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Task : WAP to find the sum of n natural numbers where n is entered by the

Purpose By implementing this program we are capable of finding out the sum of
n natural numbers where n is entered by the user .

Source Code : //The program showing sum of natural number under a limit. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> int main() { int i,n,sum=0; start://label cout<<"Enter any number: "; cin>>n; if(n>0) { cout<<"numbers are: \n"; for (i=1;i<=n;i++) { cout<<i<<" \n"; sum=sum+i; } } else { cout<<"You entered a wrong choice. Please enter the natural number again.\n"; goto start;//move to label } cout<<"Sum of "<<n<<"'s natural no.'s are: "<<sum; getch(); return 0;
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} Output :

Conclusion This program efficiently find the sum of n natural numbers

where n is entered by the user.


Page 2

Task : WAP to fetch a number from the user and find the factorial of the number. Purpose By implementing this program we are capable of finding out the
factorial of the number & the number is fetch from user.

Source Code : //The program showing factorial of a number. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> int main() { int i,n,mul=1; start://label cout<<"Enter any number: "; cin>>n; if(n==0) { cout<<"Factorial is: 1"; getch(); exit(1);//terminate the program } else if(n<0) { cout<<"You entered a wrong number & its Factorial doesn't exist.\n"; goto start;//move to label } else { for (i=1;i<=n;i++) { mul=mul*i; } }
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cout<<"Factorial is: "<<mul; getch(); return 0; } Output :

Conclusion This program efficiently calculates and displays the factorial of the
number & the number is fetch from user.


Page 4

Task : WAP to solve the given expression z=xn/(n!). Purpose By implementing this program we are capable of finding out the given
expression z=xn/(n!).

Source Code : //The program satisfying the condition z=x(power n)/n! #include<iostream.h> #include<math.h> #include<conio.h> //header file for power function int main() { float t,z; int n,x; cout<<"Enter any power number 'n': "; cin>>n; cout<<"Enter the base number 'x': "; cin>>x; int factorial(int);//prototype declaration if(n>=0) { t= pow(x,n);//calling the function defined in the complier z=t/factorial(n);//calling an undefined function cout<<"\nResult is: "<<z; } else { cout<<"Result doesn't exist."; } getch(); return 0; } int factorial(int n) {
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int i,fact=1; if(n==0) { return(fact); } { for (i=1;i<=n;i++) { fact=fact*i; } return(fact); } } Output :

Conclusion This program efficiently calculates and displays the given

expression z=xn/(n!).


Page 6

Task : WAP to sort an array in ascending order. Purpose By implementing this program we are capable of sorting an array in
ascending order.

Source Code : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #define MAX 100 void output (int a[], int n); int sort (int a[], int n); int main() { int small,large,a[MAX],i,n; cout<<"No. of elements in array:"<<endl; cin>>n; cout<<"enter "<<n<<" elements"<<endl; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cin>>a[i]; } small=a[0]; large=a[0]; for(i=1;i<n;i++) { if (small>a[i]) { small=a[i]; } if (large<a[i]) {
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large = a[i]; } } cout<<"smallest no. entered is "<<small<<endl; cout<<"largest no. entered is "<<large<<endl; cout<<"unsorted output: "<<endl; output(a,n); sort(a,n); cout<<endl; cout<<"sorted output: "<<endl; output(a,n); getch(); return 0; } void output(int a[],int n) { cout<<endl; for (int i=0;i<=n-1;i++) { cout<<a[i]<<'\t'; } } int sort(int a[],int n) { int temp; for (int i=0;i<=n-1;i++) { for(int j=0;j<=n-2;j++) { if (a[i]<a[j]) { temp = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = temp; } }
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} } Output :

Conclusion This program efficiently sorts an array in ascending order.


Page 9

Task : WAP to fetch the record of n students and print them. Purpose By implementing this program we are capable of printing record of n

Source Code : //The program containing record of students of a class #include<iostream.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<ctype.h> #define max 100 #define ma 100 struct student { char name[max]; char na[max]; char nam[ma]; char n[ma]; int roll; float per; }s[70]; int main() { start: int i,n; cout<<"Enter total no of students: "; cin>>n; if(n>0 && n<=70)
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{ for(i=0;i<=n-1;i++) { cout<<"Student "<<i+1<<" :"; cout<<"\nStudent's name: "; cout<<"\nEnter First name: "; cin>>s[i].name; cout<<"Enter Last name: "; cin>>s[i].na; cout<<"\nFather's name: "; cout<<"\nEnter First name: "; cin>>s[i].nam; cout<<"Enter Last name: "; cin>>s[i].n; cout<<endl<<"Enter roll number: "; cin>>s[i].roll; cout<<"Enter Percentage: "; cin>>s[i].per; } cout<<"Details are:\n"; cout<<"Student's name\t\tFather's name\t\tRoll number\tPercentage\n"; for(i=0;i<=n-1;i++) { cout<<s[i].name; cout<<" "<<s[i].na; cout<<"\t\t"; cout<<s[i].nam; cout<<" "<<s[i].n; cout<<"\t\t"; cout<<s[i].roll; cout<<"\t\t"; cout<<s[i].per; cout<<"\n"; } } else {
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cout<<"You exceed the limit of students.\n"; goto start; } getch(); return 0; } Output :

Conclusion This program efficiently print the record of n students.


Page 12

Task : WAP to implement insertion , deletion & updation in an existing array. Purpose By implementing this program we are capable of implementing
insertion , deletion & updation in an existing array.

