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S T M A R T I N S C H U R C H . O R G N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 1


Events: 2 Mary & Martha Potluck Lunch Dec. Newsletter Prayer Shawls Sing for Christmas Prayer List Fr. Jon: 3 Thanksgiving Holiday Eucharist Commitment, contd ECW News Rev. Emily: Saturday Service Book Club

Reaching out to Joplin

By Heidi Gioia, Director of Youth Ministries Road Trip Report: Seven teens and five adults headed to Joplin October 15 to deliver our donations for the holiday-themed Give-A-Way. We brought a 16-foot truck full of items and received lots of compliments from St. Philips church on how well everything was labeled (thanks to all of our garage sale pros!). The teens then unloaded a semi-trailer full of items from Kansas City. We also went to a local Walmart and bought two shopping carts full of Christmas gifts for area kids affected by the May tornado. A full & blessed day indeed!
Missioners in Joplin: Sitting in truck: Tirso, Kiki, Abby, Hope and Kaine Standing: (a friend from St. Philips) Greg Knight, Heidi Gioia, Lindsey, Susan Naylor, (another friend from St. Philips)

Continued on page 5

Adult Classes 6 Sunday School News Joplin, contd Youth Ministries Financial Update Legacy Gifts Milestones Snapshots Lay Ministry Schedule November Calendar Diocesan Convention

Making a commitment to St. Martins future

Ingathering and blessing of pledges on St. Martins Day, Nov. 13

7 8

By Jeff Klieve, Stewardship Chairman I was struck, as Im sure you were, by the breadth of the 25 St. Martins ministries on display at the Ministry Fair in August. These ministries are there for me; my family; you,
12 Lincoln Drake and Murrel Cunningham enjoy our 2011 Ministry Fair.

needs be addressed before St. Martins can enhance or expand its ministries in a significant way. As highlighted in the Treasurers report in this issue of Messages (page 8), our church is spending more than it takes in (deficit spending). Although there has been improvement, this has been the situation for 9 years, and its not sustainable. Pledge materials have been mailed and you have been asked to make a commitment of your time, talent and treasure Continued on page 3



my fellow parishioners; our community; and the world. And none of them are possible without our collective pledges of time, talent, and treasure. My personal hope is that we can deepen existing ministries and add to them so we are able to

touch more people in our community and make our own St. Martins experience even more meaningful. But our church continues to struggle financially to meet its current obligations and this


Announcements and Events

Mary & Martha Guild: Nov. 9 Prayer Shawl Ministry: Knit one, pray too!
By Deacon Susan Naylor Do you know how to knit, even a little bit? Can you crochet? I would like to gather a few prayer shawls to have on hand to give to people in our parish who are experiencing illness or loss. Just as we express our care for each other by providing meals, prayers, calls and cards, prayer shawls are another way to express our caring. These simple shawls are used as a tangible reminder of being wrapped up in our prayers, and can provide warmth and comfort to the recipient. It takes a little time, a little prayer and about three skeins of yarn. More information and simple directions are available at: Questions? Contact Deacon Susan Naylor at

Really, really busy?

By The Rev. Virginia Noel Want to be involved at St. Martins but dont have time? Want to be a part of our ministry but cant make the commitment? Try this one: Pray once a week for parishioners who are living with chronic pain and have a chronic illness. This prayer list is unlikely to change, that being the nature of chronic illnesses. You pick the day and time to pray for these people. You may simply say their names before God. You may also use a prayer Ill give you. If you are interested in this ministry, please contact me at church, or at, or 636-779-2807.


By Ruth Minster If you enjoy music, please come and join us Wednesday, Nov. 9 at 10 a.m. for a musical walk down memory lane with our wonderful pianist Chuck Laney. Ladies, bring a bag lunch. Dessert, coffee and tea will be provided.

Daylight Savings Time ends Sunday, Nov. 6 at 2 a.m.

