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Agnita Siska Pramasdyahsari, S. Pd.

(IMPoME 117785044)

SCENARIO OF LEARNING PROCESS (Application of using cube and cuboid formulas) Step 1. Present the problem in a general form. Teacher : We have learned about formula volume of cube and cuboid. Now, I bring a box with the size like this [ teacher pointed the box that she hold ], then I want to keep the small box that you have made there. How many box with the same size that I need to accomodate all of small boxes that you have made. : [There are 24 student in the classroom and each of them make 3 small boxes.] Step 2. Restate the problem in a solvable form. Teacher : How do you count the number of small box that can be accomodate in every box? : I dont know whether the small box that we have made fulfill the box that you provide. : So, what is the problem that you face? Does anyone understand my question? : I know what does it mean, I just wonder is it possible for us to collect the small box that we have into a box that you provide, since both of them have different shape? : Sure, then what is the shape of the box that I hold? : Cube mom, but our small boxs shape is cuboid. : Great, what is the problem that make you confuse then? : Since between cube and cuboid have different size. A cube has the same size of edge but the cuboid has different size of length, width, and height. It makes us not so sure it can do. : What can I do to convince you that this box will be accomodate fully your small boxes? : Try to arrange in the base of cube with the small box. : Can anyone help me to arrange it just for in the base level? : [ Teacher guide a student to arrange the small box in the base level, then all the students sure that the box will accomodate full exactly of its shape since they found that the size of cuboid is appropriate with the size of cube.]


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Agnita Siska Pramasdyahsari, S. Pd. (IMPoME 117785044)


: [ The size of cube are 90 cm x 90 cm x 90 cm then cuboid are 15 cm x 5 cm x 5 cm] : Is it understandable for you to solve the problem? : [ Almost of the students show the indication that they understand the problem.] Step 3. Formulate hypotheses and procedures for solving the problem.

Teacher Note


: Now, our duty is find out the method to count the number of small box in each box. Does anyone have an idea? : Just continue composition of small box that you arrange in the base level until the top level fulfill exactly the box. : Is that idea can be applied generally? : No, because we will take much more time if the box that provide is very big. : Thats a good reason. Does anyone else have different idea? : By using a pattern that we found in the base level then multiply it with the number of level that we get by divide the size of edges box with the height of small box. : We need to use the formula that we learned before. : Okay, lets summarize our methods and list the strengths and weakness of each method. : [ The class discuss about the advantages and disadvantages each method. ] Step 4. Test hypotheses and carry out strategies to solve the problem.

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: What is the formula volume of cube and cuboid? Does anyone remember? : Since a cube have the same size of its edge so we get the volume is edge x edge x edge. Whereas, the cuboid have a length, a width and a height so we can formulate the volume = length x width x height. : Great, what is the next step to solve the problem? : After we formulate the volume of them then divide the volume of cube with the volume of cuboid. We obtain the number of small box in each of box. : So, then what will you do after you determine the number of small box in each of box? What does it make a sense to get the answer how many box that we need to accomodate all of your small boxes. 2

Teacher Student


Agnita Siska Pramasdyahsari, S. Pd. (IMPoME 117785044)

A Student

: We just count the total number of small box in our classroom, then we divide it with the number of each box. : [ It is clear to do this step since the student already know the formula of it. ] Step 5. Verify the solution and analyze the solution strategies.


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: How do we know that is correct ? : By checking use others methods that we list before. : Which methods will you use to check your answer is correct? : I think by using a pattern in the base level and count the number of level until top of box is more simple than we have to count one by one. : Okay, lets try count with the pattern. : [ The class uses the pattern to find the total number of small box in the box. ] : Did you get the same answer by using the pattern as you use the formula? : Yes, but we have to take a long time to arange the small box in the base level. Then, count the number of level it has. It is not quite efficient to do. : So, what does the general strategy to solve the problem like this if you face the same problem? : We have to analyze the problem first about their size. : In my opinion, if the of box and something that we want to keep in have the quite same shape, its better to use formula volume both of them then do others operations. : We have to understand the mean of problem first. : Anything else? : Come up with different idea to solve the problem and discuss of them to decide which ones the best way. : We need guiding from our teacher to find out more strategies and we get reinforcement whether it is correct or not, is it appropriate to apply or not? : You have stated some of general step to solve this problem, by doing discussion and using the real and contextual problem with visual aid you can solve the problem easily.

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