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M. I. D. A. I. M.

My Dance of Love and Life

Meditation Imagery and Delivery

Affective Intentional Meditation
My Dance of Love and Life
The following is the meditation process that I currently use daily. Feel free to use it as is or adapt as you are led or how you feel most comfortable. Preparation: Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for at least 15 to 30 minutes. Sit comfortably on the floor; lay flat on your back, on the floor or bed, in a chair or standing with feet shoulder length apart. Whatever position you choose, keep your back and neck as straight (aligned) as possible, I recommend the sitting position the first few times you attempt this meditation. Loosen any tight fitting clothes or if able, go without clothing (optional). Background music is also optional. Breathing: When you read the word Breathe, it means to take a deep belly breath, in through the nose, belly extends out, hold for 3 seconds, exhale through the mouth (mouth forms an O) belly relaxes. Chakra Colors: Chakras are like electronic capacitors, they are able to hold a charge of energy and then discharge or allow that energy to flow through your electrical (nervous) system. Each chakra has a color associated with it as well as sound. We are only visualizing colors at each chakra in this meditation, from the root chakra up the colors are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Root is red Sacral is orange Solar plexus is yellow Heart is green Throat is blue Third eye is indigo Crown is violet Higher self is purple Galactic is white

Mudras or Hand Positions and Movements: Our hands and arms will be used to help direct energy flow, similar to yoga positions or Qi Gong. Position 1: Meditation Bowl, both hands are placed on the lap or if front of you at groin level, right hand on left with fingers fully stretched and the palms facing upwards. This will be used at the root, sacral, solar plexus and heart chakras.

M. I. D. A. I. M. My Dance of Love and Life Position 2: Holding the Crystal Ball, the hands are arched or cupped as if holding a jewel or crystal ball. This will be used at the throat and third eye chakras. Position 3: Eye of the Pyramid, fingers fully stretched and the palms facing out, thumbs and index fingers touching forming a triangle. This will be used at the third eye and crown chakras. Position 4: The Cup of Life, both hands are moved and held above the head, the heels of the palms are touching, the fingers and thumbs spread outward and upward forming a V or a cup. Position 5: Figure of the Goddess, fingers pointing up hands and with arms raised reaching up forming a giant cup, hands parted about 3 feet, similar to a referee signaling a touchdown. Position 6: Spread Eagle Cross, arms held straight out at your sides, level with your shoulders and palms facing down. Position 7: Praying Hands, the hands are kept close to the chest in devotional attitude with the palms and fingers joined. The praying hands will be used at heart level, throat level, pointed at throat, third eye level and raised above your head. Position 8: Figure of the God, hands raised reaching straight up with palms facing forward. Position 9: Extended Cup, arms held out directly in front of you with hands cupped as in holding a crystal ball. Position 10: Cup at the Heart, hands formed as if you are holding a crystal ball in the middle of your chest at heart level. Position 11: Eye of the Pyramid, fingers fully stretched and the palms facing out, thumbs and forefingers touching forming a triangle, held in front of your forehead at third eye level, thumbs even with eyebrows. Position 12: Meditation Bowl, both hands are placed on the lap or if front of you at groin level, right hand on left with fingers fully stretched and the palms facing upwards. From position 11 the arms stretch up and out at your sides in a giant circle back to the meditation bowl position. Position 13: Perfect Completion, the fingers are intertwined except the index fingers extend straight up and are together, thumbs can be crossed or extended up and together with the index fingers. Position 14: The Blessing, place your left hand over your heart and with the right hand extend your thumb, index and middle finger pointing up, the pinky and ring finger are curled down. Position 15: The Receptive Hands, the arms are extended down at about one foot from your sides with the palms facing forward, fingers straight and apart.