St. Martins Day Potluck Lunch: Sunday, Nov. 13

By Leanne Lyle Join us as we celebrate the feast day of our patron saint. We will have a potluck lunch and learn some interesting Join us for Holy Eucharist at St. Martins facts about Martin of Tours following our 10:15 service. Come enjoy a meal, fellowship and test your knowledge. Please sign up in Park Hall. Any questions, call Leanne Lyle Sundays at 8 & 10:15 a.m. Wednesdays at Noon Saturdays at 5 p.m. at 636-532-0794.

Icons in Transformation
A free art exhibit of abstract expressionist icons is on display at Christ Church Cathedral in downtown St. Louis. The contemporary icons are by Russian-born artist Ludmila Pawlowska. The exhibit also includes works painted by the monks of Vassilevsky Monastery in Russia. For more information, go to The exhibit runs through Jan. 15.

Newsletter deadline: Nov. 15

By Janis Greenbaum Send articles, announcements, pictures and anything youd like published in the December issue of Messages to: jgreenbaum@

Come sing for Christmas

By Earl Naylor, Music Director Do you like to sing, but don't want to commit for an entire year? Come join us for the month of December and sing with us for Advent and Christmas. We rehearse on Thursdays at 7 p.m. Talk to any of the choir members or to me about joining us.




A Prayer of Thanksgiving
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I invite you to turn in your prayer books, or to look up online and print out, the prayer on page 836 simply called, A General Thanksgiving. This prayer is an honest approach and can easily be used daily. The thanksgivings include the bounty of creation, the blessing of family and friends, the tasks before us, our struggles and our failures, the life and ministry of Gods Son, and the mission of the Church through the gift of the Holy Spirit. If you use this prayer this month, please pay attention to the images that arise. Please consider engaging the words with your own experience. I offer these questions as suggestions: What are the celebrations and the disappointments? How does Gods range encompass them? How has my life been enriched by the presence of God? Which part(s) of the Trinity speak to me? When and where does my life of gratitude happen? How is my community shaped by grace?
Fr. Jon and Deacon Susan preside over Eucharist during our Oct. 2 outdoor mass and pet blessing in honor of St. Francis Day.

Making a commitment
Continued from page 1
for 2012. The mailing was preceded by a series of messages in October centered on this years theme, Feasting on Gratitude, which invites us to explore giving generously out of gratitude for the abundance God has given to us. While Im mostly thinking about the offering of praise and thanksgiving to God through my 2012 pledge commitment, Im also think about something else thats important: what my 2012 pledge will mean to sustain and hopefully further the ministries of St. Martins. I sense renewed energy, commitment, and involvement at St. Martins and I hope and pray this energy, commitment, and involvement translates into pledges of time, talent, and importantly, treasure, that will allow our church to meet its base-line financial obligations in 2012 and enable even greater ministries by our church. Please join me in that prayer as you complete your pledge card and bring it to church for the ingathering on November 13.

Please let me know how this prayer works for you whether for a day or a month. Many blessings to you in this season of harvest. May we realize the power of a thankful heart. Blessings, Fr. Jon
Contact The Rev. Jon Hall at

Sharing Thanksgiving Eucharist

Members from St. Martins Episcopal Church, St. Anselms Catholic Church and Trinity Lutheran Church will come together for a special Thanksgiving Eve worship service. The joint service will be at Trinity Lutheran Church, 14088 Clayton Road on Wednesday, Nov. 23, at 7:30 p.m. St. Martins choir will join with the choirs of Trinity and St. Anselm's for the service. Please join us!


ECW honors Mary Richardson

By Susan Gillies Annually, the Episcopal Church Women award a National Distinguished Woman Award to a woman of the Episcopal Church whose life in the secular community reflects her Christian values. This year, St. Martin's ECW decided to recognize a woman in our congregation who has done just that. We presented Mary Richardson the Distinguished Woman Award at our afternoon tea on Sunday, Sept. 18 in honor of her outstanding work both within our church and our community. Mary is the vibrant leader of two weekly Bible studies at St. Martins. In addition to her many contributions to our church, for six years (and still going) Mary has been a volunteer foster parent with the Humane Society of Missouri. She brings homeless puppies and kittens into her family until the pets are eligible for adoption. She provides the animals (sometimes abused, always neglected, and a few times pregnant) an opportunity to grow in a home full of loving and rich experiences of social behavior and wellness. Mary has the spirit of St. Francis love. Her name has been sent forward to the Diocesan ECW for consideration of submission to the national level. St. Martin's hopes to continue this tradition next year to recognize yet another of one of our outstanding women in the congregation. Congratulations to Mary!

