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Now this digipak is instantly interesting as there is a lot going on at once, compared to the other analysiss this front

and back is very artistic and abstract at the same time. It reminds me of a collage because of how all of the images overlap one another. For example having a random bite out of an apple and some cut out of a newspaper on the front. It just seems like they have stuck on some meaningless images, but have managed to make a collage out of it. The bands signature logo is still used this is to attract the buyers that may not have known the album was by oasis. The back panel lists the track names but misses out a common connotation of numbering them. The font of the tracks also have a painted on type of look about them. The artwork for the album was created by the artist Julian House, collages and comic book style graphic designs are what his work is known for. He also takes a lot of influence from the old pulp fiction magazines.

The way that the objects are layer out makes it look as though they are in the wrong place. For example the ship that is in the sky on the left it should be on the front where the sea is shown. Butterflies have also featured on two of the artworks this could be due to their association with the background which is the sky.

Finally the CD itself the colour used which is brown may have been used to illustrate it as dirt which is a reference to the title of the album Dig Out Your Soul.

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