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Krissi Wester Mr.

Neuburger English Comp 102-104 27 April 2012 Single Paragraph Essay Wealth is in the Eye of the Beholder Lars Eighners On Dumpster Diving on the surface gives readers a close look at what its like to be homeless and the need to scavenge from dumpsters. As the story unfolds its clear Eighner is neither ashamed, nor lacking in wealth. At first Eighner seems shy about rummaging through dumpsters because of the not so appetizing, the period of repulsion is short lived compared to treasures found. As Eighner put it, The diver, after all, has the last laugh. He is finding all manner of good things that are his for the taking. Those who disparage his profession are the fools.(259) Eighner takes pride in knowing the ins and outs of Dumpster Diving as though it is specific profession. He is proud of his neeldlework ability, and his literary collection, indicating wealth of knowledge and refinement. He states he has lost material possessions many times and feels his lack of desire to seek the material is shared with the wealthy. We both know there is plenty more where what we saw came from. Between us are the rat-race millions who nightly scavenge the cable channels looking for they know not what. I feel sorry for them. (Eighner, 265)

Eighner, Lars On Dumpster Diving. Power of Language Language of Power. Pearson Learning Solutions, 2011. 357-69. Print.

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