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Unit 3 Review Sheet Mr.

Bartelt’s Chemistry Class

1. Explain why ionic compounds are solids at room temperature. Draw a diagram if you
need to.

2. a)Would you expect H-Cl to be a solid, liquid or gas at room temperature? Why?
b)Would you expect H-H to be a solid, liquid or a gas at room temperature? Why?

3. Explain why metals are malleable, ductile, good conductors of heat and electricity,
solid at room temperature. Use the “electron sea” to explain your answer.

4. Draw a molecule that has linear geometry. One with bent geometry. Trigonal-planar

5. What’s wrong with the structure below? Correct it.

6. Would you expect the molecule above to have a higher boiling point than CO2? Why?

7. Explain why ethene (C2H4, picture below) is a flat molecule.

9. XeF2, CO2, and I3- are all very different molecules, but they all share the same
geometry. What is that geometry? Draw all their structures to aid your explanation.

10. Be able predict ionic and covalent bonding based on electronegativity difference.
11. Cubic close packing (below) is the most efficient packing possible. Why do ionic
compounds never use this type of packing?

12. Which image below most accurately represents a resonance structure? Explain.


↑↓ ↑↓ ↑ ↑
13. Carbon’s electron configuration in orbital notation is
1s 2s 2 p 2 p 2 p
That leaves only two unpaired p electrons. Carbon however, readily makes four bonds.
How is this possible?
Redraw the electron configuration in hybridized orbital notation to help explain your

14. Be able to draw Lewis dot structures for molecules with single, double, and triple
bonds. Also be able to draw Lewis dot structures for polyatomic ions. This should be in
your notes from earlier this week.

15. Be able to predict the geometries of molecules based on their Lewis structures. This
should be in your notes from earlier this week. Use the geometry sheet for this.

Bonus: Draw a single molecule (using either structural or Lewis dot notation) with all of
the following structural geometries:
1) Tetrahedral (0.5 pts)
2) Trigonal-planar (0.5 pts)
3) Bent (0.5 pts)
4) Linear (0.5 pts)
Indicate which central atom has which geometry

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