Discussions, thanksgivings and ingatherings

ECW Presents: Cancer Discussion
card ministry. Please let Susan Gillies know if you'd like to attend so we can all provide a meal item to make our dinner complete. All women are welcome to attend!

More ECW News:

The 2nd Annual Christmas ornament will be here this month! This years edition will feature one of the stained glass windows from the sanctuary. ECW Cookie Exchange is planned for December. If anyone would be willing to host this fun event at your house, please contact Susan Gillies.

We invite you to join us for an informative presentation given by Dr. Carrie Morrison and Beverly Kinkade on breast and ovarian cancers on Tuesday, Nov. 15 at 7 p.m. in Park Hall. Discussion will cover a variety of topics such as symptoms, treatment options and who needs what, and what does the future hold, as well as personal experiences regarding cancer. Everyone is welcome to join us for this helpful presentation on diseases that touch many of our lives. Please sign up in Park Hall or e-mail Susan Gillies if you plan on attending.

UTO Ingathering: Nov. 20

Sunday, Nov. 20 is the next UTO ingathering. Please plan on bringing your United Thank Offering box that day with any money you've collected (extra boxes are available in the Narthex). Boxes were handed out in Sunday School for all children to collect donations as well. UTO is a ministry for the mission of the whole church. Through UTO men, women, and children nurture the habit of giving daily thanks to God. The money we give supports missions and ministries throughout the Episcopal Church. By participating, we can discover that thankfulness leads to generosity. Give a little, help a lot. Contact Susan Gillies at

ECW Thanksgiving
The next monthly ECW meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 17 at 6:30 p.m. Although we have a few items to discuss, instead of holding an official meeting we will be sharing a

Thanksgiving meal and making cards for our



Worship under construction

By the Rev. Emily Hillquist Davis We are developing a new and different worship service for Saturday evenings. We hope it appeals to busy folks and spiritual seekers alike an informal, down-to-earth, sensoryrich offering of Holy Communion that varies to reflect natural and liturgical seasons, and invites new worshipers and new leaders to participate as much as possible. What is worship? Where do YOU meet God? At the Exploring Worship meetings we held in early October, worshippers shared what parts of the Eucharistic service most nourish us. Peoples answers fell in four categories: 1) music, 2) Communion, 3) lessons and sermon, 4) prayers and confession. Participants then walked quietly into our worship space and stood at the area that they felt to be the holiest. Choices were rich and varied: the cross, altar, and tabernacle, the original altar and surrounding art, the columbarium, prayer candles, communion rail and the space in the middle through which we approach the altar, the windows and their colored light that travels morning and evening across the room, a familys accustomed pew and kneeler, the lectern, the door, the font... Many of these places feel holy because of their connection with our history and with our saints: We were married at that altar. I knew those people. I came here for solace when I had a crisis. Some defined worship as setting aside our selves; slipping away from everyday thoughts, pressure, worries and demands; and engaging a spirit of praise and community that expands our attention beyond ourselves to God in Christ, our neighbors, and all creation. One thing everyone agreed on: It takes time and peace to enter into a state of worship. Whenever we gather, let us be mindful of giving each other space and peace to enhance the spirit of worship. Next steps toward developing alternative Saturday evening worship: Come whenever you can to participate in Worship under Construction. All are invited. Saturdays: 4:15 p.m. - set-up 5 p.m. - worship & Holy Communion 5:45 p.m. - debrief Come help brainstorm, create and evaluate different music, prayers, rituals, and atmosphere to deepen our encounter with God. After worship, we discuss and evaluate and plan for next time. Come give us a piece of your mind, heart and soul. Its never too late to get involved. Contact me or just show up! Invite a friend. Its fun. Yours looking forward in Christ, emily+
Contact The Rev. Emily Hillquist Davis at or (314) 560-6731

