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URBAN SPON( taneus ) GE(notype)

Lanalisi della citt di Riga e, in particolare, di quello che stato il suo sviluppo urbano dal Medioevo fino ai tempi recenti ha suggerito
sostanzialmente 4 momenti fondamentali dello sviluppo della citt: -la parte del centro citt di impostazione medievale con una forte
identit culturale e storica ma con la mancanza di spazi verdi privati -la parte di citt consolidata definita da un netto disegno urbano,
uno sfruttamento attento del suolo grazie ad una maggiore densit abitativa ma, anche in questo caso, con la mancanza di aree verdi -
la creazione di quartieri sulla base delle sperimentazioni progettuali della seconda met del 900 con grandi edifici e grandi spazi
verdi ma basse densit abitative e scarsa esaltazione dellindividualit dellindividuo. -lo sprawl urbano degli ultimi decenni che ha
portato alla creazione di aree a bassa densit abitativa con molte aree verdi ma con pochi servizi pubblici. Da qui lidea di creare un
sistema vitale e soprattutto un sistema performativo, in grado cio, di immagazzinare informazioni e generare non solo linee guide per
un progetto, ma soprattutto occasioni di sviluppi futuri sempre nuovi e rispondenti a nuove esigenze. I dati relativi allo sviluppo del
distretto di Rumbula, le analisi legate allo sviluppo storico sono state immagazzinate insieme per creare un sistema attivo costituito da
vettori in grado di generare direzioni di sviluppo. Le suddette direzioni hanno portato alla definizione di una griglia tridimensionale, di
una tipologia espansa e unica dell edificio in contrapposizione alla frammentazione proposta dal vecchio piano e a dare un ruolo
predominante alla socialit degli spazi verdi.
La griglia critica che ha guidato queste scelte ha puntato a garantire un bilanciamento dei valori continuo. Ogni tema del progetto
stato affrontato affinch fosse soddisfatta larmonia fra tre grandi sfere di influenza:
1.lindividualit dei singoli soggetti che avrebbero vissuto e fruito gli spazi;
2. la socialit nel garantire diverse e sempre nuove occasioni di convivenza e di condivisione degli spazi creare un desiderio di
appartenenza senza annullare mai la necessit si individualit;
3. l ecologia (oikos, casa ; logos, discorso) cercando di stabilire non solo dei parametri di rispetto ambientali ma anche delle
modalit di intervento in grado di influire positivamente sul futuro degli ambienti di tale insediamento.
Si sviluppato un sistema complesso risultato di intricati schemi di trame che si intrecciano, reti allinterno di reti pi grandi secondo
un pensiero olistico votato alla cooperazione pi che alla competizione, alla qualit pi che alla quantit, allassociazione pi che alla
dominazione. Sono scaturiti alcuni punti cardini da affrontare:
-Le modalit di colonizzazione. Cosa si intende per colonizzare e come questa pu apportare sviluppo e vantaggi per la crescita di
una citt.
-La definizione del sistema formale/funzionale/performativo per lidentificazione delle reti cruciali e la misura delle diverse parti del
progetto definite nei loro rapporti e nella loro interscalarit urbana.
-Ledificio come fusione di singoli edifici in una struttura espansa in grado di produrre nuove modalit di vita e fruizione degli spazi
interni ed esterni.
-Le scelte di natura tecnologica e ambientale nel progettare linsediamento e nel costruire i singoli edifici. Integrazione di sistemi
passivi e delle tecnologie pi innovative riguardo le fonti energetiche rinnovabili (FER). Lobiettivo quello di integrare tutte le misure
di efficienza energetica pi adeguate per valorizzare le risorse naturali del sito in esame e migliorare la qualit dellaria interna degli

Team Arch. Giorgio Antonazzo + Arch. Domenico Conaci Arch. Claudia La Spada Arch. Domenica Piperno Arch. Martino
Fraschetti Arch. Florindo Ricciuti Arch. Vincenzo Tattolo

CATEGORY Designing public space, along the
river next to the Green City
LOCATION Riga (Rumbula / !engarags) Latvia
STUDY SITE Approx. 42,34 ha
SITE OF PROJECT Approx. 13,13 ha
SITE PROPOSED BY The city of Riga
OWNERS OF THE SITE The city of Riga, R"gas pa#vald"bas
Rigas Pilsetbuvnieks Ltd.
The site is located in the southern part of Riga City (Kengarags/Rumbula) next
to the main road leading from the Historic Centre to the South East regions of
Latvia, Russia and Belarus. It is located on the right bank of the River Daugava
between the urban development project green city and the former airport Rum-
bula. A broad green belt along the River Daugava enables unlimited public ac-
cess to the riverside. The competition entries are expected to give solutions to a
contemporary urban development of the public space between the riverside and
the major street with dwelling area, ofces, school, kindergarten, the promenade
with recreational and entertainment infrastructure including small shops, cafete-
rias, leisure equipment for the beach and water, as well as locating the navigation
terminal in the competition area, enabling the connection with other parts of Riga
like Dole Island, historic city centre, Zakusala, Lucavsala, the Riga Gulf, etc.
