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ake Chadburn AS Medla SLudles

now does no||ywood roduce Market and Lxh|b|t |ts I||ms to Lnsure Success
Pollywood has a masslve sLudlo sysLem lLs slx maln sLudlos are 20
CenLury lox ul
(unlversal/aramounL/uA/MCM) 8uena vlsLa (ulsney) Warner 8ros Sony lcLures Columbla
lcLures 1hese all LogeLher make Lhe blg slx 1hey have Lhe power and Lhe money Lo make hlgh
value fllms Lhey can also exhlblL Lhe fllms Lhemselves lf Lhey wanL Lo Pollywood has a masslve
ouLpuL raLe for fllms of 120 per year Lhe mosL popular Lypes of fllms Lhey produce are blockbusLer
and hlgh concepL fllms hlgh concepL fllms are hlgher budgeL fllms where you can geL beLLer Lhlngs
llke acLors effecLs edlLlng lL ls also used Lo make sure LhaL Lhe fllm looks rlghL LhaL lL makes sense
1he producLlon of Lhe fllm ln Pollywood ls a loL fasLer Lhan Lhe ones ln 8rlLaln Lhls ls due Lo Lhe facL
LhaL Lhey have Lhe money Lo geL beLLer effecLs beLLer edlLors beLLer acLors and a beLLer dlrecLor
Lhese add up Lo a loL of money for example lraLes of Lhe Carlbbean Cn SLranger 1ldes" had a very
hlgh budgeL Lhls was of $260mllllon $300mllllon Lhls money ls spenL on Lhe markeLlng Lhe acLors
eLc 1he hlgher Lhe budgeL Lhe beLLer Lhe acLors Lhe beLLer Lhe effecLs Lhe beLLer Lhe dlrecLor
beLLer locaLlons a beLLer scrlpL and Lhe beLLer Lhe overall ouLcome lL also allows you Lo brlng ln
newer Lechnology ln some sense you need Lo spend money Lo make money 1he beLLer Lhe fllm Lhe
more Lhe audlence wlll wanL Lo come and see lL Lhls ls Laken lnLo accounL when produclng Lhe fllm
you need Lo plck a speclflc markeL and Lhen work around LhaL for example Cloverfleld" used a vlral
campalgn as lL was very much a fllm LargeLed Lowards LhaL markeL of people Lhls was very effecLlve
due Lo Lhe facL LhaL Lhe fllm relaLes Lo Lhere lnLeresLs AvaLar whlch was Lhe hlghesL grosslng fllm
ever whlch was 70 dlglLally creaLed Look up Lhe space of 3 fooLball plLches Lo creaLe Lhls was so
LhaL Lhey could use Lhe green screens whlch Lhey have Lo creaLe as sense of reallsm wlLhln Lhe fllm
Lhey needed Lo Lry and creaLe an alLernaLe world and Lhey dld LhaL successfully Lhanks Lo Lhe huge
space Lhey had avallable Lo Lhem anoLher reason why Lhey had Lo do Lhls ls due Lo Lhe facL LhaL Lhe
fllmlng crew needed a loL of space due Lo Lhe Lype of 3u recordlng devlce Lhey used lL conslsLed of a
masslve frame and a loL of cameras were used Lhls when overlapped allowed for Lhe amazlng 3u
effecL Lhe 3u secLlon of Lhls fllm were provlded wlLh $300mllllon Lhls may seem excesslve buL lL was
necessary due Lo Lhe amounL of money LhaL Lhe Lechnologlcal advances cosL 1he ldea of Lhe 3u
frame was LhoughL up by !ames Cameron he was Lhe dlrecLor of Lhe fllm also so noL only ls he a
dlrecLor buL ln Lhls case he ls a creaLor AlLhough Lhey had all of Lhls space Lhey sLlll used dlfferenL
areas of Lhe world Lo creaLe Lhe fllm such as Callfornla Pawall and new Zealand Lhese Lravelllng
cosLs are where all of Lhe money from budgeLlng would of gone Lo noL only dld Lhey have Lo Lravel
Lhey had Lo pay for Lhe LransporL of Lhe equlpmenL whlch Lhey used Lhey also had Lo pay for Lhe
acLors buL mosL were reasonably unknown A facL of AvaLar" ls LhaL !ames Cameron clalmed LhaL
he had LhoughL of Lhe ldea for AvaLar" durlng Lhe creaLlon of hls prevlous success 1lLanlc buL he
sald LhaL Lhe Lechnologlcal foundaLlons of LhaL Llme were noL able Lo compleLe Lhe Lask ln whlch he
saw Lhe fllm would have Lo creaLe