November book club moves to December

By Ruby Downs From Publishers Weekly: Book Club is changing its November meeting to Tuesday, Dec. 6, at 7 p.m. in Packwood Library. We will discuss The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford. Obtain a copy of the book and come join the discussion. Newcomers are always welcome. We will return to our regular schedule of the fourth Tuesday of each month in January. Ford's strained debut concerns Henry Lee, a ChineseAmerican in Seattle who, in 1986, has just lost his wife to cancer. After Henry hears that the belongings of Japanese immigrants interned during WWII have been found in the basement of the Panama Hotel, the narrative shuttles between 1986 and the 1940s in a predictable story that chronicles the losses of old age and the bewilderment of youth.


November adult Christian formation

By Carole Clary
Nov. 13 God Has Got To Be With Us, with special guest Howard Park November 20: A Green Christmas and Beyond, with special guest Sabine McDowell November 27 Inter-generational Grand Thankgiving Coffee Hour

No formal Sunday classes today. All ages will come together in Park Hall to enjoy a festive hour with food and conversation. Creative opportunities will be offered to intentionally name blessings and express gratitude. Come prepared to relax and give thanks. The Grand Coffee is cosponsored by Adult Christian Formation, Sunday school and youth leaders , teachers and committee members.

The Rev. Howard Park was first Vicar of St. Martins when it began as a Mission in 1965 and then Rector from 1977 until he retired in 1998. He will take us on an hourlong journey of St. Martins history. He will talk about the first and the second church buildings how five words: human, open, warm, strong and unifiedgave architects a planning direction and how the art and architecture reflected the people who founded and built the church. Rev. Park wants the session to be a guided tour of our past and requests that all feel free to come with questions; he insists that the time with us be a dialogue where interruptions are welcome.

Sabine McDowell, writer and co-chair of Creation Care Ministry at Grace Episcopal Church in Kirkwood will teach us how to go green, save money and serve God. On her website,, Sabine writes about simple steps to save energy and reduce emissions. She also serves on the Climate Action Task Force for the City of Creve Coeur. Sabine will show us how as Christians we can alleviate suffering by making better choices and how being green is linked to our mission. Sabine believes that God gave us this creation to enjoy, not destroy.

Sunday school news

By Kay Fletcher Thanks to all who brought gifts to send with our Youth Group to Joplin. The children enjoyed this opportunity to share in an outreach project. Many exciting things are going on in our Sunday School classes... Music Sunday will be the last Sunday of each month. This is during the Sunday School hour. If you haven't registered for Sunday School, please join us and register in your child's classroom, or call me (636-326-9833) and I'll
Kids in St. Martins 1-3 Sunday school class pose with their favorite stuffed animals on Oct. 2, St. Francis Day.

get the info to you. It's important that we have a registration form for each child or youth. Registration is always OPEN. See you in Sunday School.




Reaching out to Joplin, continued from page 1

Many hands, hearts & prayers made this happen: The real heart of a missional experience like this is in realizing that it involves and transforms our whole parish while 12 people went to Joplin, all of us prayed for the missioners during the Prayers of the People, many people brought in items to share, dozens helped box up the items on Service Day, others spread the word and asked us great questions to help us understand Gods presence in the midst of this tragedy and what our response should be. A special thanks goes to: Fr. Sierra and all of St. Philips Episcopal Church in Joplin for hosting us Joan and Louis Fricke for collecting Christmas items from Meramec Bluffs retirement community Tom Baranowski for being our truck-driver and local expert on all things Joplin Greg Knight from St. Peters in Ladue who joined us on the trip Ramona, a St. Philips parishioner who shared her time, heart and personal story of losing her home in the tornado (all while gracefully coordinating the give-a-way!) Our teens: Kaine and Kiki Cogan; Hope Mueller; Tirso Aquino; Abby Trieschmann; Lindsey Peters; Michael Wiles Stewart Wiles for driving Krista Baker from Trinity, Kirksville who collected items The Vestry for funding this trip Deacon Susan Naylor for keeping us prayerful and safe on the road. Stay tuned: This is the start of something great! Youth ministries is committed to being involved in the rebuild over the long term experts say it might take 20 years! And our Vestry is monetarily supporting this effort by voting to give one-third of the garage sale proceeds to Joplin rebuild and relief efforts. Our teens asked great questions and learned a lot about the needs of community. Well discern how we continue to serve in Joplin and how to utilize these funds. And know that this will necessarily involve everyone, through prayer, advice, support, items donated, backs to lift, people to drive, etc.
St. Martins youth pose with presents purchased for Joplin tornado victims: Lindsey, Kaine, Abby, Hope, Kiki and Tirso.

