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Dr. Katie Leah, ND Naturopathic Physician

Determining a womans breast cancer risk is the first step in designing a screening and prevention plan Current medical view of risk factors for breast cancer: 1. Family history of breast cancer or ovarian cancer 2. Genetic mutations in breast cancer genes 3. Above average exposure to sources of estrogen First period earlier than 12 years old Estrogen use (birth control pill) for longer than (4) years Having never given birth or given birth for the first time after 30 Hormone replacement therapy use for more than (3) years Menopause after 55 years 4. A history of breast disease or dense breast tissue 5. Overweight or obesity 6. Lack of breast-feeding 7. Radiation exposure to the chest before 35 years Only about 30% of breast cancers can be linked to one of the following: Genetics Estrogen exposure Family history That means that about 70% of breast cancers are influenced by lifestyle and health choices. Be proactive and optimize these! The breasts are a part of the bodys early warning system and display functional changes before cancers develops Most breast lumps are not breast cancer, but contact your physician for screening and prevention if you experience any of the following symptoms: A lump or swelling in your breast or armpit A change in breast size or shape Dimpling or puckering of the skin Redness, swelling, or increased warmth in the breast Changes to the nipple: turning inward, discharge, rash or crusting
Dr. Katie Leah, ND 2011 Suite 730 1285 West Broadway St., Vancouver, BC V6H 3X8 Phone: 604.738.1012 Fax: 604.732.9332 @drkatieleahND

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