articular eminence previous study, using the Oral Kinesiology Analysis
than those of patients without hypermobility. To that System (OKAS-3D) (7). Mandibular movements were
end, the condylar position was quantified using MRIs recorded with six degrees of freedom at a sampling
taken at wide opening. The MRIs were also screened for frequency of 300 Hz per coordinate. Small condenser-
the presence of a posteriorly displaced disc at wide type microphones were placed over the palpated lateral
opening. The diagnosis of symptomatic hypermobility pole of the TMJs to record joint sounds. Specialized
was based upon mandibular movement characteristics software graphically visualized the movement traces of
recorded with an opto-electronic movement-recording the incisal point and those of the kinematic centres of the
device. condyles (18, 19) in a sagittal, horizontal, and frontal
plane. It also depicted the occurrence of a joint sound on
these traces by an asterisk. Off-line, the recordings were
Materials and methods
interpreted blindly by a single investigator.
The participants performed, during 20-s recordings,
Participants and protocol
free jaw opening and closing, free opening and loaded
This study is a further analysis of data obtained in a closing, submaximal open–close movements to about
previous study (10). In that study, a comparison was half the maximum mouth opening, and protrusive
made between three methods for recognizing internal opening and closing. The loaded closing movements
derangements within the TMJ. The 42 participants were performed while the mandible was loaded with a
were enrolled from patients referred to the Clinic for manually applied, downward directed force (about
Temporomandibular Disorders of our department, and 30 N) on the chin, which had been calibrated before-
from students at the Academic Centre for Dentistry hand using a weight scale (20).

ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 33; 349–355


The criteria for the recognition of symptomatic When the TMJs showed smooth condylar move-
hypermobility were as follows (10) (Fig. 1). ments with no clicking sounds, they were diagnosed to
1 The sagittal condylar movement traces showed char- be free of internal derangements (Fig. 2).
acteristic and reproducible decelerations/accelera-
tions in the second part of opening and/or the first
Magnetic resonance imaging
part of (loaded) closing.
2 The decelerations/accelerations coincided with the The intra-articular relations of the TMJ were studied
occurrence of the clicks. with the use of MR-imaging of the joint. T1-weighted
3 The incisal point showed reproducible and charac- MR images were made with a 1Æ5 T MR imaging system
teristic jerky lateral movements coinciding with the (Gyroscan NT Intera, Philips Medical Systems, Eindh-
occurrence of clicks. oven, The Netherlands), with a surface coil used as
4 No elimination of the clicks and decelerations/accel- receiver. The repetition time (TR) was 530 ms; the echo
erations was noted during protrusive opening and time (TE), 18 ms. During the recording, the participants
closing. had their heads in a head rest with the Frankfort plane
as perpendicular as possible to the horizontal plane of
the imager. Imaging was performed in closed mouth
position, with nine interleaved 3-mm sagittal planes

Fig. 1. Typical example of single (left) and superimposed (right)

open–close movement traces of a participant with symptomatic
TMJ hypermobility. The frontal recordings of the incisal point (a)
and the sagittal recordings of the kinematic centre of the right (b)
and the left (c) TMJ condyle are shown. Clicking sounds are Fig. 2. Typical example of single (left) and superimposed (right)
indicated with an asterix. The movement traces of the incisal point open–close movement traces of a participant without internal
illustrate the jerky mandibular movements, especially during derangements. The frontal recordings of the incisal point (a) and
closing. The rapid changes in spacing between subsequent the sagittal recordings of the kinematic centre of the right (b) and
positions of the right condyle illustrate the sudden accelerations the left (c) TMJ condyle are shown. The incisal point and the
and decelerations experienced by that condyle at the time of condyles performed smooth movements and no clicking sounds
clicking. The superimposed movement traces illustrate the repro- were noted. The superimposed movement traces illustrate the
ducibility of the movement recordings. The top midpoint of the reproducibility of the movement recordings. The top midpoint of
plots of the incisal point and the top-left points of the plots of the the plots of the incisal point and the top-left points of the plots of
condyles indicate their positions with the mandible in the condyles indicate their positions with the mandible in the
the intercuspal position. Opening traces are in grey, closing traces intercuspal position. Opening traces are in grey, closing traces in
in black. black.

ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 33; 349–355

352 S . K A L A Y K O V A et al.

(perpendicular to the mediolateral pole of the condyle), coordinate system was measured. In order to assess
and nine interleaved 3-mm coronal planes. Thereafter, how much the condylar angles were different for other
imaging was performed in the maximally opened MRI slices than the best visible one, the measurements
mouth position, controlled with a resin bite block, with were also done for the slices medial and lateral to the
nine interleaved 3-mm sagittal planes. For all images best visible one. These condylar angles were within 14
made, the data matrix was 205 · 256 pixels, and the of those obtained for the best visible MRI slices.
imaging time 4 min and 21 s. All MRIs were screened by a single investigator for
In this study, the condylar position relative to the the presence of a posteriorly displaced disc. These
eminence was quantified, using two slightly different interpretations were done unaware of the results of the
methods. First, for both methods, the sagittal MRI slice opto-electronic movement recordings. For the recogni-
in open-mouth position in which both condyle and tion of a posteriorly displaced disc at mouth opening,
eminence are best visible was chosen. After that, two the following MRI criteria were used (10).
points were determined: the summit lowest point of the 1 The condyle was underneath the intermediate zone
eminence marked as point E, and the postglenoid of the disc when the mouth was closed.
tubercle marked as point T. In the first method, a 2 The inferior surface of the intermediate zone was
coordinate system, centred on point E with its x-axis posterior to and not in contact with the condyle
parallel to the horizontal plane of the MRI, was when the mouth was maximally opened.
superimposed over the slice. Then, the top condylar
point, respective to the horizontal plane, was marked as
Statistical analysis
point C. Finally, the angle between the line EC and the
vertical axis was measured (Fig. 3). In the second First, the linear correlation between the condylar angles
method, the x-axis was also drawn through point E, but of the left and right joints was calculated with the
parallel to the line ET. A new top condylar point with Pearson’s correlation test. Secondly, the condylar
respect to this x-axis was determined, and the angle angles of the participants with symptomatic hypermo-
between the line EC and the vertical axis of this bility were compared with those of the ID-free partic-
ipants, using the average of the left and right values for
each person. To that end, the non-parametric Mann–
Whitney U-test, with a 95% confidence interval, was

Figure 4(a,b) shows the condylar angles of the left and
the right TMJ for the hypermobile and ID-free partic-
ipants, as calculated by the two analysis methods. There
is a significant correlation between the condylar angles
of the left and right TMJ for the hypermobile and the
ID-free group, and also for the group of participants as a
whole (see Table 1). The condylar angles for the ID-free
group range from about 100 (with the condyle situated
before the articular eminence) to about 290 (with the
condyle beyond and above the crest of the articular
eminence). Apart from one outlier at about 100, all
Fig. 3. Sagittal MRI slice of a temporomandibular joint in maxi- condylar angles of the hypermobile group lie beyond
mum mouth opening position. A coordinate system is centred on and some of them above the crest of the articular
point E with its x-axis parallel to the horizontal plane of the MRI. The
eminence (ranging from approximately 230 to 280;
angle between the line EC and the vertical axis was measured
to quantify the condylar position relative to the articular eminence. see Fig. 4). No significant difference between the
E – summit lowest point of the articular eminence point; T – lowest condylar angles of the participants with symptomatic
point of the postglenoid tubercle; C – top condylar point. hypermobility and those of the ID-free participants was

ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 33; 349–355


Table 1. Correlation coefficients and (in parenthesis) their

P-values for the condylar angles of the left and the right joint
for the hypermobile participants, the ID-free participants and for
all the participants

Hypermobile ID-free All participants

group (n ¼ 9) group (n ¼ 9) (n ¼ 18)

Method 1 0Æ981 (0Æ000) 0Æ859 (0Æ003) 0Æ916 (0Æ000)

Method 2 0Æ990 (0Æ000) 0Æ792 (0Æ011) 0Æ897 (0Æ000)

wide opening gave no positive diagnosis for any of the

hypermobility or ID-free participants.

