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lndlvlduals wlLh Lhe Llfe aLh number 11 are very lnLulLlve ln facL lL ls Lhe mosL lnLulLlve of all numbers

1hey are senslLlve and have a greaL undersLandlng of oLhers and can sense a greaL deal abouL whaL ls
golng on behlnd Lhe scenes lor example Lhey wlll plck up on peoples relaLlonshlps and healLh wlLhouL
belng Lold anyLhlng 1hey are here Lo use Lhelr glfLs of lnLulLlon and senslLlvlLy Lo help oLhers

Llfe paLh of 11 has Lhe quallLles of Lhe number Lwo magnlfled lf you have Lhls number you are splrlLually
aware a vlslonary lnsplrlng charlsmaLlc lnvenLlve a dreamer ldeallsLlc and a deep Lhlnker and you
rely on falLh raLher Lhan loglc Lo deal wlLh Lhe llfe and all lL has Lo offer

1he challenge for Llevens ls Lo noL be overwhelmed by Lhelr glfLs lears and phoblas would be Lhe
downslde of Lhls number 1hey may also seem aL Llmes lndeclslve lmpracLlcal nervous and moody

1he number 11 llfe paLh ls concerned wlLh splrlLual lllumlnaLlon CfLen a number 11 wlll have an
lnsLlncLlve undersLandlng of meLaphyslcal maLLers 8ecause Llevens are also 1wos Lhey have Lhe
sLrengLh Lo flnlsh whaL Lhey sLarL 11 ls also a good number for formlng parLnershlps you work and
play well wlLh oLhers ?ou are llkely Lo marry young and be commlLLed and falLhful for your enLlre llfe

8elow are some key polnLs you mlghL wanL Lo Lake lnLo conslderaLlon Lo help you on your paLh

Ao 11 moy oppeot to leoJ o llfe of exttemes lt ls teolly o seotcb fot bolooce lo oll oteos of llfe 11s ote
ovootqotJe ooJ vlsloooty loJlvlJools wbo moke qteot stoJeots psycblcs mystlcs beolets teocbets
wtltets moslcloos ooJ ottlsts

oo ptobobly llke boblt ooJ tootloe lt qlves yoo o foooJotloo ftom wblcb yoo coo explote oo mlqbt oot
be o leoJet bot yoo ote o vlsloooty ooJ o vety toleoteJ lJeo petsoo oot oblllty to polckly ooJ
occototely ooolyze o sltootloo ls o teol stteoqtb lo tbe bosloess wotlJ oo ote o petfectloolst bot yoo
osoolly meosote op

Ao ooboppy 11 wlll floJ tbemselves olwoys Jteomloq of blq scbemes bot oevet tokloq ptoctlcol octloo to
potsoe tbose qools 1bls meoos tbe 11 ls stock lo tbe vlsloooty stoqe of eollqbteomeot ooJ ptobobly
oeeJs to oJJtess feot lssoes

Ao 11/2 coo be yoot owo wotst eoemy oote Jtlveo to petfectloo bot sometlmes tbot jost meoos yoote
oo o cotoosel tbot woot stop leoto to coll lt o Joy ooJ Joot qet cooqbt lo selfblome

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