The Riga historic centre is on the list of the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage
Sites owing to the considerations that the historic centre of Riga, while retaining
its medieval and later urban fabric relatively intact, is of outstanding universal
value by virtue of the quality and the quantity of its Art Nouveau architecture,
which is unparalleled anywhere in the world, and its 19th century architecture in
wood. In the 20th and 21st century Riga is rapidly expanding, retaining the main
axis of the city the river of Daugava. The Rumbula residential area is located
in a very exclusive site at the waterfront, in the green part of Riga. An important
decision of the city has been made to create a green city and a new residential
and administrative center in this part of Riga (total area of 310 ha).
Riga - Latvia - europan10 Transforming a eld by the river into a sustainable urban area
!"#$%&'($ CesLalLung des enLllchen 8aumes enLlang des llusses ln nachbar!
scha zur ,Cunen SLadL
)"%$ 8lga (8umbula / kengarags)
*$#'"/0#-.%1%$*($#2242,34 ha
3'&4$!#%$*($#2213,13 ha
1#".5&'#+&'1/0)"%22SLadL 8lga
$(%$.#67$' SLadL 8lga, 8lgas pasvaldlbas ,8lgas llseLbuvnleks LLd.
uas hlsLorlsche SLadLzenLrum 8lgas gehrL zum unLSCC WelLkulLurerbe. ules lsL
nlchL nur den relauv lnLakLen mluelalLerllchen und spaLeren urbanen SLrukLuren
geschuldeL, sondern auch der hohen CuallLaL und CuanuLaL vorhandener !ugend!
sularchlLekLur, dle auf der WelL elnzlgarug lsL, und der PolzbauLen aus dem 19.
!ahrhunderL. lm 20. und 21. !ahrhunderL wuchs 8lga sehr schnell, behlelL aber dle
PaupLachse der SLadL bel - den lluss uaugava. uas WohngebleL 8umbula llegL an el!
nem sehr exkluslven SLandorL am llussufer, dem grunen 1ell 8lgas. ule SLadL Lraf dle
wlchuge LnLscheldung, elne ,grune SLadL zu schaen und eln neues WohngebleL
und verwalLungszenLrum ln dlesem 1ell 8lgas (Cesamulache 310 ha) zu enLwlckeln
uer SLandorL llegL lm sudllchen 1ell der SLadL 8lga (kengarags/8umbula) neben der
PaupLsLrae, dle vom hlsLorlschen ZenLrum zu den sudsLllchen 8eglonen Leulands,
8usslands und Welrusslands fuhrL. Lr bendeL slch am rechLen ufer des llusses
uaugava zwlschen dem SLadLenLwlcklungspro[ekL ,Crune SLadL und dem fruheren
llughafen 8umbula. Lln brelLer gruner CurLel enLlang des llusses uaugava bleLeL
der 8evlkerung ungehlnderLen Zugang zum lluss. ule WeubewerbsbelLrage sollen
Lsungen fur elne zelLgemae urbane LnLwlcklung der enLllchen llachen zwl!
schen dem llussufer und der PaupLsLrae bleLen, dazu zahlen WohngebleLe, 8uros,
Schulen, klndergarLen, dle romenade mlL Lrholungs- und vergnugungslnfrasLruk!
Lur elnschllellch klelner Ceschae, Cafes, AngeboLen fur SLrand und WassersporL
sowle der SLandorL der Anlegebrucke lm WeubewerbsgebleL. uamlL soll dle verneL!
zung mlL anderen 1ellen 8lgas wle der lnsel uole, dem hlsLorlschen SLadLzenLrum,
Zakusala, Lucavsala, den Colf von 8lga eLc. ermgllchL werden.
$(.$.206%$)2-'*".(1($'$. '9:;2<2);=>9?;2<2@ABCD;E2FG
europan10 - Latvia - Riga
The competition site is expected to become an important administrative and re-
sidential center in the southern part of Riga, including residential blocks, public
areas, health-care facilities and state/municipal buildings, remaining the existing
qualities of the landscape and surroundings. In the city development plan for the
period of 2006-2018 the study area is marked with the perspective streets in se-
veral quarters, foreseen for the development of buildings with up to 13 -17 oors
with ofces and retail function.
The diversity of trafc and pedestrian ows in the competition site should be
ensured by the functionality of the area. As mentioned before, the promenade
is one of very important elements, as it is part of the continuous city promenade
along the River Daugava.