Source Code : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define max 100 int main() { int a[max],limit,i,loc,elem,ch; while (1) { lets: cout<<"Press\n 1 for Entering the data.\n 2 for Insertion.\n 3 for Deletion.\n 4 for Updation.\n 5 To exit.\n";//menu cout<<"Enter your choice: "; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1: { start: cout<<"Enter the limit of an array: "; cin>>limit; cout<<"Enter the elements in an array: "; if(limit<=max) { for(i=1;i<=limit;i++) { cin>>a[i]; } cout<<"\nHence the elements in array are:\n";
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for(i=1;i<=limit;i++) { cout<<a[i]<<"\t"; } } else { cout<<"It is out of range."; goto start; } cout<<"\n"; break; } case 2: { begin: cout<<"Enter the location: "; cin>>loc; cout<<"Number to be inserted: "; cin>>elem; if(loc<=limit) { limit++; for(i=limit;i>loc;i--) { a[i]=a[i-1]; } a[i]=elem; cout<<"\nHence the elements in array are:\n"; for(i=1;i<=limit;i++) { cout<<a[i]<<"\t"; } } else {
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cout<<"No insertion as location exceed the value of limit. So enter with in the limit."; goto begin; } cout<<"\n"; break; } case 3: { now: cout<<"Enter the location for deletion: "; cin>>loc; if(loc<=limit) { for(i=loc;i<limit;i++) { a[i]=a[i+1]; } limit--; cout<<"\nHence the elements in array are:\n"; for(i=1;i<=limit;i++) { cout<<a[i]<<"\t"; } } else { cout<<"Since location exceed the value of limit. So enter within the limit."; goto now; } cout<<"\n"; break; } case 4: { cout<<"Enter the location to be updated: "; cin>>loc;
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cout<<"Enter the new element: "; cin>>elem; a[loc]=elem; cout<<"\nHence the elements in array are:\n"; for(i=1;i<=limit;i++) { cout<<a[i]<<"\t"; } cout<<"\n"; break; } case 5: { cout<<"ok bye\n"; getch(); exit(1); } default: cout<<"You entered a wrong choice.\n"; goto lets; }//closing switch }//closing the true loop getch(); return 0; }//end of main Output :


Page 16

Conclusion This program efficiently implement insertion , deletion & updation

in an existing array.


Page 17

Task : WAP to implement linear search on array with redundant integer elements. Purpose By implementing this program we are capable of implementing linear
search on array with redundant integer elements.

Source Code : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #define MAX 100 int main() { int a[MAX],i,j,k,n,loc,elem; cout<<"Enter the limit\n"; cin>>n; if(n>MAX) cout<<"Enter value below the limit\n"; else { cout<<"Enter the elements\n"; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cin>>a[i]; } cout<<endl; cout<<"Array is \n"; for(i=0;i<n;i++) cout<<a[i]<<" "; cout<<endl; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { for(j=0;j<n;j++) { if(i==j)
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continue; else { if(a[i]==a[j]) { for(k=j;k<n;k++) a[k]=a[k+1]; n=n-1; j=0; } } } } cout<<"Elements in normalized array is= \n"; for(i=0;i<n;i++) cout<<a[i]<<" "; cout<<endl; } cout<<"Enter element to search using linear search\n"; cin>>elem; loc=-1; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { if(a[i]==elem) { loc=i; break; } } if(loc==-1) cout<<"Element not in the array\n"; else { cout<<"Location = "<<loc<<endl; cout<<"Element = "<<elem<<endl; }
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getch(); } Output :

Conclusion This program efficiently implement linear search on array with

redundant integer elements.


Page 20

Task : WAP to implement linear search on array without redundant integer

Purpose By implementing this program we are capable of implementing linear

search on array without redundant integer elements.

Source Code : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #define max 100 int main() { int a[max],i,n,loc,elem,j; cout<<"Enter the limit\n"; cin>>n; cout<<"Enter the elements of array\n"; for(i=0;i<n;i++) cin>>a[i]; cout<<endl; cout<<"Array is = \n"; for(i=0;i<n;i++) cout<<a[i]<<" "; cout<<endl; cout<<"Enter element to search\n"; cin>>elem; cout<<"Element= "<<elem<<endl; loc=-1; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { if(a[i]==elem) { loc=i; cout<<"Location= "<<loc<<endl; }
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} if(loc==-1) cout<<"Element not present"; getch(); } Output :

Conclusion This program efficiently implement linear search on array without

redundant integer elements.


Page 22

Task : WAP to implement binary search on integer elements. Purpose By implementing this program we are capable of implementing binary
search on integer elements.

Source Code : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #define MAX 100 void output (int a[], int n); void sort (int a[], int n); int main() { int a[MAX],i,n,elem,loc,mid,end,beg; cout<<"No. of elements in array:"<<endl; cin>>n; if(n>MAX) { cout<<"You exceed the limit."; } else { cout<<"enter "<<n<<" elements"<<endl; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cin>>a[i]; } cout<<"unsorted output: "<<endl; output(a,n); sort(a,n); cout<<endl; cout<<"sorted output: "<<endl; output(a,n); cout<<"\nEnter element to search using binary search\n"; cin>>elem;
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{ beg=0; end=n-1; mid=((beg+end)/2); while(beg<=end && a[mid]!=elem) { if(elem>a[mid]) { beg=mid+1; } else { end=mid-1; } mid= ((beg+end)/2); } if(elem==a[mid]) { cout<<"Found at loc: "<<mid+1; } else { cout<<"Not found."; } } } getch(); return 0; } void output(int a[],int n) { cout<<endl; for (int i=0;i<=n-1;i++) { cout<<a[i]<<'\t'; } }
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void sort(int a[],int n) { int temp; for (int i=0;i<=n-1;i++) { for(int j=0;j<=n-2;j++) { if (a[i]<a[j]) { temp = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = temp; } } } } Output :

Conclusion This program efficiently implement binary search on integer

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Task : WAP to implement stacks and various operations on stacks.. Purpose By implementing this program we are capable of implementing stacks
and various operations on stacks.

