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8y larhan Sarwar
large number of employees ln ackages Lhe large numbers of employees are
Lhose who are permanenL parL of Lhe company 1hey also hlre employees on
conLracL bases and some are Lemporary employees
8ureaucrat|c Crgan|zat|ona| setup
elghL managerlal levels ranglng from 8oard of ulrecLors Lo AsslsLanL Mangers
sLrucLure ls hlghly formallzed so as Lo dlrecL Lhe behavlor of Lhe employees
luncLlonal speclallzaLlon ls prevalllng so LhaL Lhe replacemenL of employees
could noL dlsLurb Lhe managemenL
organlzaLlon ls hlghly cenLrallzed and hlgher auLhorlLy Lakes all Lhe declslons
whlle lowerLevel managers and employees slmply carry ouL Lhelr dlrecLlves
all operaLlve declslons are made aL hlgher levels
1 numan kesource Department
2 Industr|a| ke|at|ons Department
P8 and l8 are lnLerrelaLed wlLh each oLher
1he maln funcLlons of P8 deparLmenL are
recrulLmenL and selecLlon Lralnlng and
developmenL and performance plannlng
responslblllLy of l8u Lo manage Lhe records of
employees calculaLe Lhe lncenLlves and see LhaL
approprlaLe acLlons are belng Laken for Lhe
welfare healLh and safeLy of Lhe employees
Some gllmpses of P8 deparLmenL are
as follows
At Packages Limited people are the most valuable asset.
The Human Resources Department strives to ensure that a
professional and caring environment continues to be fostered so that
creative energies of staff are released and fully utilized, while
developing their potential.
Aims to ensure that highly motivated and professionally competent
people are available within the organization.
Seeks to maintain the company's position as a preferred employer in
the job market by adopting progressive personnel policies and
providing competitive perquisites.
Training and development of staff, an essential responsibility of
every manager.
Provides scholarships to staff children.
The company's policy is to encourage healthy trade union activity
aimed to achieve a meaningful and productive relationship with the
1he personne| department ls engaged
MalnLenance of aLLendance
Pandllng of graLulLy awards reLlremenL conLrlbuLlons
beneflLs and bonuses
MalnLaln Lhe record of lLs old and presenL employees
1aklng dlsclpllnary acLlon agalnsL Lhe employees held
MalnLaln Lhe record of over Llme workers
Pandllng Lhe grlevance of employees
ulsLrlbuLlon of salarles among employees
MalnLaln Lhe record of soclal securlLy beneflLs and
educaLlonal funds
process for deLermlnlng and assurlng LhaL Lhe organlzaLlon have an
adequaLe number of quallfled persons avallable aL proper Llmes
performlng [obs whlch meeL Lhe needs of Lhe enLerprlses and LhaL
provlde saLlsfacLlon for Lhe lndlvldual lnvolved
Loplevel managers make sLraLeglc plans for every slx monLhs
each deparLmenL seL lLs own LargeLs ln accordance wlLh Lhe
company's ob[ecLlves and sLrlves Lo achleve Lhem Lhus Lhe company
uses M8C approach
flrsL overall organlzaLlonal goals are seL Lhen speclflc goals are
deflned by Lhe managemenL for lndlvldual unlLs deparLmenLs and
lndlvlduals Lhen acLlon plans are formulaLed and lmplemenLaLlon ls
carrled on rogress ls revlewed perlodlcally Lo appralse
sound buL slmple process
deparLmenL requlres an employee lL sends lLs requlremenLs Lo Lhe
P8 ueparLmenL
P8 uepL adverLlses Lhe vacancy ln Lhe leadlng newspapers and asks
for Lhe quallfled people
lnLervlew meLhod ls used Lo selecL Lhe besL candldaLe
lor Lhe recrulLmenL of execuLlves some lmporLanL polnLs are Laken
lnLo conslderaLlon whlch are as follows
-aLure of Lhe [ob
1lme requlred fllllng Lhe vacancy
lf Lhe Llme ls Lo flll Lhe vacancy adverLlsemenLs are glven ln Lhe
lf Lhe vacancy has Lo flll lmmedlaLely Lhe P8 ueparLmenL conLacLs Lhe
auLhorlzed lnsLlLuLlons
sLarLs from Lhe appllcaLlons submlLLed by Lhe candldaLes
Cvs Lhen classlfled and flles Lhem on Lhe basls of MerlL lnsLlLuLe
and Lxperlence
reference ls glven Lo Lhe fresh graduaLes of LuMS un[ab
unlverslLy ak Alms and l8A karachl
AfLer sorLlng ouL Lhe accepLable candldaLes Lhey are called for a
candldaLe has Lo pass Lhe 1esL as well as Lhe flrsL and second
llrsL lnLervlew P8 manger
llnal lnLervlew ls Laken by CM uepuLy CM P8 manager and
deparLmenLal head (someLlmes)
afLer Lhe lnLervlew ls LhaL successful candldaLes are senL for a
medlcal LesL
Interna| Source
Iob App||cat|on
planned efforL by ackages LlmlLed Lo faclllLaLe lLs
employees' learnlng of [obrelaLed compeLencles LhaL are
crlLlcal for successful [ob performance
employees Lo masLer Lhe knowledge sklll and behavlors
emphaslzed ln Lralnlng programs and Lo apply Lhem Lo Lhelr
