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After Thomas Essay Notes

Mise en scene Lighting All very dull to begin with. Main light on the kid and his mother in the middle of the road. Red cars drive by giving us the connotation of danger, which we already think because we see the scene of the middle of the road with cars surrounding them. Setting Traffic passing by while they are stuck in the road gives us the feeling that everyones life still goes on forward, but the boy and the women are stuck going nowhere. Change of scene Man in the office, main light is over his desk, this lets us know he is the man person. Everyones rushing away and he is still working, this tells us he is very committed to his work. Body Language Its a normal mum trying to teach her son how to behave well. She becomes angry when many people surround them and judge them instantly before knowing her kid is handicapped. Camera angles Close ups show the emotion Distress Also gives us the bigger details Scratches on mothers face Long shot sets scene outside the shoe shop Over the shoulder shot on the shop assistant to give us her point of view Makes us feel like she does, judging the boy and his mum Narrative theory Todorov Challenges theory with no real balance at the start Barthes Use of enigma and action codes Levi Strauss Binary opposite Mum and disabled boy / Mum and normal girl Narrative time Subjective time audience feels the same as the character at that time Real time We go through the road incident again, feeling the emotion of the mother

Sound Manipulated/blurred sound Cars, kid in distress Non diegetic music plays, keeping us unsure of what is happening enigma code Contrast violin usually thought of as calm, and screaming in distress Transitions/editing Slow motion Gives us the feeling that their world is standing still Straight cut to white screen as it takes us back to before Date gives audience a time

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