Source Code : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define MAXSTK 100 struct stack { int item[MAXSTK]; int top; }; void push(struct stack*,int); int pop(struct stack*); void display(struct stack*); int main() { cout<<"Program showing push & pop operation."; int ch,n; struct stack s; = -1; while(1) { cout<<"\nPress\n 1 For PUSH.\n 2 For POP.\n 3 To EXIT."; cout<<"\nEnter your choice: "; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1: { cout<<"Enter the elements you want to push: ";
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cin>>n; push(&s,n); cout<<"\nStack after push operation:\n"; display(&s); getch(); break; } case 2: { n=pop(&s); cout<<"Element poped is: "<<n; cout<<"\nStack after pop operation:\n"; display(&s); getch(); break; } case 3: { cout<<"\n Ok Bye."; getch(); exit(1); } default: cout<<"\nYou entered a wrong choice."; } } getch(); return 0; } void push(struct stack *ps,int x) { if(ps->top==(MAXSTK-1)) { cout<<"\nStack Overflow."; exit(1); } ps->top++;
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ps->item[ps->top]=x; } int pop(struct stack *ps) { int x; if(ps->top==(-1)) { cout<<"\nStack underflow"; getch(); exit(1); } x=ps->item[ps->top]; ps->top--; return (x); } void display(struct stack *ps) { int i; if(ps->top==(-1)) { cout<<"\nStack is empty."; } else { for(i=ps->top;i>=0;i--) cout<<ps->item[i]<<"\n"; } } Output :


Page 28

Conclusion This program efficiently implement stacks and various operations

on stacks.


Page 29

Task : WAP to implement sorting using insertion sort. Purpose By implementing this program we are capable of implementing sorting
using insertion sort.

Source Code : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #define MAX 100 int main() { int a[MAX],i,j,k,n,loc,elem; cout<<"Enter the limit: "; cin>>n; if(n>MAX) cout<<"Enter value below the limit.\n"; else { cout<<"Enter the elements:\n"; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cin>>a[i]; } for(k=0;k<n;k++) { j=a[k]; for(i=k-1;i>=0 && j<a[i];i--) a[i+1]=a[i]; a[i+1]=j; } cout<<"\nElements after Insertion sort:\n"; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cout<<a[i]<<"\t"; }
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} getch(); return 0; } Output :

Conclusion This program efficiently implement sorting using insertion sort.


Page 31

Task : WAP to implement sorting using bubble sort. Purpose By implementing this program we are capable of implementing sorting
using bubble sort.

Source Code : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #define MAX 100 int main() { int a[MAX],i,j,limit,temp; cout<<"Enter no. of elements: "; cin>>limit; if(limit>MAX) { cout<<"You exceed the limit."; } else { cout<<"Enter elements: "; for(i=0;i<limit;i++) { cin>>a[i]; } for(i=0;i<limit-1;i++) { for(j=0;j<=(limit-i-1);j++) { if(a[j]>a[j+1]) { temp = a[j]; a[j]=a[j+1]; a[j+1]=temp;
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} } } cout<<"Elements after sorting: "; for(i=0;i<limit;i++) { cout<<a[i]<<"\t"; } } getch(); return 0; } Output :

Conclusion This program efficiently implement sorting using bubble sort.


Page 33

Task : WAP to implement sorting using selection sort. Purpose By implementing this program we are capable of implementing sorting
using selection sort.

Source Code : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #define MAX 100 void ascend(int a[],int limit); void desend(int a[],int limit); int min(int a[], int k, int limit); int max(int a[], int k, int limit); int main() { int a[MAX],i,limit,n,loc,temp; cout<<"Enter no. of elements: "; cin>>limit; if(limit>MAX) { cout<<"You exceed the limit."; } else { cout<<"Enter elements: "; for(i=0;i<limit;i++) { cin>>a[i]; } cout<<"Press\n 1 for ascending the nos.\n 2 for descending the nos."; cout<<"\nEnter ur choice: "; cin>>n; switch(n) {
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case 1: { ascend(a,limit); break; } case 2: { desend(a,limit); break; } default: cout<<"You entered the wrong choice."; } } getch(); return 0; } void ascend(int a[],int limit) { int temp,loc,i; for(i=0;i<limit;i++) { loc=min(a,i,limit); temp=a[loc]; a[loc]=a[i]; a[i]=temp; } cout<<"Elements after sorting in ascending order: \n"; for(i=0;i<limit;i++) { cout<<a[i]<<"\t"; } } void desend(int a[],int limit) { int temp,loc,i; for(i=0;i<limit;i++)
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{ loc=max(a,i,limit); temp=a[loc]; a[loc]=a[i]; a[i]=temp; } cout<<"Elements after sorting in descending order: \n"; for(i=0;i<limit;i++) { cout<<a[i]<<"\t"; } } int min(int a[],int k,int limit) { int mini,loc,i; mini=a[k]; for(i=k;i<=limit;i++) { if(a[i]<mini) { mini=a[i]; loc=i; } } return(loc); } int max(int a[],int k,int limit) { int maxi,loc,i; maxi=a[k]; for(i=k;i<=limit;i++) { if(a[i]>maxi) { maxi=a[i]; loc=i; }
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} return(loc); } Output :

Conclusion This program efficiently implement sorting using selection sort.


Page 37

Task : WAP to convert infix expression to postfix expression. Purpose By implementing this program we are capable of converting infix
expression to postfix expression.