This study has shown that the condyles of symptomat-
ically hypermobile patients are positioned anteriorly
and superiorly to the crest of the articular eminence at
maximum mouth opening. However, the same is true
for about half of the non-hypermobile ID-free partic-
The functional diagnosis of hypermobility was based
upon the results of OKAS-3D opto-electronic move-
ment recordings. These recordings permit an objective
documentation of the jaw movements for further off-
line analysis. The mandibular movements can be
observed from different viewpoints, with finer details
and at a lower speed than is possible during a clinical
examination. It also enables the electronic recording of
joint sounds at a high sensitivity, as well as the
assessment of possible links between the occurrences
of joint sounds and possible interferences in condylar
movement traces.
A question about the angulation of the participants’
heads during the MRI taking arose during our study.
During the MRI procedure, the participants had their
heads in a head rest with the Frankfort plane as
perpendicular as possible to the horizontal plane of the
Fig. 4. Scatter plot of the condylar angles of the left and the right
TMJ for the hypermobile ( ) and ID-free participants ( ), as imager. This enables the horizontal plane of the sagittal
measured with the first (a) and the second (b) condylar angle MRI slices to be used as a line of reference in the first
measuring method. Reference lines are set at 180, indicating a condylar analysis method. However, inevitably there
condylar position right below the articular eminence at maximum remains some uncertainty regarding the exact angula-
mouth opening.
tion of the participant’s head in the MRI scan. To
overcome this, we also used a second condylar analysis
found (P ¼ 0Æ171 and 0Æ145 for both analysis methods). method with a reference line, which was independent
However, when the hypermobility outlier at about 100 of the orientation of the participant’s head in the MRI
was excluded, a small difference between the two scan and solely depended upon anatomical points
groups was found (P ¼ 0Æ054 and 0Æ043 respectively). within the MRI scan itself. Similair methods have
The MRI screening for posteriorly displaced discs at already been used before (21, 22). Analysis of the

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condylar positions relative to the articular eminence ment characteristics. However, in contrast to our study,
arrived at the same conclusions for both measuring in these studies no subjects with symptoms of hyper-
methods, indicating that these conclusions are relat- mobility were specifically included.
ively robust and independent of the analysis method The fact that not only our participants with sympto-
used. matic TMJ hypermobility, but also about half of the ID-
There is a strong correlation between the condylar free control subjects had large condylar angles, shows
angles of the right and left TMJs, not only for all the that displacement of the condyle out of the glenoid
participants as a group but also for the subgroups of fossa, anterosuperiorly to the articular eminence, is not
symptomatic hypermobility and ID-free participants. a sufficient condition for functional signs of hypermo-
This is in line with the high left–right anatomical bility to become apparent. Maybe it is only when a
symmetry of the masticatory system. The high correla- condylar position beyond the eminence is combined
tion in the hypermobile group suggests that hypermo- with an unfavourable line of action of the jaw opening
bility is not a feature of a left or right TMJ alone, but and closing muscles, that functional interferences
more a feature of the masticatory system as a whole. In appear. The role of the jaw muscles is further illustrated
this respect, it might be better to talk about a hyper- in the movement recordings of one of our hypermobile
mobile masticatory system than about a particular participants, see Fig. 5. Within a 10-s recording, two
hypermobile TMJ. smooth mandibular movements free from joint sounds
As already mentioned in the results section, the were followed by a jerky mandibular movement with a
condylar angles of all, except one, of our hypermobile joint click. This suggests that the symptomatic hyper-
participants were far greater than 180. The outlier, mobility in this participant is also depended upon the
however, showed condylar angles of about 100, which way the jaw muscles are activated.
indicates that the condyles did not reach further than
the posterior slope of the articular eminence at wide
opening. Nevertheless, the mandibular movements
showed all the signs of a hypermobile masticatory
system. If it was not the crest of the eminence which
hampered condylar movements, then it could have
been the disc that was posteriorly displaced in respect to
the condyle at wide opening. However, on the MRI of
this person there were no visible signs of a posteriorly
displaced disc. Reevaluation of the clinical examination
of this patient showed that the patient has a tendency
to restrict her jaw movements, fearing a possible
dislocation. Therefore, it is likely that this participant
had not opened maximally wide during the MRI
recording, despite clear instructions to do so. This is
the most plausible explanation for the small condylar
angles found in this patient.
Four or five of our participants (depending upon the
analysis method used) without any functional sign of
hypermobility also had large angles, showing that the
condyles of these ID-free joints passed beyond, and
were sometimes situated above the crest of the emin- Fig. 5. The superimposed frontal open–close movement traces of
ence at wide opening. Similar findings have also been the incisal point of a participant with occasional symptomatic TMJ
reported earlier (23, 24). In the first study (23), 70% of hypermobility. Within this 10-s recording, two smooth mandib-
ular movements free from joint sounds were followed by a jerky
the subjects of an unselected sample moved their
mandibular movement with a joint click (see asterix). The top
condyles beyond the articular eminence during max- midpoint of the plot of the incisal point indicates its position with
imal mouth opening. In the second study (24), 41 of the the mandible in the intercuspal position. Opening traces are in
51 symptom-free participants showed the same move- grey, closing traces in black.

ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 33; 349–355


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ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 33; 349–355

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