M. I. D. A. I. M. My Dance of Love and Life Now that you know what the positions are, practice them and become familiar with the gestures. Keep in mind that this will all flow smoothly into a form of what some have called the Dance of Life, a ritual that was kept secret for ages. This is my version that works miraculously for me and I am sure that with practice, it will become very useful for you as well. This is a very powerful meditation and the main point to keep in mind is Energy Flow. Set your Intention to allowing Universal Energy to flow as you focus your Attention at each position. Lets Begin Assume the position you wish to start in, close your eyes and focus your attention on your heart, take several cleansing breathes and quiet your mind. Ground yourself by imagining an energy cord going out of the bottom of your spine (root chakra) and extending down into the center of the earth. Once grounded, connect to your higher self and to the Universe by imagining an energy cord extending from your crown chakra up through the earths atmosphere, through the center of the galaxy and beyond. When you are ready, begin with position 1, breathe, and focus your attention on your root chakra, imagine a red ball of energy spinning and growing. Breathe and feel the energy building up and beginning to move up your spine. Breathe, move your meditation hands up to your sacral chakra just below your belly button and focus your attention on the orange ball of energy that begins to spin and grow. Breathe and feel the energy building up, blending with the root energy and beginning to move up your spine. Breathe, move your meditation hands up to your solar plexus chakra just above your belly button and focus your attention on the yellow ball of energy that begins to spin and grow. Breathe and feel the energy building up, blending with the root and sacral energy and beginning to move up your spine. Breathe, move your meditation hands up to your heart chakra at the middle of your chest and focus your attention on the green ball of energy that begins to spin and grow. Breathe and feel the energy building up, blending with the root, sacral and solar plexus energy and beginning to move up your spine. Breathe, change your hands to position 2 and hold your crystal ball up to your throat chakra just below your chin and focus your attention on the blue ball of energy that begins to spin and grow. Breathe and feel the energy building up, blending with the root, sacral, solar plexus and heart energy and beginning to move up your spine. Breathe, hold your crystal ball up to your third eye chakra in front of your forehead above your eyebrows and focus your attention on the indigo ball of energy that begins to spin and grow. Breathe and feel the energy building up, blending with the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart and throat energy and beginning to move up your spine.

M. I. D. A. I. M. My Dance of Love and Life Breathe, change your hands to position 3 and place your eye of the pyramid, directly on the crown chakra at the top of your head palms up and focus your attention on the violet ball of energy that begins to spin and grow. Breathe and feel the energy building up, blending with the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat and third eye energy and beginning to up above your head, spilling over and flowing all over your body, filling and energizing your aura. Breathe and allow the energy to circulate, enjoy the flow as each breath you take brings more energy. Breathe, change your hands to position 4, extend your arms above your head and hold your hands in the cup of life position. Imagine just above the cup of life, your higher self chakra, focus your attention there and imagine a purple ball of energy spinning and growing. Breathe and feel the energy building up, blending with the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown chakra energy and beginning to move up and above your head filling your higher self with Love and Gratitude. Breathe and Listen, hear your higher self express Love and Gratitude back to you. Breathe, change your hands to position 5, extend your arms above your head and hold the Goddess position. Imagine just above your higher self chakra the galactic chakra, focus your attention there and imagine a white ball of energy spinning and growing. Breathe and feel the energy building up, blending with the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, crown and higher self chakra energy and beginning to move up into the galactic chakra. Breathe and feel the energy intensify as the flow of energy is now circulating from deep within the core of the earth and up through your chakra system and into the Universe. Breathe and allow this circular flow of energy to bring you into a conscious awareness of Oneness. Breathe, change your hands to position 6, extend your arms held straight out at your sides, level with your shoulders and palms facing down. Breathe, picture a multi colored energy field surrounding your entire body. Breathe, feel this globe of energy growing and circulating through every energy center and cell of your physical body. Breathe and allow this energy to continue as you move to the next position. Breathe, change your hands to position 7, and bring your hands together to meet with the palms and fingers joined at the center of your chest, thumbs touching your breast bone (sternum). At this point set your intention by visualizing the end result of what you want accomplished your desire. Imagine the earth healed, with no pollution, clean water, clean air, no ozone holes. Imagine peace around the world with all beings waking up and working together in harmony. Visualize people being healed all over the world, all sickness and diseases melting away and dissolving into thin air. The possibilities are endless, there are limitless possibilities, miracles are manifesting astronomically. Breathe, let your higher self guide you with Love and Gratitude as the Universal Energy builds and flows in you, through you and around you. Breathe, move your praying hands up to your throat chakra level. Imagine yourself inside of two, three sided pyramids, one pointing up and one pointing down. (Those familiar with the

