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Dr. Vincenzo Longo, Director of the Pisa Section of the National Research Centers Biology and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute

WHY IS WINE GOOD FOR YOU? Moderate consumption of wine, if inserted in a typical Mediterranean diet, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and the incidence of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimers. Wine, consumed in moderate doses, aids actively in metabolizing fats, sugars and proteins. It can be noted that wine, in its chemical composition, contains Group B vitamins (such as B2 or riboflavin), which play an active role in anti-oxidative reactions in ones metabolism. Wine also helps stimulate the secretion of pancreatic juice, thus favoring the assimilation of oils and fats. Other important characteristics are the contribution from wines of iodine to the body, particularly from those produced near the seashore, and the contribution of potassium from wines with high acidity, which predisposes the organism for a more efficient elimination of urates by stimulating diuretic properties. The presence of chromium is able to stimulate the production of insulin, thus reducing the onset of diabetes-related illnesses. In addition, wine is rich in fructose, a monosaccharide sugar with the characteristic of not being insulindependent and therefore not harmful even for diabetics. Glucose, another sugar present in wine, is consumed during the process of the alcoholic fermentation of must and its quantity is notably small, particularly in products with minimal residual sugar: those that are generically referred to as dry when tasted. CAN WINE BE INCLUDED IN A DIET? Wine contains calories: we must not forget that wine has a considerable alcohol content, which varies between 5% and 18%. Alcohol, as it metabolizes, is able to produce around 7 kilocalories per 100 grams. In a low-calorie (slimming) diet that can vary from 1200 to 1700-1800 kcal daily, 100-200 calories may come from wine without altering the balance between glucides, lipids and proteins. Just from the point of view of equivalent energy, the dietician/nutritionist could therefore compare a glass of wine to 30 grams of bread or 100 g of lean veal. However, the calories in alcohol cannot be used directly for muscular operations or for increasing flexibility, as in the case of other nutrients, but they contribute to basic metabolism with reduced consumption of energy compared to carbohydrates, fats and proteins. HOW DOES OUR BODY PROCESS WINE? The sensation of heat that follows ingestion of wine results not so much from the immediate use of energy from the alcohol as its pharmacological action as an active peripheral vasodilator. Wine helps digestion: the alcohol contained in wine stimulates the secretion of saliva which, thanks to an enzyme called ptyalin, has the

Dr. Vincent Longo, Responsible of the Section in Pisa of the Institute of Biology and Agrarian Biotechnology, CNR


important task of carrying out the initial digestion of food that has been swallowed and of breaking down complex components, such as starch. Wine also exerts an important stimulating action on the intestine, increasing its elastic and absorption capacities, thus favoring to some extent a decrease in the phenomenon of constipation. On the other hand, subjects suffering from colitis will benefit from drinking wines that are rich in tannin, which has an astringent and toning effect on the intestinal muscles, including those of the colon. Wine has antiseptic properties in the gastrointestinal tract, increases blood flow and stimulates the production of bile, which contributes to the digestion of fats. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease: various studies demonstrate that the alcohol contained in 2 to 3 glasses of wine is able to produce a protective effect on the cardiovascular system. Then there are the properties of the polyphenols contained in wine - trans-resveratrol in particular - which act as antioxidants and therefore control the processes of cellular ageing and regulate cholesterol levels: they therefore have an anti-arteriosclerotic effect. The polyphenols also have anti-inflammatory and antitumor properties. All the potential beneficial attributes of wine are generally found more in red wines than in white wines. This difference between red and white wine comes from the fact that the former contains a greater concentration (around 20 times more) of phenolic compounds. Among these there are flavonoids, which have shown themselves to have very powerful biological effects - from 10 to 20 times higher than those of vitamin E - in contrasting the mechanism that triggers off the process of arteriosclerosis.

This document was published by September 2011 Freewine is a set of guidelines, to be put into effect by following a non-binding technical protocol. The aim of these guidelines is to reduce considerably the quantity of sulfites added to the wines produced by the companies taking part in the project.

Dr. Vincent Longo, Responsible of the Section in Pisa of the Institute of Biology and Agrarian Biotechnology, CNR


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