Source Code : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define M 100 struct stack { char item[M]; int top; }; void push(struct stack *s,char c); char pop(struct stack *s); void infix_postfix(char infix[M],char postfix[M]); int priority(char c); int main() { cout<<"WRITE THE INFIX STARTING WITH ""("" & CLOSE IT WITH "")"; start: char in[M],po[M]; int l=0; cout<<"\nEnter the infix expression: "; fflush(stdin); gets(in); while(in[l]!='\0') { l++; } if(in[0]=='(' && in[l-1]==')')
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{ infix_postfix(in,po); } else { cout<<"USE PARANTHESIS.\n"; goto start; } getch(); return 0; } void push(struct stack *s,char c) { if(s->top==(M-1)) { cout<<"\nStack Overflow."; } else { s->top++; s->item[s->top]=c; } } char pop(struct stack *s) { char c; if(s->top==(-1)) { cout<<"\nStack underflow"; } else { c=s->item[s->top]; s->top--; } return (c); }
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int priority(char c) { if(c=='^') { return 3; } else if(c=='*'||c=='/'||c=='%') { return 2; } else if(c=='+'||c=='-') { return 1; } else { return 0; } } void infix_postfix(char infix[],char postfix[]) { struct stack s;; char ch; int i=0,j=0; while(infix[i]!='\0') { if(infix[i]=='(') { push(&s,'('); } else if(infix[i]=='+'||infix[i]==''||infix[i]=='*'||infix[i]=='/'||infix[i]=='%'||infix[i]=='^') { while(priority(s.item[])>=priority(infix[i])) { ch=pop(&s);
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postfix[j]=ch; j++; } push(&s,infix[i]); } else if(infix[i]==')') { ch=pop(&s); while(ch!='(') { postfix[j]=ch; j++; ch=pop(&s); } } else { postfix[j]=infix[i]; j++; } i++; } postfix[j]='\0'; cout<<"Postfix expression is: "; puts(postfix); } Output :


Page 41

Conclusion This program efficiently convert infix expression to postfix



Page 42

Task : WAP to evaluate the postfix expression. Purpose By implementing this program we are capable of evaluating the postfix

Source Code : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<math.h> #define MXSTK 100 struct stack { float item[MXSTK]; int top; }; void push(struct stack *,float); float pop(struct stack *); int main() { float a,b; int i=0; float value,result,c; char exp[50]; struct stack s; = -1; cout<<"Enter expression in postfix order: "<<endl; gets(exp); while(exp[i]!='\0') { if(exp[i]=='+') { a=pop(&s); b=pop(&s);
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c=b+a; push(&s,c); } else if(exp[i]=='-') { a=pop(&s); b=pop(&s); c=b-a; push(&s,c); } else if(exp[i]=='/') { a=pop(&s); b=pop(&s); c=b/a; push(&s,c); } else if(exp[i]=='*') { a=pop(&s); b=pop(&s); c=b*a; push(&s,c); } /* else if(exp[i]=='%') { a=pop(&s); b=pop(&s); c=b%a; push(&s,c); }*/ else if(exp[i]=='^') { a=pop(&s); b=pop(&s); c=pow(b,a);
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push(&s,c); } else { push(&s,exp[i]-'0'); } i++; } value=pop(&s); cout<<"Result after evaluation: "<<value<<endl; getch(); return 0; } void push(struct stack *ps,float x) { if(ps->top==MXSTK-1) { cout<<"stack is full"<<endl; exit(1); } ps->top++; ps->item[ps->top]=x; } float pop(struct stack *ps) { float x; if(ps->top==-1) { cout<<"Stack underflows."<<endl; getch(); exit(1); } x=ps->item[ps->top]; ps->top--; return x; }
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Output :

Conclusion This program efficiently evaluate the postfix expression.


Page 46

Task : WAP to convert infix expression to postfix expression and evaluate the
postfix expression.

Purpose By implementing this program we are capable of converting infix

expression to postfix expression and evaluate the postfix expression.

Source Code : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define M 100 struct stack { char item[M]; int top; }; struct stacke { float iteme[M]; int tope; }; void pushe(struct stacke *,float); float pope(struct stacke *); void push(struct stack *s,char c); char pop(struct stack *s); void infix_postfix(char infix[M],char postfix[M]); int priority(char c); int main() { cout<<"WRITE THE INFIX STARTING WITH ""("" & CLOSE IT WITH "")"; start: char in[M],po[M]; int l=0;
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cout<<"\nEnter the infix expression: "; fflush(stdin); gets(in); while(in[l]!='\0') { l++; } if(in[0]=='(' && in[l-1]==')') { infix_postfix(in,po); } else { cout<<"USE PARANTHESIS.\n"; goto start; } getch(); return 0; } void push(struct stack *s,char c) { if(s->top==(M-1)) { cout<<"\nStack Overflow."; } else { s->top++; s->item[s->top]=c; } } char pop(struct stack *s) { char c; if(s->top==(-1)) { cout<<"\nStack underflow";
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} else { c=s->item[s->top]; s->top--; } return (c); } int priority(char c) { if(c=='^') { return 3; } else if(c=='*'||c=='/'||c=='%') { return 2; } else if(c=='+'||c=='-') { return 1; } else { return 0; } } void infix_postfix(char infix[],char postfix[]) { struct stack s;; char ch; int i=0,j=0; while(infix[i]!='\0') { if(infix[i]=='(') {
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push(&s,'('); } else if(infix[i]=='+'||infix[i]==''||infix[i]=='*'||infix[i]=='/'||infix[i]=='%'||infix[i]=='^') { while(priority(s.item[])>=priority(infix[i])) { ch=pop(&s); postfix[j]=ch; j++; } push(&s,infix[i]); } else if(infix[i]==')') { ch=pop(&s); while(ch!='(') { postfix[j]=ch; j++; ch=pop(&s); } } else { postfix[j]=infix[i]; j++; } i++; } postfix[j]='\0'; cout<<"Postfix expression is: "; puts(postfix); struct stacke e; e.tope = -1; float a,b; int k=0;
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float value,result,c; while(postfix[k]!='\0') { if(postfix[k]=='+') { a=pope(&e); b=pope(&e); c=b+a; pushe(&e,c); } else if(postfix[k]=='-') { a=pope(&e); b=pope(&e); c=b-a; pushe(&e,c); } else if(postfix[k]=='/') { a=pope(&e); b=pope(&e); c=b/a; pushe(&e,c); } else if(postfix[k]=='*') { a=pope(&e); b=pope(&e); c=b*a; pushe(&e,c); } else if(postfix[k]=='^') { a=pope(&e); b=pope(&e); c=pow(b,a);
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pushe(&e,c); } else { pushe(&e,postfix[k]-'0'); } k++; } value=pope(&e); cout<<"Result after evaluation: "<<value<<endl; } void pushe(struct stacke *ps,float x) { if(ps->tope==M-1) { cout<<"stack is full"<<endl; exit(1); } ps->tope++; ps->iteme[ps->tope]=x; } float pope(struct stacke *ps) { float x; if(ps->tope==-1) { cout<<"Stack underflows."<<endl; getch(); exit(1); } x=ps->iteme[ps->tope]; ps->tope--; return x; }


