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FADE IN: EXT: WILDERNESS - LATE DAY JESUS (late 20s) walks up a mountain side in SILHOUETTE. He find a rock to rest on. As he sits, the sky grows dark. NARRATOR (V.O.) Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the Devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said. The DEVIL (see illustrations) appears in flames behind him. DEVIL Tell me my boy, are you really the son of God as you preach? JESUS If I were to tell you by what authority I am doing these things, would you say it was from God or men? DEVIL Ah, well I've watched you roam this desert for miles and you haven't eaten a thing. If in deed you are who you say, then tell these stones to turn into bread. JESUS It is written, man cannot live off bread alone. But rather every word that comes from the mouth of God is nourishment. The devil's face grows agitated. He disappears in the same flames from which he came. Jesus peers his shoulder, to find no-one there. The sky returns. EXT: WILDERNESS - SUNSET Jesus comes upon the mountain side in SILHOUETTE. NARRATOR (V.O.) Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the

highest point of the temple. Jesus looks over the dusty edge. DEVIL My boy. Tell me once more where are your mother and brothers from again? Bethlehem? No Egypt! JESUS Whoever does the will of my father are my mothers and brothers. DEVIL Then surely you can cast your feet from this ledge and not be harmed. For concerning you he will command his angels to guard you carefully. They will hoist you mid-air so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. The devil wanders off the ledge and levitates. JESUS It is written do not put the Lord to the test. He vaporizes to the side of Jesus. Grabbing his shoulders. DEVIL But it's not a test, if you are who you say you are. The WIND continues to blow. The devil notices. Jesus begins to grow frustrated; THUNDER cracks. He turns to find no-one. EXT. WILDERNESS - NIGHT Jesus continues up the mountain amongst the wilderness in shadow. NARRATOR (V.O.) Again the devil took him to a very high place and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. The devil appears once more. DEVIL Come now. All this could all be

yours, for it is mine and I have the right to give it to whomever I want. And I will give it to you, if you but bow to my feet and worship me. The barren city TRANSFORMS to gold. JESUS Again, it is written, Worship the Lord, your God, and serve him only. DEVIL I grow tired of this...this resistance. The devil pushes Jesus off the side of the ledge. Jesus stumbles off. The devil LAUGHS maniacally, then his face grows as still as stone. Jesus rises over the side of the ledge in light; carried by angels. DEVIL What the --. JESUS My soul finds rest in God alone; My salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock, and my salvation. He is my fortress, and I will never be shaken. Now Away from me Satan! THUNDER CRACKS and STRIKES the ground. The Devil flees in flames just in time. The angels guide him to safe land, and release him. The sky opens. Jesus is faint and on his knees. DEEP MALE VOICE (V.O.) You are my son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased. POWERFUL IMAGE in silhouette of Jesus being helped up from his knees by the sky. He continues walking. The devil lurks, hidden behind a tree. He lets out a low minatory LAUGH. Camera goes into his mouth. :TO BLACK

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