M. I. D. A. I. M. My Dance of Love and Life Merkaba Meditation, this is a variation of it.) You are directly in the center of a Star Tetrahedron. Breathe, feel the energy around you within the Star Tetrahedron growing and circulating through every energy center and cell of your physical body. Breathe; visualize a giant sphere of multi colored light energy forming around the Star Tetrahedron. Breathe; tilt your praying hands pointing your fingers toward your throat. Breathe and imagine the three sided pyramid pointing up beginning to spin clockwise. Breathe and imagine the three sided pyramid pointing down beginning to spin counter clockwise. Breathe and feel the energy created by the opposite rotation of the two parts of the Star Tetrahedron. Breathe and imagine the outer sphere begin to spin clockwise in sync with the up pointing pyramid. Breathe; feel the energy build, circulate and flow through every energy center and cell of your physical body. Breathe; move your praying hands up to your third eye chakra. Feel the sphere and pyramids begin to spin faster and faster to the point that all you see is swirling energy. Breathe; feel the energy build, circulate and flow through every energy center and cell of your physical body. Breathe; move your praying hands up over your crown chakra pointing toward your higher self. Breathe and give control of the spinning of the Star Tetrahedron and sphere over to your higher self. Breathe; feel the energy build, circulate and flow through every energy center and cell of your physical body. Breathe, change your hands to position 8, with your arms in the God position, hands raised reaching straight up with palms facing forward. Breathe; and visualize your body being totally encompassed within a Golden Flower of Life. Breathe; feel the energy build, circulate and flow through every energy center and cell of your physical body. Breathe; change your hands to position 9, while moving from the God position to the extended cup position, arms held out directly in front of you with hands cupped as in holding a crystal ball, feel your hands scooping up, gathering in this Golden energy and as your hands form a cup in front of you. Breathe and imagine the energy in your hands turn into a Golden Flower of Life about the size of a honey dew melon. Breathe; slowly change your hands to position 10, Cup at the Heart. Slowly move your hands in toward your heart. Breathe; when your hands touch your chest, feel and experience the radiant energy of the Golden Flower of Life enter the core of your being. Breathe; feel the energy radiate throughout every cell of your body, transforming it, activating your DNA, causing your whole being to glow with the most magnificent Light Energy that you can imagine. Breathe; change your hands to position 11, Eye of the Pyramid, fingers fully stretched and the palms facing out, thumbs and forefingers touching forming a triangle, held in front of your forehead at third eye level, thumbs even with eyebrows. Breathe; see yourself as you float inside the Golden Flower of Life sphere high above the earth. Breathe; as you look at our mother Gaia from high above her, you see millions of Golden Flower of Life spheres appearing all around,

M. I. D. A. I. M. My Dance of Love and Life each one has a form inside; Divine Beings of Light are inside, radiating brilliant beams of Light Energy. Breathe; a veil lifts and you know and feel Divine Oneness with each Being, you experience the flow of Divine Love and Peace. Breathe and Enjoy! Breathe; change your hands to position 12, from the Eye of the pyramid, the arms stretch up and out at your sides in a giant circle back to the meditation bowl position in front of your groin. Breathe; you are in the Divine Presence of All That Is! You realize that you are a child of the Universe, a child of All That Is, you feel at one with All That Is, you feel Divine Oneness! Breathe and Enjoy! Breathe; change your hands to position 13, Perfect Completion, the fingers are intertwined except the index fingers extend straight up and are together, thumbs can be crossed or extended up and together with the index fingers. Breathe; move your hands to your heart chakra with your thumbs touching the center of your chest. Breathe; bask in the Presence of the Divine and listen, be open to receive insights, answers, gifts, direction, the Flow of Abundance, The Flow of Love, Joy and Peace. Breathe and Enjoy! Breathe; you begin to sense that your Golden Flower of Life sphere is moving and you that all of the others are also moving and you have a knowing that this is being orchestrated by a power outside of this Galaxy. Breathe; you see that all of the Golden Flower of Life spheres are beginning to combine and link together to form one gigantic Golden Flower of Life sphere with millions of Divine Beings inside facing toward Gaia and you are one of them. Breathe; the only thoughts and feelings that you sense are those of Divine Love and Gratitude. Breathe; you instinctively move to Position 14, The Blessing, you place your left hand over your heart and with the right hand extend your thumb, index and middle finger pointing up, the pinky and ring finger are curled down. Breathe; every being inside the gigantic Golden Flower of Life sphere are in sync with their movements to the Blessing position. Breathe; you begin feel a very strong high vibration energy coming from every direction and intensifying when all at once, every being including you begin to stretch their right hand forward. Breathe; each arm reaches full extension and beams of energy flow out of our palms, joining together to form one large ray of Universal Energy. Breathe; you see the beam of energy flow through space and penetrate Gaia, filling her with the Love and Gratitude that is flowing from our hearts. Breathe; you see this magnificent planet, the Goddess Gaia, begin to glow and radiate beams of light in every direction. Breathe; you instinctively know that she is healing and she heals, millions of people on the planet begin to awaken and start to become consciously aware of who they are and why they are here. Breathe; move to position 15, the Receptive Hands, the arms are extended down at about one foot from your sides with the palms facing forward, fingers straight and apart. Breathe; the beam of energy continues to flow and as Gaia beams forth light energy, you feel a new energy flowing up through your root energy cord spreading through your being up and out of your crown energy