Page 52

Output :

Conclusion This program efficiently evaluate the postfix expression.


Page 53

Task : WAP to implement Quicksort using recursion. Purpose By implementing this program we are capable of implementing
Quicksort using recursion.

Source Code : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #define MAX 100 int partition(int a[],int beg,int end); void quicksort(int a[],int beg,int end); void display(int a[],int n); int main() { int a[MAX],n,i; cout<<"Enter the total no. of element: "; cin>>n; cout<<"Enter elements: "; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cin>>a[i]; } cout<<"Unsorted elements are: "; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cout<<a[i]<<"\t"; } quicksort(a,0,n-1); display(a,n); getch(); return 0; } int partition(int a[],int beg,int end) { int left,right,loc,temp,flag=0;
JESSICA E101048 Page 54

left=loc=beg; right=end; while(flag!=1) { left=beg; right=end; while((a[loc])<=(a[right]) &&(loc!=right)) { right--; } if(loc==right) { flag=1; } else if((a[loc])>(a[right])) { temp=a[loc]; a[loc]=a[right]; a[right]=temp; loc=right; } while((a[loc])>=(a[left]) && (loc!=left)) { left++; } if(loc==left) { flag=1; } else if(a[loc]<a[left]) { temp=a[loc]; a[loc]=a[left]; a[left]=temp; loc=left; } }
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return(loc); } void quicksort(int a[],int beg,int end) { int loc; if(beg<end) { loc=partition(a,beg,end); quicksort(a,beg,loc-1); quicksort(a,loc+1,end); } } void display(int a[],int n) { int i; cout<<"\nSorted elements are:\n"; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cout<<a[i]<<"\t"; } } Output :


Page 56

Conclusion This program efficiently implement Quicksort using recursion.


Page 57

Task : WAP to implement queues and various operations on queues. Purpose By implementing this program we are capable of implementing queues
and various operations on queues.

Source Code : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define max 5 struct queue { int item[max]; int front; int rear; }; int deletion(struct queue *q); void display(struct queue *q); void insert(struct queue *q,int e,int n); void insert(struct queue *q,int e,int n) { if((q->front==0 && q->rear==(n-1))||(q->front==q->rear+1)) { cout<<"\nQueue overflow"; return; } else if(q->front==-1 && q->rear==-1) { q->front=q->rear=0; } else if(q->rear==(max-1)) { q->rear=0; } else
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{ q->rear++; } q->item[q->rear]=e; } int deletion(struct queue *q) { int e; if(q->front==(-1)) { cout<<"\nQueue underflow."; } e=q->item[q->front]; if(q->front==q->rear) { q->front=q->rear=-1; } else if(q->front==(max-1)) { q->front=0; } else { q->front++; } return (e); } void display(struct queue *q) { int i; cout<<"\nElements in queues are: "; if(q->rear<q->front) { for(i=q->front;i<max;i++) { cout<<q->item[i]<<"\t"; }
JESSICA E101048 Page 59

for(i=0;i<=q->rear;i++) { cout<<q->item[i]<<"\t"; } } else { for(i=q->front;i<=q->rear;i++) { cout<<q->item[i]<<"\t"; } } } int main() { start: int ch,n,e; struct queue q; q.front=(-1); q.rear=(-1); cout<<"Enter the limit: "; cin>>n; if(n>max) { cout<<"Out of limit.\n"; goto start; } else { while(1) { cout<<"\nPRESS\n 1. For insertion.\n 2. For Deletion.\n 3. For exit."; cout<<"\nEnter your choice: "; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1:
JESSICA E101048 Page 60

{ cout<<"\nEnter the element you want to insert: "; cin>>e; insert(&q,e,n); display(&q); getch(); break; } case 2: { e=deletion(&q); cout<<"\nDeleted element is: "<<e; display(&q); getch(); break; } case 3: cout<<"Good bye."; getch(); exit(1); break; default: cout<<"You entered a wrong choice."; } } } getch(); return 0; } Output :


Page 61

Conclusion This program efficiently implement queues and various operations

on queues.


Page 62

Task : WAP to implement One Way Linked List and perform various operations. Purpose By implementing this program we are capable of implementing One
Way Linked List and perform various operations.

