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rogress keport

Mrs kenda||'s Lng||sh 9

uurlng Lhls unlL we have been worklng on ersonal wrlLlng We learned abouL lnference
maklng connecLlons (LexL Lo LexL LexL Lo self LexL Lo world) volce recounLs organlzlng our
LhoughLs and graphlc organlzers
We have blnders whlch are organlzed ln Lhree secLlons 1oolbox/LoolklL under consLrucLlon
and [ournal SLudenLs are responslble for organlzlng Lhelr blnders and maklng sure Lhey have
compleLed all Lhe asslgned maLerlal

Category Items Comp|eted Incomp|ete]
1oo|box In th|s sect|on
students |nc|ude any
resource that they w|||
need to refer to at a |ater
leaLures of recounLs
8ecounL 8ubrlc
Maklng connecLlons
graphlc organlzer

volce graphlc
organlzer WhaL Lypes
of words were used?"

lnference graphlc

Lnd of unlL asslgnmenL

Under Construct|on In
th|s sect|on students
|nc|ude |tems that they
are work|ng on
ConnecLlons A Sllce
of Peaven"

AuLoblography of your

ConnecLlons SLlnky

ConnecLlons graphlc
organlzer based on
your own novel x2

lnference graphlc
organlzer based on
your novel

8aLman comlc ln
MosL embarrasslng

Lnd of unlL asslgnmenL

Lnd of unlL asslgnmenL

Lnd of unlL asslgnmenL

Lnd of unlL asslgnmenL
llnal copy

ourna| In th|s sect|on
students wr|te [ourna|
!ournal #1
!ournal #2
!ournal #3

_________________________ currenL Mark ls ____
We have adopLed Lhe LlLeracy Workshop formaL whlch ls allowlng sLudenLs Lo read and wrlLe boLh
lndependenLly and collaboraLlvely 1he goal of Lhe LlLeracy Workshop ls Lo meeL sLudenLs' lndlvldual
learnlng needs and Lo supporL Lhem ln faclng ever lncreaslng llLeracy demands
lL wlll help sLudenLs sLrengLhen Lhelr llLeracy skllls and Lransfer Lhese sLraLegles Lo oLher conLenL areas
1hls course ls coverlng all of Lhe llLeracy sLrands and ouLcomes as ouLllned ln Lhe ALlanLlc Canada Lngllsh
Language ArLs Currlculum documenL
Marks are based on pracLlce Llme of speclflc skllls and an end of unlL asslgnmenL LhaL wlll LesL Lhose

lease leL me know lf you have any quesLlons

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