lrom all of Lhe lnformaLlon you can see LhaL Pollywood producLlon have a hlgher budgeL Lhan 8rlLlsh
fllms Lhls means LhaL Lhey have beLLer speclal effecLs as well Lhese Lhlngs puL LogeLher beLLer
acLors beLLer locaLlons beLLer Lechnology and beLLer effecLs generally mean LhaL Lhe fllm wlll be
beLLer Lhls means LhaL when Lhe release day comes Lhere ls a hlgher chance of beLLer gross 1hls ls
!ake Chadburn AS Medla SLudles
able due Lo Lhe blg producLlon companles whlch are based ln Pollywood (1he blg slx) Lhls ls why Lhe
8lockbusLers are creaLed
1he dlsLrlbuLlon from Pollywood's blg slx fllm premler's ls very slmple Lhls ls due Lo Lhe facL LhaL
mosL of Lhem own Lhere own clnema buslnesses alLhough Lhls ls Lrue Lhey sLlll need Lo pay for Lhe
premlers and Lhe Lransfer of Lhe fllm Lhey have noL yeL managed Lo come up wlLh a Lechnologlcal
way of sendlng Lhe fllm Lo dlfferenL counLrles Lhls would save a loL of money buL as of yeL lL ls noL
posslble anoLher Lhlng whlch needs Lo be Laken lnLo accounL ls Lhe facL LhaL noL all clnemas have
screens whlch are 3u compaLlble for example lL would be very dlfflculL for any lone clnema
company lL ls very dlfflculL Lo converL Lhere screens Lo 3u lL cosLs around 8000000 Lhls may noL
be much for blg Pollywood clnema companles buL for a lndlvldual clnema lL ls almosL unLhlnkable
1hls resLrlcLs Lhe amounL of places whlch fllms such as avaLar wlLh Lhe hlghly Lechnologlcal 3u whlch
Lhey used Lhere ls preLLy much noway LhaL an lndlvldual clnema company would be able Lo screen
Lhls fllm 1he cosL Lo go and see Lhe fllm musL be carefully consldered by Lhe company whlch makes
lL and dlsLrlbuLes lL Lhls ls due Lo Lhe facL LhaL Lhe producLlon of Lhe fllm cosLs as sald before Lhe
fllm such as Cloverfleld" LhaL fllms dlsLrlbuLlon was very much broadcasLed ln Lhe vlral way Lhe
blogs whlch were seL up underneaLh Lhe characLers age Lhls ls very clever Lhls ls due Lo Lhe facL LhaL
lL ls vlral and lL can be used Lo drop hlnLs of Lhe fllms name Lhls wasn'L released unLll a llLLle whlle
before Lhe acLual release of Lhe fllm 1hls also flLs lnLo Lhe markeLlng of Lhe fllm whlch ls parL of whaL
Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon conslsLs of 1he markeLlng of Lhls was malnly vlral lL conslsLed of some 8lllboard
slgns Lhey dld noL glve away anyLhlng from Lhe fllm and gave Lhe fllm a mass sense of mysLery such
as Lhe facL LhaL Lhe posLer provlded only showed Lhe decaplLaLed SLaLue of LlberLy Lhls provldes
many opLlon Lhrough Lhe MlseLnScene lLs dull Lhe sLaLue eLc lL could slgnal Lhe facL LhaL Lhere ls
war lnvaslon eLc 1here vlral blogs are conLrolled by Lhe acLors who play Lhe characLers ln Lhls Lhls ls
a genlus ldea due Lo Lhe facL LhaL Lhey can lnLeracL wlLh Lhe people who are followlng Lhe blogs
Where as Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of AvaLar was very much a normal one lL allowed for Lhe money whlch
Lhey were provlded wlLh Lo be spenL on lmprovlng Lhe fllm however Lhe markeLlng of Lhe fllm ls sLlll
Lhe mosL lmporLanL process due Lo Lhe facL LhaL Lhls ls when Lhe fllm ls golng Lo be spread across Lhe
world lL ls Lhere Lo geL Lhe number of people who Lurn up Lo Lhe fllm up Lhls means baslcally LhaL
Lhey need Lo spend money ln order Lo make money so Lhe beLLer Lhe markeLlng Lhe beLLer Lhe Lurn
ouL and Lhe beLLer Lhe proflLs for example lraLes of Lhe Carlbbean Cn SLranger 1ldes markeLlng all
began wlLh Lhe maln characLer and a masslve ulsney ConvenLlon announclng Lhe nexL fllm also a loL
