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District of Columbia Bicycle Advisory Council

TO: Terry Bellamy

Director, District Department of Transportation
District Department of Transportation

DATE: October 24, 2011

SUBJECT: Bike Rack RemovaI

Director Bellamy,

am the Chair of the DC Bicycle Advisory Council's Facilities Committee, and it has recently
come to my attention that bicycle racks have been removed from several areas, apparently for
sidewalk work. Unfortunately these racks are not routinely reinstalled once the sidewalk work is
complete. Cases that have been reported to me (and 'm sure there are others) include:

Georgia Ave NW between Otis and Princeton near the Looking Glass Lounge
Gerogia Ave NW just north of Taylor near Yes Organic Market
17th St NW and P next to the CVS
17th St NW and Q St next to Trio Restaurant
14th St NW next to Columbia Heights Metro

Given that the racks eventually do get replaced when someone calls DDOT to complain, and
that DDOT procured the racks for cyclists to use, do not think it is DDOT's intention to remove
the racks permanently. However, the racks should be replaced routinely after the completion
of sidewalk work without requiring a complaint for action. The cycling community would greatly
appreciate it if you could look into the problem of racks not being reinstalled after sidewalk work
is complete.

Thank You,

Jeanie Osburn
DC BAC Facilities Committee Chair

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