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FORUM: 4th SIMUN Conference

COMMITTEE: Human Rights Committee



The General Assembly,

Recognising the fact that in this day and age of globalisation and free trade, workers, both
skilled and unskilled, will migrate to and from countries depending on the demands of the

Fully aware that in my own country, Malaysia, we have about 2.7 million migrant workers
working in the manufacturing and plantation industries,

Noting with regret that a significant amount of legal cases in our courts involve incidences
in which crimes are either committed by these migrant worker or against them,

Noting further that apart from these concerns related to legal migrant workers, countries
around the world, including ours, are also struggling with the problem of illegal migrant workers,

Noting with deep concern that often these migrant workers are either not well protected
under the laws of the host countries or are not fully informed and aware of their rights,

Taking into consideration the fact that at such times, many of them are unable to access
sound legal advice or avail themselves of the proper legal representation,

Noting further that during such events, the only a common international charter of migrant
workers’ rights makes the process of administering of justice and compensation and if necessary
subsequent repatriation easier,

Aware of the fact that although the United Nations Convention on the Protection of the
Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families was entered into force in March
2003 only half of the member nations have ratified the convention; the majority of the nations
including Malaysia and especially the western migrant-receiving states have not ratified the

Deploring this delay in universal ratification of this convention and concerned about the
plight of migrant workers in these country due to this delay,

11. Calls upon all member nations to recognise the significance of the issues concerning these
legal and illegal migrant workers and their plight;
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22. Asks for greater overall international discussion and initiative to aid and encourage
governments to ratify this convention so that the rights of their migrant workers are protected all
over the world;

13. Invites member countries, especially those who are yet to ratify the convention to a
proposed International Labour Convention to be held in April at Kuala Lumpur to discuss the
issues of contention so that causes of delay in the unanimous ratification of this convention can
be resolved;

14. Expresses its hope that the member countries would give the necessary attention to this
rising problem, and work together to ratify an acceptable International Charter to protect migrant
workers' rights.

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