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M Isabel Prez Ortega


Could (can) to learn the best way job busboy float kitchenhand minimum wage builder brick later labourer to manage smile feelings needs (pl) a lot of to become (became, become) to order to prepare to sell customer to handle complaints (pl) courteous pleasant fair co-worker colleague workmate to mind hard long to require price high to provide lower amount supplies (pl) own family feeling to enjoy I.E.S. La Rosaleda pude, podra aprender el mejor, la mejor modo, camino, manera, forma trabajo ayudante de camarero ayudante de camareto ayudante de cocina paga mnima (S.M.I.) constructor albail albail dirigir sonrisa sentimientos necesidades un montn de
llegar a ser

ordenar preparar vender CLIENTE tratar, manejar quejas corts amable justo compaero compaero (formal) compaero (informal) importar (me importa...., no me importa..) duro largo (tiempo) requerir precio alto (altura, para el precio) proporcionar ms bajo cantidad suministros propio (own business= propio negocio) ambiente familiar divertirse 2011-2012


M Isabel Prez Ortega

to act to treat to decide to plan few worker owner self-employed whole business competition qualities (pl) skills to compete requirements manufacturing retailing service trades retailer to deal with to occur to serve to include fast food entertainment types comfortable singers bands live acts to charge to attract tasty dishes to taste income business workers shoppers travellers professional people to consider a topic to discuss in detail might success education experience management skills advantage I.E.S. La Rosaleda

actuar tratar decidir planear pocos, pocas trabajador propietario autoempleo todo (totalidad) negocio competidor cualidades habilidades competir requerimientos industria manufacturera venta al por menor servicios de comercio vendedor al por menor tratar, manejar ocurrir servir incluir comida rpida tipos de entretenimientos confortable cantantes bandas actuaciones en vivo cargar atraer platos sabrosos degustar, probar ingreso hombres de negocios compradores viajantes gente profesional considerar un tema (tpico) discutir (debatir) en detalle puede xito educacin experiencia habilidades de direccin ventaja 2011-2012


M Isabel Prez Ortega

to cook cost to arrive to provide standard of service simple menu relationship employees to hope help below barbeque approach to forget better deal free to inform happenings to create image catchy name item licences to meet health permits to protect to carry insurances to find out

cocinar coste llegar proporcionar calidad de servicio simple men relacin empleados esperar ayuda debajo barbacoa acercamiento olvidar un buen trato libre informar acontecimientos crear imagen un nombre pegadizo un tema licencias encontrat salud permisos proteger llevar seguros averiguar, descubrir

I.E.S. La Rosaleda


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