M. I. D. A. I. M. My Dance of Love and Life cord, causing your Golden Flower of Life sphere to pulsate with vivid colors changing with each beat. Breathe; each Golden Flower of Life sphere is also pulsating with varying vivid colors and we all begin to unlink from the gigantic sphere. Breathe; you feel another form of energy flowing down through your crown energy cord filling your entire being and continuing down through the root energy cord and into the core of Gaia. Breathe; you have now become one of many energy conduits that allow the unrestricted flow of Universal Energy from All That Is, through us, into Gaia and her population and back to Source. Breathe; enjoy the flow of energy and feel the Oneness with all of the beings that have joined with you, feel the Oneness that we are with Gaia and let Divine Love and Gratitude flow from your heart, mixing with the Universal Energy, changing us forever and binding us together, united with a Divine purpose and perspective. Breathe; Move your hands back to position 13, Perfect Completion, the fingers are intertwined except the index fingers extend straight up and are together, thumbs can be crossed or extended up and together with the index fingers. Breathe; as the energy continues to flow, use this moment as an opportunity to commune with your higher self, all the Divine beings, Gaia, the Universe or All That Is. Breathe; allow yourself to be cradled in the loving arms of the Universe, be healed, be inspired, and be blessed! Breathe; when you are ready, salute all with position 7, praying hands and a heartfelt Namaste, My Divine Love to You, Your Divine Love to Me! Breathe; open your eyes and shake yourself off, stretch, walk around and take this peaceful loving feeling with you for the rest of the day. Until we meet again, Blessed Be!

If you made it this far and have only read this meditation, I encourage you to follow through and do it. I know that some of it may not quite follow along with traditional dogmas or beliefs, but so what, these are not traditional times. These are extraordinary times and this is an extraordinary meditation and you are an extraordinary person. Open your mind to the possibilities of what you are able to create as a child of the Universe. You are Magickal, you are Mystical and there is not anything that you cannot accomplish when you believe. You have more potential inside of you than you know, so begin to imagine the possibilities and join me in a challenge to change ourselves, our environment, and our world. Thank you for taking the time to read through this meditation, I hope it works for you, but if not, feel free to take from it what does and meditate the way that feels most comfortable for you. Do not let the intensity of the energy flow scare you off, the Universe is intelligent and polite and will not force itself on you or anyone else. At the very least, I hope you were inspired to start to regularly meditate and join in on this exciting change that we are all going through.

M. I. D. A. I. M. My Dance of Love and Life Please contact me and give me some feedback, it would be nice to know your thoughts and feelings and thing that you may have experienced while participating in this meditation. James Bryan When you make the two one and when you make the inner as the outer and the Above As below, and when you make the Male and the Female into a single One then you shall enter the kingdom. The Gospel of Thomas

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Copyright 2009 - 2010 James Bryan - All Rights Reserved.

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