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1. Precautionary/safety measures in providing hygiene to the client.

2. Nursing diagnosis, Goals/outcomes/Evaluation for Hygiene, Immobility, &
3. Identify alternate types of baths and the rationale for them
4. Identify the steps in a bed bath and rationale.
5. Discuss indications and contraindications for foot care and nail care.
6. Identify the various client positions in bed and their
indications/contraindications, and which procedures they are used for.
7. Identify care of the eyes, ears, and nose – include patient teaching points.
8. Causes for skin break-down and preventative measures.
9. Perineal care for both female and male and nursing considerations and
10. Identify procedure for oral care and nursing considerations
11. Identify nursing considerations for care of a patient with a hearing aid,
artificial eye, contact lenses, and dentures.
12. Identify various types of bed-making and rationale for such.
13. Ambulating with the aid of different devices – cane, crutches, walker
14. Prevention and management of falls.
15. Recommendations for an exercise regime
16. Identify required assessment of a patient and rationale before ambulation.
17. Principles of body mechanics and nursing implications
18. Identify and discuss rationale for use of assistive devices/measures for bedfast
19. Discuss the Psychosocial needs of the immobilized client.
20. Body systems affected by immobility and nursing implications
21. Describe correct body alignment and assessment of it.
22. Discuss the correct technique for helping a client to walk.
23. Use and application of sequential compression stockings.
24. Range of motion exercises.

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