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Multiprogramming is one oI the more basic types oI parallel processing that can be employed in
many diIIerent environments. Essentially, multiprogramming makes it possible Ior several
programs to be active at the same time, while still running through a single processor. The
Iunctionality oI multiprogramming in this environment involves a continual process oI
sequentially accomplishing tasks associated with the Iunction oI one program, then moving on to
run a task associated with the next program.
Multiprogramming is very diIIerent Irom the multiprocessing because even though there may be
several programs currently active, the uniprocessor is not simultaneously executing commands
Ior all the programs. Instead, the processor addresses each program, executes a single command,
then moves on to the next program in the queue. The previous program remains active, but enters
into a passive state until the uniprocessor returns to the Iront oI the queue and executes a second
From an end user standpoint, the process oI multiprogramming is seamless. As Iar as actual
Iunctionality, the user appears to be using several diIIerent applications at the same time. This is
because multiprogramming utilizes the uniprocessor to execute commands quickly. The end
result is that a user notices little iI any lag time when minimizing one application in order to
perIorm a task associated with a diIIerent application.
The mechanism within multiprogramming is known as an interrupt. Each task is granted a
speciIic amount oI time Ior processing beIore the operating systems will move on to the next
program and the next task. In a sense, multiprogramming is about juggling several tasks at one
time, quickly perIorming one piece oI the required action, then moving to do something with a
diIIerent task beIore returning to the Iormer job.
Memory is important to the proper Iunction oI multiprogramming. Capacity should be ample
enough to ensure that iI one program within the rotating queue encounters a problem, it does not
prevent delays or impact the operation oI other open applications. At the same time, some type oI
memory protection should be in place. II this is not the case, then a problem with one application
can create a cascading eIIect that shuts down or at least slows down the other open applications.

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