Upcoming Youth Events:

Sunday Evening Gathering / Nov. 6, 5:30 7:30 p.m. Join the Rev. Emily Hillquist-Davis as we explore worship and create our own service. Dinner and games to be served, too! Middle-School Lock-In / Nov. 18 @ 8 p.m. till Nov. 19 @ 8 a.m. Bring a friend and enjoy 12 hours of fun, food, worship and fellowship. Well be sure to repeat some of the hit games from Februarys lock-in, and add in a few new things, too. A $5 donation will be appreciated to offset the cost of pizza and breakfast. Sign up in Park Hall or via email ( Peace Meal Project / December 3 High school students are invited to prepare a meal for the community at St. Johns Episcopal Church in Tower Grove.
Contact Director of Youth Ministries Heidi Gioia at


Financial update
From Larry Cornelius, Treasurer and Steve Young, Asst. Treasurer Several people have shared positive feedback about our financial communications and have requested ongoing information. The Finance Committee is dedicated to making information easily available and easy to understand. Currently, you can find a weekly update/snapshot in the Sunday announcements. It includes actual and budgeted figures from the prior week and for the year to date. If you are interested in getting more detail, the monthly financial report is posted on the vestry bulletin board in the hallway. On an ongoing basis, the Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and Finance Committee members are happy to answer questions at any time. For an in-depth discussion, we have scheduled two budget forums in January prior to the January 29 annual meeting. In the big picture, St. Martins is a growing congregation filled with vibrant activity. We are moving toward a balanced budget after a period of deficit spending. For fiscal 2011, a deficit of $22,792 was projected and our experience to date indicates that we are tracking about as expected. Stewardship of all resources, human and financial, continues to be an important priority. Although the budget for 2012 has not yet been drafted, there is a strong commitment to responsible stewardship and continued movement toward a balanced budget. We have 244 households and 148 pledging units. Pledges for 2011 totaled $375,486, Plate Income is projected to be $52,568 and Overall Operating Income is budgeted at $502,681. Our 2011 expense budget is $525,473. As of August 31, our Operating Fund had: 2011Year to Date Actual Income Expenses Surplus/(Deficit) $321,502 $334,404 ($12,902) 2011Year to Date Budget $ 334,771 $354,910 ($20,139) Variance ($13,269) $20,506 $7,237

As you can see, our staff and committees are doing an excellent job of controlling expenses. However, since income is running short of expectations, cash flow is tight. We hope that this situation will ease as people return to the routine of the school year. The Finance Committee and the Vestry wish to share a joint note of appreciation for the widespread interest in our faithful operations. We share a commitment to being responsible stewards and we look forward to continuing conversation both public and private.

Legacy gifts
By Beverly Kinkade Do you know that 53 members of our parish celebrated their birthdays in October? The Legacy Fund of St. Martin's provides an avenue for you to recognize life events with any size gift. It is a great way to reinforce your commitment to friends and family and your church at the same time. Just pick up and fill out a Legacy Fund note card in the Narthex and include a check. You can drop it off in

the church office or drop it in the Sunday collection tray. Be sure to note that your check is to go to the Legacy Fund of St. Martin's, and who the honoree is. A note will be sent to the honored individual from the church indicating that a gift to the Fund has been made in their honor. You will be sent a separate note of acknowledgment from St. Martin's. What a wonderful way to honor our church and your friends with a tribute gift to the Legacy Fund!