Source Code : #include<iostream.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<alloc.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<process.h> #define max 100 struct node { int info; struct node *next; }; void insertb(struct node**,int item); void inserte(struct node**,int item); void inserta(struct node**,int item); void deleteb(struct node**); void deletee(struct node**); void deletea(struct node**); void traverse(struct node**); struct node *searching(struct node*,int); struct node *searching(struct node *start,int item) { int count=0; struct node *ptr; ptr=start; while(ptr!=NULL) { if(ptr->info== item) {
JESSICA E101048 Page 63

return(ptr); count++; } ptr = ptr->next; } if(count==0) { cout<<"\nItem is not present in the list.\n"; } return(ptr); } void traverse(struct node **start) { struct node *ptr; if(*start == NULL) { cout<<"\nList is empty.\n"; } else { ptr = *start; cout<<"List is: \n"; while(ptr!=NULL) { cout<<ptr->info<<"\t"; ptr=ptr->next; } } } void insertb(struct node **start,int item) { struct node *ptr; ptr=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); if(ptr == NULL) { cout<<"\nLink Overflow.\n"; getch();
JESSICA E101048 Page 64

exit(1); } else { ptr->info=item; if(*start == NULL) { ptr->next = NULL; *start=ptr; } else { ptr->next = *start; *start = ptr; } } } void inserte(struct node **start,int item) { struct node *ptr,*ptr1; ptr=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); if(ptr == NULL) { cout<<"\nLink Overflow.\n"; getch(); exit(1); } else { ptr->info=item; ptr1=*start; if(*start == NULL) { ptr->next = NULL; *start=ptr; } else
JESSICA E101048 Page 65

{ while((ptr1->next)!=NULL) { ptr1=ptr1->next; } ptr1->next=ptr; ptr->next=NULL; } } } void inserta(struct node **start,int item) { int info1; struct node *ptr,*ptr1,*loc; ptr=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); if(ptr == NULL) { cout<<"\nLink Overflow.\n"; getch(); exit(1); } else { ptr->info=item; ptr1 = *start; cout<<"Enter the node after which node is to be insert: "; cin>>info1; loc=searching(ptr1,info1); if(loc == NULL) { cout<<"\nNo node is present.\n"; } else { ptr->next = loc->next; loc->next = ptr; }
JESSICA E101048 Page 66

} } void deleteb(struct node **start) { struct node *ptr; ptr = *start; if(*start == NULL) { cout<<"\nList is empty. So, no deletion is possible.\n"; } else { *start = (*start)->next; delete(ptr); } } void deletee(struct node **start) { struct node *ptr,*ptr1; ptr = *start; if(*start == NULL) { cout<<"\nList is empty. So, no deletion is possible.\n"; } else if(ptr->next == NULL) { *start = NULL; delete(ptr); } else { while((ptr->next)!=NULL) { ptr1 = ptr; ptr = ptr->next; } ptr1->next= NULL;
JESSICA E101048 Page 67

delete(ptr); } } void deletea(struct node **start) { struct node *ptr,*loc; int info1; ptr = *start; cout<<"Enter the node infon after which you wanna perform deletion: "; cin>>info1; loc=searching(ptr,info1); if(*start == NULL) { cout<<"\nList is empty. So, no deletion is possible.\n"; } else if(loc == NULL) { cout<<"\nNo node present. So, no deletion.\n"; } else if(loc->next == NULL) { cout<<"\nThis is the last node. So, no deletion possible.\n"; } else { ptr = loc->next; loc->next = ptr->next; delete(ptr); } } int main() { struct node *start; int c,item; start=NULL; while(1) {
JESSICA E101048 Page 68

cout<<"\nPRESS\n 1. To insert at beginning.\n 2. To insert at end.\n 3. To insert after a node.\n"; cout<<" 4. To delete node from beginning.\n 5. To delete node from end.\n 6. To delete node after a given node.\n 7. To exit.\n"; cout<<"Enter your choice: "; cin>>c; switch(c) { case 1: { cout<<"Enter item to insert: "; cin>>item; insertb(&start,item); traverse(&start); getch(); break; } case 2: { cout<<"Enter item to insert: "; cin>>item; inserte(&start,item); traverse(&start); getch(); break; } case 3: { cout<<"Enter item to insert: "; cin>>item; inserta(&start,item); traverse(&start); getch(); break; } case 4: {
JESSICA E101048 Page 69

deleteb(&start); traverse(&start); getch(); break; } case 5: { deletee(&start); traverse(&start); getch(); break; } case 6: { deletea(&start); traverse(&start); getch(); break; } case 7: cout<<"GOOD BYE."; getch(); exit(1); break; default: cout<<"You entered a wrong choice."; } } getch(); return 0; } Output :


Page 70


Page 71

Conclusion This program efficiently implement One Way Linked List and
perform various operations.


Page 72

Task : WAP to implement Two Way Linked List and perform various operations. Purpose By implementing this program we are capable of implementing Two
Way Linked List and perform various operations.

Source Code : #include<iostream.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<alloc.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<process.h> #define max 100 struct node { int info; struct node *next; struct node *prev; }; void insertb(struct node **,int item); void inserte(struct node **,int item); void inserta(struct node **,int item); void deleteb(struct node **); void deletee(struct node **); void deletea(struct node **); void traverse(struct node **); struct node *searching(struct node *,int); struct node *searching(struct node *start,int item) { int count=0; struct node *ptr; ptr=start; while(ptr!=NULL) { if(ptr->info== item)
JESSICA E101048 Page 73