The main goal is an overall concept that integrates all forms of mobility and lively
coexistence. The design concept for the circulation in the competition area, in-
cluding the main road, pedestrian and cycling paths uniting Riga historic center
and the outskirts of Riga, landscaping for the streets, green areas and embank-
ment of the river Daugava, are the essential mobility issues. The location of the
competition site provides an additional transport connection by water, offering a
place for navigation terminal for riverboats in such a way also enabling a higher
energetic efciency of the area and reduction of the street trafc.
Since Riga is expanding as the center of Latvia and Baltics, new residential
areas and public spaces are very important for future development. The com-
petition area in the future will become as a new public centre, giving functional
supplementation and offering citizens a wide variety of social networks and re-
creational activities. In the surroundings of the competition site there will develop
the green city, the new culture centre, park and ride.
The competition area is located along the waterfront of Daugava, next to the
green city, surrounded by a green belt, therefore all environmental issues rela-
ted to the waterside development should be considered. The competition area
should also be complemented with a promenade circle shielding the area from
the major street Maskavas Street. The new development of the area has to
meet the requirements of sustainability cities, trying to reconcile the urgent needs
for effective environmental protection and saving energy, focusing on improve-
ment of the interaction with the natural environment.
city center
the site
den, als funkuonale Lrganzung dlenen und den Llnwohnern elne vlelzahl sozlaler
neLzwerke und Lrholungsachen bleLen. ln der umgebung des WeubewerbsgebleLs
soll dle ,grune SLadL, das neue kulLurzenLrum und eln ,ark + 8lde enLsLehen.
uas WeubewerbsgebleL bendeL slch am ufer des llusses uaugava ln der nahe zur
,grunen SLadL, umgeben von elnem grunen CurLel. ueshalb mussen alle umwelL!
fragen bezugllch der uferenLwlcklung errLerL werden. uas WeubewerbsgebleL
sollLe welLerhln mlL elner rlngfrmlgen romenade erganzL werden, welche das
CebleL von der PaupLverkehrsader Maskavas-SLrae abschlrmL. ule LnLwlcklung
des CebleLes muss den Anforderungen an nachhaluge SLadLenLwlcklung gerechL
werden und das drlngende 8edurfnls nach eekuvem umwelLschuLz und Lnergle!
elnsparung erfullen sowle slch auf dle verbesserung der lnLerakuon mlL der naLur
uas PaupLzlel lsL eln CesamLkonzepL, das alle lormen der MoblllLaL und lebhaen
koexlsLenz lnLegrlerL. uas LnLwurfskonzepL fur den verkehr lm WeubewerbsgebleL
elnschllellch der PaupLsLrae, lu- und 8adwege, welche das hlsLorlsche SLadLzen!
Lrum mlL den 8andbezlrken 8lgas verblnden, dle LandschasgesLalLung der SLraen,
Crunachen und ufer des llusses uaugava slnd dle wlchugsLen SchwerpunkLe ln
Plnbllck auf dle MoblllLaL. ule Lage des WeubewerbssLandorLes ermgllchL elne
zusaLzllche 1ransporLverblndung uber das Wasser und bleLeL elnen CrL fur elne
SchlsanlegesLelle, sodass dle Lnergleemzlenz des CebleLes erhhL und der SLra!
enverkehr vermlnderL werden kann.
ua 8lga als ZenLrum Leulands und des 8alukums wachsL, slnd neue WohngebleLe
und enLllche llachen fur dle zukunlge LnLwlcklung sehr wlchug. uas Weube!
werbsgebleL wlrd ln der Zukun eln neues ZenLrum fur das enLllche Leben wer!
uer WeubewerbssLandorL soll eln wlchuges verwalLungs- und WohnzenLrum lm
sudllchen 1ell 8lgas werden, elnschllellch Wohngebauden, enLllchen llachen,
CesundhelLselnrlchLungen und Cebauden der SLadLverwalLung und der 8eglerung.
ule besLehenden CuallLaLen der Landscha und der umgebung sollen erhalLen
blelben. lm SLadLenLwlcklungsplan fur 2006 - 2018 slnd lm 8eLrachLungsgebleL dle
zukunlgen SLraen ln verschledenen vlerLeln marklerL, dle fur dle LnLwlcklung von
Cebauden mlL bls zu 13 - 17 SLockwerken fur dle nuLzung mlL 8uros und Llnzelhan!
delsgeschaen vorgesehen slnd.
ule vlelfalL von verkehrsussen lm WeubewerbsgebleL soll durch dle lunkuonall!
LaL des CebleLes gewahrlelsLeL werden. Wle schon erwahnL, lsL dle uferpromenade
elnes der wlchugsLen LlemenLe, das sle 1ell der forLlaufenden SLadLpromenade enL!
lang des llusses uaugava lsL.
Riga - Latvia - europan10
A - Aerial view on the site
A - View from the site over the river Daugava to the opposed embankment
C - Aerial view of the site
B - View over the allotment gardens on the site
D - View of the site
europan10 - Latvia - Riga RigaLatvijaeuropan10 !"#$%&%'$()"*$%&%+,-./$0%12
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