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When Ioseph Was 1empted

"how then can I do th|s great w|ckedness

and s|n aga|nst God?" Genes|s 399
A young man's fa|thfu|ness to God
8etrayed by h|s own brothers so|d as a
ne d|dn't become "sour" on ||fe he
trusted |n God
ot|phar's w|fe "cast her eyes upon
Ioseph" to seduce h|m he res|sted her
When Ioseph Was 1empted
Ioseph showed a strength the wor|d doesn't
understand nor des|res
such fort|tude |s mocked by the
w|cked 1 eter 44
Note four factors wh|ch contr|buted to
Ioseph's strength from Genes|s 39718
When Ioseph Was 1empted
1 Ioseph remembered the trust p|aced |n
h|m by others
"8eho|d my master knoweth not what |s
w|th me |n the house and he hath put a||
that he hath |nto my hand" (v 8)
reca|| other's conf|dence |n h|m to
do r|ght |e parents spouse
fr|end teacher emp|oyer etc
others are affected by our act|ons
MattS10 Iohn 1SS6 2 eter 22
When Ioseph Was 1empted
2 Ioseph's determ|nat|on to p|ease God
d|sobey|ng God's word "great
w|ckedness and s|n" Genes|s 2610
1 Cor|nth|ans 6920 72S nebrews 134
know|edge of scr|pture |s va|uab|e when
Satan ent|ces to s|n sa|ms 11911
Matthew 4111
what cou|d |mpress us more to study our
When Ioseph Was 1empted
8ut there's a d|fference between know|edge
Ia|th ("trust") |s based on what we
|earn from God kom 1017 neb 116
Many may "know" a th|ng wrong but
|ack fa|th to res|st
Ioseph's fa|th was the reason he d|dn't
y|e|d to temptat|on 1 Iohn S34
nebrews 111 242S 1039 1 et 1S9
When Ioseph Was 1empted
3 Ioseph was carefu| of the env|ronment he
put h|mse|f |n
"And |t came to pass as she spake to
Ioseph day by day that he hearkened not
unto her to ||e w|th her or to be w|th
her" (verse 10)
Ioseph had the good [udgment to
recogn|ze the danger |n p|ac|ng h|mse|f
|n a comprom|s|ng s|tuat|on
When Ioseph Was 1empted
Ia|thfu|ness |s not on|y a matter of the
strength of my w||| to refuse ev|| but
a|so the soundness of my [udgment to
avo|d the confrontat|on a|together
komans 1314 1 1hessa|on|ans S22
When Ioseph Was 1empted
4 Ioseph ran scared from s|n he "f|ed and
got h|m out" (vs 12)
1he nature of th|s temptat|on know|ng
the power of the sexua| appet|te |eft
on|y one recourse kUN!
roverbs 2312
1 Cor|nth|ans 618
1 1|mothy 6911
2 1|mothy 222

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