of Lhe markeLlng was relaLed Lo Lhe lasL fllms lL was ln a saga so Lhey could rely on Lhe loyal
followers Lo reLurn and waLch Lhe new fllm 1hls meLhod of markeLlng ls called Lhe publlclLy sLunL
All of Lhls lncreases Lhe proflL whlch Lhey make when Lhey exhlblL Lhe fllm
1he exhlblLlon of Lhe fllm conslsLs of Lhe premlers and Lhe screenlngs of Lhe fllm ln varlous dlfferenL
counLrles mosL fllms have dlfferenL release daLes buL some for have Lhem on Lhe same day ln
dlfferenL counLrles for example AvaLar" by uavld Cameron was released ln 16 dlfferenL counLrles
on Lhe same day Lhls cosLs a loL of money buL allowed Lhem Lo geL a clear vlew on wheLher Lhe fllm
would be successful and ln AvaLar's case lL was very successful ulfferenL counLrles have dlfferenL
audlences so lL was clear LhaL AvaLar was a very successful fllm as lL goL good raLlngs from all of Lhe
!ake Chadburn AS Medla SLudles
dlfferenL counLrles lL was ln 1he exhlblLlon llnks Lo Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon ln Lhe facL LhaL someLlmes Lhe
fllm can noL be exhlblLed ln Lhe way LhaL ls needed Lhls ls down Lo clnemas noL belng 3u
compaLlble lf Lhey cannoL geL Lhe 3u experlence avallable Lhen someLlmes Lhe number of people
comlng Lo waLch Lhe fllm decreases due Lo Lhe facL LhaL Lhey wanLed Lo see lL ln 3u
1he premlers whlch are creaLed for Lhe fllms can be lncredlble for example Lhe Warner 8ros
premler for Pappy oLLer And 1he ueaLhly Pallows arL 2 was held ln Lhe Lwo dlfferenL fllm caplLals
of Lhe world Pollywood and London 8oLh of Lhese are hlghly populaLed areas meanlng LhaL Lhey
aLLracL a loL of aLLenLlon from press and followers of Lhe fllm 1hls ls a good ldea due Lo Lhe facL LhaL
Lhe more people LhaL come Lhe hlgher Lhe chance of merchandlse ls sold Lhere Lhe more Lhe word
of mouLh ls spread across Lhe world 1hls all relaLes Lo Lhe facL LhaL Lhe more money whlch can be
lnpuL lnLo Lhe fllm means LhaL Lhe beLLer Lhe ouLcome can be and Lhe beLLer Lhe proflLs can be
Also ln exhlblLlon Lhe way ln whlch people can see Lhe fllm ls lmporLanL people have dlfferenL
LhoughLs Lo whaL Lhey en[oy Lhere surroundlngs and whaL Lhe experlence of Lhe fllm ls llke for
example some people en[oy Lhe blg screen and Lhe loud nolse whereas some people wlll prefer Lo
walL and buy Lhe uvu and waLch Lhe fllm also anoLher very blg problem wlLh Lhe fllm exhlblLlon ls
plracy eople can [usL walL a day and Lhen Lhey wlll be able Lo vlew Lhe fllm onllne Lhls ls ln need Lo
be Lackled and puL a sLop Lo
ln concluslon Lhe way whlch Lhe fllms are seL ouL by Pollywood ln my oplnlon ls greaL Lhey make
Lhe enLlre experlence ln Lhe clnema amazlng Lhey allow for you Lo geL ln Lhe fllm and lL means LhaL l
personally en[oy lL more however oLher people have dlfferenL oplnlons buL l llke Lhe surroundlngs
Lhe darkness ln Lhe clnema allows you Lo focus on Lhe screen even lf you are surrounded by oLher
people and Lhe clnema allows for Lhe sharlng experlence
Cverall l belleve Lhe money whlch Lhe blg slx can puL lnLo Lhe fllms mean LhaL Lhey are more exclLlng
Lhan Lhe 8rlLlsh fllms however 8rlLlsh fllms wlLh Lhe low amounL of money whlch can be puL lnLo
Lhem mean LhaL Lhey are more reallsLlc ln some cases Lhls ls good buL ln some cases Lhe ouL of
reallLy effecLs whlch are added by Lhe amazlng edlLlng whlch can be boughL ln Lhe Amerlcan
producLlon glves a beLLer experlence for Lhe vlewers

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