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The tale

The Equilibrium in this short film is the happiness

they had before they met each other, for example, Day was happy enjoying the sun and watching the joggers run by.

The disequilibrium is the fear and jealousy between the two characters Day and Night.

Todorovs theory:
This backs up todorovs theory, showing the

equilibrium and the dis-equilibrium.

The recognition of disorder:

This is where Day and Night almost fight trying to

show off themselves the most, this makes them jealous of each other making them both want to be the other.

Barthes theory
I would say that this short story fits in with his theory pretty well, he believes that there are five different codes: Action Enigma Symbolic Semic Cultural

The new equilibrium

The radio broadcast by Wayne Dyer helps the two calm

down and enjoy being together making them now friends.

The Hero:
Wayne Dyers radio Broadcast. This helps the two

become friends. The Villian: The Jealousy between the two at the start of the film.

Propps theory:
It is hard to say that this short story fits in with propps

theory since we only have three characters at most, therefore they cant directly fit in with the seven different characters. Because of this I would say Propps theory is pretty inaccurate.

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