{ return(ptr); count++; } ptr = ptr->next; } if(count==0) { cout<<"\nItem is not present in the list.\n"; } return(ptr); } void traverse(struct node **start) { char c; struct node *ptr; if(*start == NULL) { cout<<"\nList is empty.\n"; } else { ptr = *start; while(ptr->next!=NULL) { cout<<"Adressing PREVIOUS NODE: "<<ptr->prev<<"\nAdressing NEXT NODE: "<<ptr->next<<"\nAdressing of NODE: "<<ptr<<"\nDATA: "<<ptr->info<<"\n"; ptr=ptr->next; } cout<<"Adressing PREVIOUS NODE: "<<ptr->prev<<"\nAdressing NEXT NODE: "<<ptr->next<<" \nAdressing of NODE: "<<ptr<<"\nDATA: "<<ptr->info<<"\n"; cout<<"\n\nEnter Y if traverse in reverse order: "; cin>>c; if( c=='Y' || c=='y') {
JESSICA E101048 Page 74

cout<<"List is: \n"; while(ptr!=NULL) { cout<<ptr->info<<"\t"; ptr=ptr->prev; } } } } void insertb(struct node **start,int item) { struct node *ptr,newp; ptr=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); ptr->info=item; if(ptr == NULL) { cout<<"\nLink Overflow.\n"; getch(); exit(1); } else if(*start==NULL) { ptr->next = ptr->prev = NULL; *start=ptr; } else { ptr->prev = NULL; ptr->next = *start; (*start)->prev = ptr; *start = ptr; } } void inserte(struct node **start,int item) { struct node *ptr,*ptr1; ptr=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
JESSICA E101048 Page 75

if(ptr == NULL) { cout<<"\nLink Overflow.\n"; getch(); exit(1); } else { ptr->info=item; ptr1=*start; if(*start == NULL) { ptr->prev = NULL; ptr->next = *start; (*start)->prev = ptr; *start = ptr; } else { while((ptr1->next)!=NULL) { ptr1=ptr1->next; } ptr1->next=ptr; ptr->next=NULL; ptr->prev=ptr1; } } } void inserta(struct node **start,int item) { int info1; struct node *ptr,*ptr1,*loc; ptr=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); if(ptr == NULL) { cout<<"\nLink Overflow.\n";
JESSICA E101048 Page 76

getch(); exit(1); } else { ptr->info=item; ptr1 = *start; cout<<"Enter the node after which node is to be insert: "; cin>>info1; loc=searching(ptr1,info1); if(loc == NULL) { cout<<"\nNo node is present.\n"; } else if(loc->next==NULL) { ptr->prev = loc; ptr->next = loc->next; loc->next = ptr; } else { ptr->prev = loc; ptr->next = loc->next; loc->next->prev = ptr; loc->next = ptr; } } } void deleteb(struct node **start) { struct node *ptr; ptr = *start; if(*start == NULL) { cout<<"\nList is empty. So, no deletion is possible.\n";
JESSICA E101048 Page 77

} else { (*start)->next->prev= NULL; *start = (*start)->next; delete(ptr); } } void deletee(struct node **start) { struct node *ptr; ptr = *start; if(*start == NULL) { cout<<"\nList is empty. So, no deletion is possible.\n"; } else { while((ptr->next)!=NULL) { ptr = ptr->next; } ptr->prev->next=NULL; delete(ptr); } } void deletea(struct node **start) { struct node *ptr,*loc; int info1; ptr = *start; cout<<"Enter the node infon after which you wanna perform deletion: "; cin>>info1; loc=searching(ptr,info1); if(*start == NULL) {
JESSICA E101048 Page 78

cout<<"\nList is empty. So, no deletion is possible.\n"; } else if(loc == NULL) { cout<<"\nNo node present. So, no deletion.\n"; } else if(loc->next == NULL) { cout<<"\nThis is the last node. So, no deletion possible.\n"; } else { ptr = loc->next; if(ptr->next==NULL) { loc->next = ptr->next; delete(ptr); } else { ptr->next->prev=loc; loc->next=ptr->next; delete(ptr); } } } int main() { struct node *start; int c,item; start=NULL; while(1) { cout<<"\nPRESS\n 1. To insert at beginning.\n 2. To insert at end.\n 3. To insert after a node.\n";
JESSICA E101048 Page 79

cout<<" 4. To delete node from beginning.\n 5. To delete node from end.\n 6. To delete node after a given node.\n 7. To exit.\n"; cout<<"Enter your choice: "; cin>>c; switch(c) { case 1: { cout<<"Enter item to insert: "; cin>>item; insertb(&start,item); traverse(&start); getch(); break; } case 2: { cout<<"Enter item to insert: "; cin>>item; inserte(&start,item); traverse(&start); getch(); break; } case 3: { cout<<"Enter item to insert: "; cin>>item; inserta(&start,item); traverse(&start); getch(); break; } case 4: { deleteb(&start); traverse(&start);
JESSICA E101048 Page 80

getch(); break; } case 5: { deletee(&start); traverse(&start); getch(); break; } case 6: { deletea(&start); traverse(&start); getch(); break; } case 7: cout<<"GOOD BYE."; getch(); exit(1); break; default: cout<<"You entered a wrong choice."; } } getch(); return 0; } Output :


Page 81


Page 82


Page 83


Page 84

Conclusion This program efficiently implement Two Way Linked List and
perform various operations.


Page 85

Task : WAP to check the equality between two link lists via entering integer in
each node of the link list. Purpose By implementing this program we are capable of checking the equality between two link lists via entering integer in each node of the link list.

