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Business Plan

Prepared by: Ploscaru Silviu Cosmin

Version: schita
Date: 21.10.2011

Sere ecologice Ploscaru Silviu Cosmin

Plan de Afaceri

Table of Contents
1 Introducere.............................................................................................................5
2 Descrierea ideii de afacere......................................................................................5
3 Produse si servicii....................................................................................................5
3.1 Produse.............................................................................................................5
3.2 Servicii............................................................................................................... 5
4 Scopul si Obiectivele afacerii...................................................................................6
4.1 Scopul ............................................................................................................... 6
4.2 Obiective...........................................................................................................6
5 Analiza Pietei........................................................................................................... 6
5.1 Piata tinta.......................................................................................................... 6
6 Management and Organization...............................................................................6
6.1 Management team ...........................................................................................6
6.2 Staffing.............................................................................................................. 6
7 7. Competitive Analysis...........................................................................................6
7.1 The Competition................................................................................................6
7.2 Competitive Advantages...................................................................................7
8 Marketing and Sales Strategy..................................................................................7
8.1 Marketing and Sales Strategy Overview............................................................7
8.2 Marketing and Sales Tactics..............................................................................7
8.3 Marketing and Sales Budget..............................................................................7
8.4 Pricing Strategy.................................................................................................7
8.5 Sales Forecast................................................................................................... 7
9 SWOT Analysis.........................................................................................................8
9.1 SWOT Analysis...................................................................................................8
9.2 SWOT strategies................................................................................................8
10 Operations............................................................................................................. 8
10.1 Business Model................................................................................................8
10.2 Hours of Operation..........................................................................................8
10.3 Systems, Equipment and Software..................................................................8
10.4 Employee Training and Development..............................................................8
10.5 Facilities..........................................................................................................8
10.6 Manufacturing/Production...............................................................................8

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10.7 Inventory Control.............................................................................................8
10.8 Suppliers and Distribution...............................................................................9
11 Financing Requirements........................................................................................9
11.1 Total Capital Requirements.............................................................................9
11.2 Secured Funding..............................................................................................9
11.3 Total Financing Requirements.........................................................................9
12 Development & Milestones....................................................................................9
12.1 Completed Actions..........................................................................................9
12.2 Actions to be Completed.................................................................................9
12.3 Timeline...........................................................................................................9
13 Risks and Contingencies......................................................................................10
13.1 Risks..............................................................................................................10
13.2 Contingency Planning....................................................................................10
14 Financial Data Assumptions & Highlights............................................................10
14.1 Financial data assumptions...........................................................................10
14.2 Financial Highlights.......................................................................................11
15 Exit Strategy........................................................................................................11
A. Start-up Expenses and Capital Requirements......................................................11
B. Monthly Income Statement..................................................................................11
C. Monthly Balance Sheet.........................................................................................11
D. Monthly Cash Flow Statement..............................................................................11
E. Monthly Financial Ratios.......................................................................................11
F. Five-Year Income Statement.................................................................................11
G. Five-Year Balance Sheet......................................................................................11
H. Five-Year Cash Flow from Operations...................................................................11
I. Five-Year Financial Ratios......................................................................................11
J. Management Team Resumes................................................................................11
K. Photos of Location................................................................................................11
L. Other Supporting Documentation.........................................................................11

In cazul in care, pe suprafata de 500 mp aveti monocultura in scopul vanzarii.iata cam ce puteti obtine. Ca sa
vedeti ce profit iese faceti singuri inmultirea:
cartofi timpurii si de vara 2000 kg aveti nevoie de 150 kg samanta
varza timpurie 600 kg aveti nevoie de 25 grame samanta pt rasaduri

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Plan de Afaceri
varza de vara 2000 kg idem
conopida 1500 kg idem
tomate 2000 kg cam 2000 de rasaduri
ardei gras 1000 kg aveti nevoie de 10 -15 grame samanta pt rasaduri
castraveti 1000 kg
ceapa uscata 1200 kg din 250-300 gr de samanta sau 30 kg de arpagic
usturoi uscat 400 kg din 30 kg usturoi pt plantare
morcov, patrunjel si pastarnac 1,5 tona din 250 gr samanta
pepeni verzi 2,5 tone din 100-150 gr s

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Business Plan

1 Introducere
Ideea consta in realizarea unei sere pentru producerea legumelor de baza, ce se consuma zilnic:
rosii, castraveti, ardei gras, ceapa, dovlecei.
In ultimul timp polulatia pune accent din ce in ce mai mult pe green: energie verde, surse
regenerabile si nu in ultimul timp mancare sanatoasa mancare eco si din acest motiv cred ca aceasta
idee va fi incununata de success. Industria alimentara actuala este bazata pe chimicale: agenti de
afanare, agenti de crestere, modificarea speciilor atat la animale cat si la legume si fructe, totul se
bazeaza pe productie uriasa si nu pe calitate. Romania detine terenuri agricole foarte bune, multe dintre
ele neafectate de ingrasamintele chimice, cu o capacitate de productie uimitoare, insa majoritatea
legumelor si fructelor vandute la noi in tara sunt din import. Din acest motiv doresc sa realizez acest
proiect pentru a produce legume local si pentru a le vinde local sperand astfel ca legumele produse de
mine sa ajunga la vanzare cu un pret foarte bun si de o calitate extraordinara, reducand costurile de
transport si durata de timp de cand sunt culese pana ajung sa fie consumate.