dayLoday acLlvlLles hence compeLlLlve advanLage and
reach buslness goals
ln ackages LlmlLed greaL emphasls ls glven on employee
Lralnlng for boLh Lhe newly hlred and Lhe exlsLlng sLaff
ackages belleve LhaL Lralnlng of employees ls lncredlbly
slgnlflcanL as Lhey are Lhe asseLs of Lhe organlzaLlon
knowledge Skllls AblllLles
SLrong |eadersh|p sk|||s Lo lnsplre persuade wln over
and convlnce managers and sLaff
SLrong management sk|||s Lo manage a consLanLly
changlng and evergrowlng workload
SLrong ana|yt|ca| sk|||s Lo comprehend Lhe problems
and needs of managers
SLrong commun|cat|ons sk|||s Lo make sure conLenL ls
communlcaLed effecLlvely
SLrong pro[ect management sk|||s Lo ensure LhaL each
and every producL of ackages LlmlLed ls planned
organlzed lmplemenLed and evaluaLed effecLlvely
P8u cnLd
A fully equlpped P8u cenLer has been esLabllshed Lo
conducL regular lnhouse courses and Lralnlng sesslons
SomeLlme Lhese sesslons are conducLed by ackages'
quallfled sLaff and aL Llmes experLs from ouLslde
lnsLlLuLlons are lnvlLed
ln 1997 ackages LlmlLed enLered lnLo a learnlng
parLnershlp wlLh LuMS
lresh englneers hlred as lnLernees and M1Cs
M1Cs offered permanenL [obs wlLh handsome salary
ApprenLlceshlp 1ralnlng program" for Lechnlcal
ackages L|m|ted use var|ous methods to prov|de tra|n|ng to the|r
emp|oyees fo||ow|ng are the methods for tra|n|ng purpose
resenLaLlon meLhod
LecLure meLhod
Audlovlsual Lechnlques
1eam Lralnlng
1echnlcal Lralnlng
1hey emphas|ze on the three components of performance
1he |mportant tra|n|ng resources |n ackages are
an appralsal sysLem LhaL provldes a perlodlc revlew and evaluaLlon
of an lndlvldual or group's [ob performance ls exlsLed
ldenLlflcaLlon of speclflc ob[ecLlves provldes Lhe sLarLlng polnL for
Lhe performance appralsal process
ackages bellef ls LhaL Lhey should selecL Lhose speclflc ob[ecLlves lL
deslres Lo achleve
-exL workers musL undersLand whaL ls expecLed of Lhem on Lhe
Supervlsors normally dlscuss wlLh employees Lhe ma[or duLles Lhey
have Lo perform
Work performance ls observed and perlodlcally evaluaLed agalnsL
prevlously esLabllshed [ob performance sLandards
ML (erformance lannlng ManagemenL and LvaluaLlon)
M ConLd
whaL geLs measured ls whaL geLs done
eople wlll work on Lhose Lhlngs on whlch Lhey are golng Lo
be evaluaLed
managers have Lo make sure LhaL Lhey are measurlng Lhe
rlghL Lhlngs
ackages use merlL pay plans LhaL evaluaLe employee's [ob
basls for awardlng merlL pay lncreases
flrsL of all esLabllsh Lhe [obs and Lhen dlscuss abouL whaL
employee's behavlors are necessary Lo perform Lhe [obs
[ob analysls ls essenLlal for Lhe developmenL of
performance appralsal sysLem
Informat|on for performance appra|sa|s ls
esLabllshed from flve sources
Lmployee (1haL ls Lhe lndlvlduals whose [ob
performance ls belng appralsed)
Lmployee's supervlsor
Lmployee's Co worker
Lmployee's SubCrdlnaLes
Lmployee's cusLomer or cllenL
erformance Appralsal
lormal performance appralsals ln ackages
usually occur aL speclfled Llme perlods once a
use Lhe resulLs from a performance appralsal Lo
deLermlne who needs formal Lralnlng and
developmenL opporLunlLles
1he acLual performance assessmenL ls Lhe
deLermlnaLlon of Lhe employee's sLrengLhs and
Cne purpose of performance appralsals ls Lo
lmprove Lhe employee's performance
I|nanc|a| compensat|on lncludes Lhe followlng
Soc|a| secur|ty provldes servlces Lo !unlor LxecuLlve (!L) below grades
Lhrough Lhe Soclal SecurlLy lund
Med|ca| fac|||ty ls provlded Lo LxecuLlve lll (Llll) above grades employees
LC8I (Lmployees Cld Age 8eneflL) ls glven Lo all permanenL employees of
Marr|age grant fac|||ty ls glven Lo !unlor LxecuLlve (!L) below grade workers
Death grant fac|||ty ls glven Lo !unlor LxecuLlve (!L) below grade employees
Loan fac|||ty ls provlded Lo all permanenL employees
Lducat|ona| scho|arsh|ps are glven Lo Lhe chlldren's of Lhe employees lL varles
for dlfferenL levels
Soc|a| secur|ty |eaves
Casua| |eaves
Med|ca| |eaves
Annua| |eaves
Subs|d|ze mess fac|||ty
C 8 ConLd
kat|on cards fac|||ty
Group Insurance fac|||ty
8onus all Lhe employees geL elghL bonuses on Lhe basls of baslc
salary every year
Increments are glven Lo employees on Lhe basls of baslc salary and
lf somebody has done well he ls glven 23 Llmes addlLlonal
lncremenL dependlng on Lhe performance
AdulL LducaLlon
Pouse renL Conveyance Allowance
Awards are glven Lo Lhe employees who compleLes Lhelr 20 23
30 years of servlce wlLh ackages
Attendance Award
kecreat|ona| Iac|||ty

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