Source Code : #include<iostream.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<alloc.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<process.h> #define max 100 struct node { int info; struct node *next; }; void inserte(struct node**,int item); void traverse(struct node**); void equality( struct node **, struct node **); void equality( struct node **start1, struct node **start2) { int c1=0,c2=0,c3=0; struct node *ptr1,*ptr2; ptr1=*start1; ptr2=*start2; while(ptr1!=NULL) { c1++; ptr1=ptr1->next; } while(ptr2!=NULL) {
JESSICA E101048 Page 86

c2++; ptr2=ptr2->next; } if(c1!=c2) { cout<<"\n Both the list are not equal."; } else { while(ptr1!=NULL) { if(ptr1->info==ptr2->info) { c3++; } ptr1=ptr1->next; ptr2=ptr2->next; } if(c3==c1) { cout<<"\nList are equal.\n"; } else { cout<<"\nList are not equal.\n"; } } } void traverse(struct node **start) { struct node *ptr; if(*start == NULL) { cout<<"\nList is empty.\n"; } else {
JESSICA E101048 Page 87

ptr = *start; cout<<"List is: \n"; while(ptr!=NULL) { cout<<ptr->info<<"\t"; ptr=ptr->next; } } } void inserte(struct node **start,int item) { struct node *ptr,*ptr1; ptr=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); if(ptr == NULL) { cout<<"\nLink Overflow.\n"; getch(); exit(1); } else { ptr->info=item; ptr1=*start; if(*start == NULL) { ptr->next = NULL; *start=ptr; } else { while((ptr1->next)!=NULL) { ptr1=ptr1->next; } ptr1->next=ptr; ptr->next=NULL; }
JESSICA E101048 Page 88

} } int main() { struct node *start1,*start2; int item,c,n,i; start1=start2=NULL; while(1) { cout<<"\nPRESS\n 1. To insert elements in First Link List.\n 2. To insert elements in Second Link List.\n 3. To check the EQUALITY.\n 4. To Exit.\n"; cout<<"Enter your choice: "; cin>>c; switch(c) { case 1: { cout<<"Enter the total no of element you want to enter: "; cin>>n; cout<<"Enter elements:\n"; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cin>>item; inserte(&start1,item); } traverse(&start1); getch(); break; } case 2: { cout<<"Enter the total no of element you want to enter: "; cin>>n; cout<<"Enter elements:\n"; for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
JESSICA E101048 Page 89

cin>>item; inserte(&start2,item); } traverse(&start2); getch(); break; } case 3: { equality(&start1,&start2); break; } case 4: cout<<"GOOD BYE."; getch(); exit(1); break; default: cout<<"You entered a wrong choice."; } } getch(); return 0; }

Output :


Page 90


Page 91

Conclusion This program efficiently check the equality between two link lists
via entering integer in each node of the link list.


Page 92

Task : WAP to implement BINARY SEARCH TREE. Purpose By implementing this program we are capable of implementing

Source Code : #include<alloc.h> #include<conio.h> #include<process.h> #include<iostream.h> struct bst { bst *left; bst *right; int info; }; struct bst *root=NULL; void bst_insert(struct bst ** ,int item); void bst_search(struct bst ** ,int item); void preorder(struct bst *ptr); void inorder(struct bst *ptr); void postorder(struct bst *ptr); void bst_insert(struct bst **root, int item) { struct bst *ptr,*ptr1,*save; ptr=(struct bst*) malloc(sizeof(struct bst)); ptr->info=item; ptr->left=ptr->right=NULL; if(ptr==NULL) { cout<<"OVERFLOW"; getch(); exit(1); } if(*root==NULL)
JESSICA E101048 Page 93

{ *root=ptr; } else { ptr1=*root; while(ptr1!=NULL) { if(ptr1->info==item) { cout<<"Redundancy Not allowed"; return; } else if(item < ptr1->info) { save=ptr1; ptr1=ptr1->left; } else { save=ptr1; ptr1=ptr1->right; } } if(item < save->info) save->left= ptr ; else save->right= ptr ; } } void bst_search(struct bst **root,int item) { int flag; struct bst *ptr; if(*root == NULL) { cout<<"Tree Empty";
JESSICA E101048 Page 94

return; } else { ptr = *root; while(ptr!= NULL) { if(ptr ->info == item) { cout<<"Element "<<ptr->info<<" is at location "<<ptr; break; } else if(item < ptr->info) ptr=ptr->left; else ptr=ptr->right; if(ptr==NULL) { cout<<"Search Unsuccessful\n"; cout<<"Press 1 to Insert it to the tree: "; cin>>flag; if(flag==1) { bst_insert(root,item); } } } } } void preorder(struct bst *ptr) { if(ptr == NULL) return; cout<<ptr->info<<"\t"; preorder(ptr->left); preorder(ptr->right); }
JESSICA E101048 Page 95

void inorder(struct bst *ptr) { if(ptr == NULL) return; inorder(ptr->left); cout<<ptr->info<<"\t"; inorder(ptr->right); } void postorder(struct bst *ptr) { if(ptr == NULL) return; postorder(ptr->left); postorder(ptr->right); cout<<ptr->info<<"\t"; } int main() { int ch,item,temp; while(1) { cout<<"\nPRESS\n 1 for Insertion\n 2 for Traversing in Preorder\n 3 for Traversing in Inorder\n 4 for Traversing in Postorder"; cout<<"\n 5 for Searching an element\n 6 for Exit"; cout<<"\nEnter your choice: "; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1: cout<<"Enter the item: "; cin>>item; bst_insert(&root,item); break; case 2: cout<<"\nPreorder is:\n"; preorder(root);
JESSICA E101048 Page 96

break; case 3: cout<<"\nInorder is:\n"; inorder(root); break; case 4: cout<<"\nPostorder is:\n"; postorder(root); break; case 5: cout<<"\nEnter item to be searched:\n"; cin>>item; bst_search(&root,item); break; case 6: cout<<"Good bye."; getch(); exit(1); break; default: cout<<"Wrong Choice"; } } }

Output :


Page 97


Page 98

Conclusion This program efficiently implement BINARY SEARCH TREE.


Page 99

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