2 Descrierea ideii de afacere

Serele se vor construi in satul Podoleni, jud, Neamt, unde detin un teren de aproximativ 500mp.
Pamantul unde urmeaza sa se construiasca sera se afla la aproximativ 1km de sat, in zona de deal unde
nu exista surse directe de poluare, gen: trafic auto, fabrici sau uzine in apropiere, ceea ce il face un teren
foarte bun pentru astfel de productie. Serele vor fi reprezentate de 1 modul simplu, dimensiuni in plan
9,50m x 52,00m rezultand o suprafata construita de 494 mp si inaltimea de 3m.
Se va pune accent pe legumele ce populatia le consuma zilnic, gen: rosii, castraveti, ardei gras,
ceapa, enentual patrunjel, marar, morcov. Asigurarea apei pentru stropit se va realiza dintr-un izvor
apropiat prin instalarea unui hidrofor.
Urmaresc sa vand aceste legume pe plan local, doar judetul Neamt, pentru a reduce cheltuielile
de transport. Comercializand legumele local, se va asigura si prospetimea acestora reducand foarte mult
durata dintre procesul de culegere si consumul efectiv. Deasemenea se doreste o productie cat mai
naturala, cat mai ecologica fara ingrasaminte chimice, folosindu-se in schimb ingrasaminte de origine
animala. Forta de munca necesara acestui proiect se va asigura din zona, locuitori ai satului Podoleni. Ca
si spatiu de depozitare se va inchiria o hala ce apartine Asociatiei Agricole zonale.

3 Produse si servicii
3.1 Produse
Legume proaspete: rosii, castraveti, ceapa, ardei gras, dovlecei.

3.2 Servicii
Transport direct la comercianti.

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Plan de Afaceri

4 Scopul si Obiectivele afacerii

4.1 Scopul
Aceasta afacere se doreste a fi sursa de venit principal a initiatorului.

4.2 Obiective
1.Sa realizez toate actele firmei si constructia necesara pentru a porni afacerea in max 12 luni.
2. Sa realizez vanzari de 10.000 euro in primul an de productie.
3. Sa extind terenul de productie la 20.000mp in urmatorii 5 ani.

5 Analiza Pietei
5.1 Piata tinta
Piata tinta sunt micii comercianti din piete, care in fiecare dimineata fac drumuri lungi pentru a se
aproviziona cu legume si fructe din pietele en-gros, si magazinele de legume si fructe de cartier.
In viitor, dupa extinderea la 20.000mp tinta principala vor fi lanturile de supermarket-uri din judet.
Cumparatorii finali sunt persoanele cu venituri intre 800 - 4000 ron.

6 Management and Organization

6.1 Management team
Describe the core management team, including position descriptions. Investors might be impressed if you
discuss individual qualifications and years of experience. It might be indicated to include an organization

6.2 Staffing
Describe the staffing levels of the organization, explaining how the planned staff is proportionate to the
size of the business and its projected revenues. It is recommended that you include a chart that captures
monthly personnel expenses.

7 7. Competitive Analysis
7.1 The Competition
Describe the competition by listing the objectives, strategies, capabilities and overall position of each of
your competitors. Separate the list into two categories: Direct Competitors and Indirect Competitors. It is

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recommended that you explain how you will respond to competition and your competitive edge.
Consumers typically have a variety of options to choose from when deciding where to purchase items.
Not only do they have a choice between competing neighborhood supermarkets, but they can also shop
at alternative retailers, including large national discount chains and warehouse stores.

7.2 Competitive Advantages

List and explain your companys competitive advantages.

8 Marketing and Sales Strategy

8.1 Marketing and Sales Strategy Overview
Summarize your overall strategy in terms of goals and objectives, including key milestones.

8.2 Marketing and Sales Tactics

List and describe the individual strategic marketing and sales efforts and tactics that will be implemented.
Use the list below as guidelines of tactics that could be used in terms of marketing and sales.
Trademarks, Logos, Slogans
Customer Surveys
Print Advertisements
Public Relations
Direct Mailings
Cold Calling
Web and Email Marketing

8.3 Marketing and Sales Budget

Describe where you will concentrate your efforts in terms of dollars. It is recommended to include a chart
to capture the major categories of your sales and marketing budget.

