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Hallo everybody. Good evening. Im standing in here i will tell my experience.

Slighty embarrassing but quite fun for me. First im stay in Pamulang University, i think will get a what kind of friends? Because when i follow the test, im see at people weind. When i stay in class, im was wrong to class. Cause my fault iim less be carefull. When i see class position in wall magazine, i had not want move to class, but cant because if im still stay in that class, so my value wouldnt be. So I must move to class where i should. Fortunately there are also im false stay in class, so i get a friends. A must just know one class be know two class, and not as bad as i think. A really i get good a friends, enjoy and fun. And until now they are still fun for me, and im not want to split whit they all. Because i think dificult i found a friends like they all.

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