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MODAL VERBS 1. Los verbos modales no aaden s o es en la tercera persona del singular ni van seguidos de un verbo en tercera persona.

Despus del verbo modal necesitamos un infinitivo sin to (He can play tennis) INCORRECTO He cans play tennis INCORRECTO He can plays tennis VERBO MODAL CAN/CANT COULD/COULDNT BE ABLE TO/NOT BE ABLE TO SHOULD/SHOULDNT MUST MUSTNT HAVE TO DONT HAVE TO FUNCIN (1) Capacidad (2) Peticin informal (1) Capacidad en el pasado (2) Peticin formal Capacidad Consejo Obligacin Prohibicin Necesidad / Obligacin Ausencia de necesidad PRESENTE / FUTURO I can run very fast Can I open the window? Could I use your phone? I am able to do it tomorrow. You should go to the doctor. You must do the exam You mustnt eat during the exam. I have to go to school today. I dont have to bring the books to class tomorrow. We are watching a film. PASADO

I could run very fast when I was young. I was able to do it yesterday.

We had to go to school yesterday We didnt have to take the books to class yesterday. We watched a film.

SUGGESTIONS AND REQUESTS 1. LETS se utiliza para hacer una sugerencia o propuesta a dos o ms personas incluido el hablante Lets eat now! 2. WOULD LIKE TO + infinitive se utiliza para expresar un deseo o una peticin I would like a glass of water. Would you like to go to the cinema with me? 3. IMPERATIVE es la nica forma verbal en ingls que no necesita llevar sujeto. Se utiliza para: a. Dar instrucciones Turn right and then take the first one on your left. b. Dar consejo Eat more vegetables and dont smoke. c. Dar rdenes Sit down!

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