8.4 Pricing Strategy

Describe your pricing strategy, describing price sensitivity and elasticity of demand. Investors would be
interested to see the process you will employ for evaluating and monitoring pricing.

8.5 Sales Forecast

Prepare a monthly sales forecast for the first year of operation and annual sales forecasts through year 5.
Include historical sales data, if available.

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9 SWOT Analysis
9.1 SWOT Analysis
List and describe your existing or potential strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Include a
SWOT analysis chart or table.

9.2 SWOT strategies

Explain how you will use your strengths to overcome your weaknesses and how you will capitalize on
opportunities to mitigate threats.

10 Operations
10.1 Business Model
Describe your business model with respect to the strategy for managing the overall operation, focusing on
the key attributes that will ensure the operation runs as smoothly and efficiently

10.2 Hours of Operation

List daily hours of operation and include holiday or seasonal schedule and special closings.

10.3 Systems, Equipment and Software

List and describe the type of systems, equipment and software required for operations together with cost
estimates or quotes.

10.4 Employee Training and Development

List and describe the employee training and development programs that will be implemented.

10.5 Facilities
Include a description of the facilities and what they will be used for.

10.6 Manufacturing/Production
Describe your manufacturing and production processes, the production capabilities and include a quality
control diagram.

10.7 Inventory Control

Describe your policies and procedures for managing inventory.

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10.8 Suppliers and Distribution

List major suppliers and distributors, providing a brief background, including location, services provided,
and existing customers of suppliers and distributors. Include letters of commitment from suppliers and
Include cost estimates for supply and distribution.

11 Financing Requirements
11.1 Total Capital Requirements
Include the total amount of capital required and how it will be used, including land purchases, building
construction costs, start-up expenses, cash reserves and any other ways the capital will be used..

11.2 Secured Funding

Describe sources of funding that have already been secured or obtained to fund the project.
Include a detailed breakdown of the sources, amounts, and percentages, include grants, cash donations,
owners capital or any other forms of funding already received or secured.

11.3 Total Financing Requirements

Describe the total financing requirements and the proposed structure in terms of interest rate, terms and
Include a chart that captures a breakdown of the financing request.

12 Development & Milestones

12.1 Completed Actions
Prepare a list of completed action items and significant milestones relevant to the business plan.
Include the month and year each item was completed.

12.2 Actions to be Completed

Prepare a list of actions to be completed estimating the month and year each action will be completed.

12.3 Timeline
Include a bulleted chronological timeline of the completed actions, milestones, and actions to be

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13 Risks and Contingencies

13.1 Risks
List and describe the known risks or potential risks associated with your business, describing the process
or the manner in which these risks will be addressed or mitigated.

13.2 Contingency Planning

Include a contingency plan (back-up plan) based on conservative estimates or worst case scenarios for
budgeting and forecasting revenue and expenses.

14 Financial Data Assumptions & Highlights

14.1 Financial data assumptions
Include only the main assumptions driving the business, financial budgets and forecasts.

14.1.1 Income Statement

Sales, $384 per square foot in Year 1, 37% below the national average of $612, adjusted for local
income levels and spending traits of the target market.
Cost of goods and services,73.4%, based on the national average
Federal Tax Rate, 35%, State Tax Rate, 7.3%
Fully burdened labour rate, 12% of sales on average
Employee benefits 20%, taxes 10%
Cost of overhead, 22% of sales
Average sales growth rate, 21% in year 2, 7% years 3-5
Average pre-tax profit,7%

14.1.2 Balance Sheet

Straight-line depreciation, 30 years- building, 10 years furniture/refrigeration, 5 yearskiosks/computers/registers

14.1.3 Cash Flow

Cost of debt: bank loan, 15 years at 5%, convertible bond 5 years at 8%
For Financial Ratios, mention reference to APPENDIX: MONTHLY FINANCIAL RATIOS and APPENDIX:

14.1.4 Customers

Avg. Sale per customer/per week, $51.31

# of customers, 3,464 in Year 1
Avg. customer growth rate = Avg. sales growth rate
Avg. disposable income, $38,923


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14.2 Financial Highlights

Highlight the key financial performance measures, including sales, gross profit, operating profit and net
profit. Detailed financial statements should be included in the appendices.

15 Exit Strategy
Describe your plan for exiting the business and include at least two different options for exiting the
Liquidation in times of unrecoverable financial losses.
The sale and/or transfer of business for cash or future dividends.

A. Start-up Expenses and Capital

B. Monthly Income Statement
C. Monthly Balance Sheet
D. Monthly Cash Flow Statement
E. Monthly Financial Ratios
F. Five-Year Income Statement
G. Five-Year Balance Sheet
H. Five-Year Cash Flow from Operations
I. Five-Year Financial Ratios
J. Management Team Resumes
K. Photos of Location
L. Other Supporting Documentation
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