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COMMAND man commandname cd ..

cd directoryname cd /home mkdir rmdir pwd passwd ls ls -l

ls -al cat filename cp source destination mv oldname newname rm filename pico filename info command name chmod 777 filename wc filename clear CTRL+z exit >

UNIX COMMANDS USE displays manual go to previous directory change directory jumps directly to home directory make directory remove directory print working directory change the password list directory contents list the files in the current directory The first set of three letters after the file type tells what you, the owner of the file, have permission to do. The next three letters after the user's permission are the group's permissions. The last three letters in the permissions column tell us what everyone else in the world, the others may do. read-4, write-2, execute-1 list the hidden files concate files and print on the standard output copy files and directories move(rename) files remove files and directories create or modify file displays full information about the command change access permissions displays a count of lines, words, and characters in a clear screen come out from the hang system exit from unix shell/terminal Standard output (overwrite if exists) Example:cat file1>file2 Contents of file1 are copied in file2, if contents exists in file2, then it is overwritten No overwrite occurs, appends to the standard output Example:cat file1>>file2 Here the contents of file1 are appened to the contents of file2 command seperation Example: cat file1; ls -l list spelling errors repeat previous command seraches for line matching a pattern Example:grep "b.*g" filename >grep "ggg*" file Example: Search 7 digit phone number from file grep "[[:digit:]]\{3\}[ -][[:digit:]]\{4\}" filename Compare two files. Example: cmp file1 file2


; ispell filename !! grep


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