Milestones at St. Martins

Nov. 1 - June Edwards Nov. 2 - Margaret Eidson - Sally Warren Nov. 4 - Brenda Finch - Natalie Pfremmer Nov. 5 - Carl Nethers - Randy Baumann Nov. 6 - Ralph Trieschmann Nov. 7 - Scott Underwood Nov. 9 - John Bennett Nov. 11 - Yvette Bellingan Nov. 12 - Dee Robinson Nov. 13 - Kent Montgomery - Bob Bennett, Jr. - Ryane Little Nov. 14 - Hedy Fankenfield - Drew Ford - Billy Clince - Chase Bellam Nov. 15 - Jeremy Brown Nov. 16 - Ashley Aylsworth Nov. 18 - Steve Gillies Nov. 19 - Ken King Nov. 20 - Susan Schmoker Nov. 22 - Lana Biondo - Andy Esser - Sam Glazer Nov. 23 - Sherrie Algren Nov. 25 - Sarah Greenbaum Nov. 26 - Chuck Batch - Bill Gamlin, Sr. Nov. 27 - Abigail Wilson Nov. 28 - Pam Bellam Nov. 29 - Mary Jane McElroy - Joan Voit - Collin Willis Nov. 30 - Steve Lyle

Did we miss your birthday? Send your important dates and announcements to

Martha Powell - Sept. 27 Grandmother of Michael Magee Norma Ecker - Oct. 1 Mother of Bob Ecker

Mitra Malayery & Jason Fatchett Oct. 22 (in Atlanta) Jason is the son of Judi & Chuck Batch Debbie Glazer & John Matthews Nov. 12 Members at St. Martins

SNAPSHOTS FROM ST. MARTINS Above: Fr. Jon and Lynn Corning at our St. Francis Day pet blessing Oct. 2. Left: Steve Lyle lends a hand during Service Day Oct. 9. Below: Terri Garbo, Heidi Gioia, Bob Ecker, Jim Arras, Mike Kellogg and Ashleigh Kellogg are commissioned for youth work by Deacon Susan, Rev. Emily and Fr. Jon Oct. 9. See more photos of these events and all the happenings at St. Martins on our website at


Lay Ministries Schedule for November

N OV E M B E R 2 0
8 a.m.
Lector: Bob Elsperman Chalice Bearer: DArcy Elsperman Ushers: Jim & Bette Crabtree


N OV E M B E R 6
8 a.m.
Lector: Jeanne King Chalice Bearer: Lou Voit, Jr. Ushers: Jan & Bob Waters

10:15 a.m.
Greeters: Ashleigh & Mike Kellogg 1st Lesson: Rina Chittooran 2nd Lesson: Kurt Greenbaum Prayer Leader: Janis Greenbaum Chalice Bearers: Kurt & Janis Greenbaum Ushers: Sarah Aleman, Wayne Peters, Bob McElroy, Chuck Batch Healing Ministers: Judi Batch, Barbara McCann Eucharistic Visitors: Ray Harbert, Beverly Weaver, Nancy Young, Beverly DuPont Acolyte: Grace Gerretsen, Matthew Greenbaum, Kiki Cogan Childrens Worship Leader: Julie Clark CW Assistant: Kaine Cogan Nursery: Alice McLaughlin, Chen Nelson

10:15 a.m.
Greeters: Vikki & Jeff Nordeen 1st Lesson: Theresa Luebcke 2nd Lesson: Mary K Heyde Prayer Leader: Rich Luebcke Chalice Bearers: Mary K Heyde, Rich Luebcke Ushers: Barbara Bartelsmeyer, Lana & Joe Biondo, Bob Pomeroy Healing Ministers: Mary Pomeroy, Beverly Weaver Eucharistic Visitors: Leslie Pattengill, John Lange, Rebecca Barger, Leanne Lyle Acolytes: Abby Trieschmann, Ellie Ecker, Mackenzie Morrison Childrens Worship Leader: Kathy Willis CW Assistant: Kiki Cogan Nursery: Alice McLaughlin, Mary Kate Galvan

N OV E M B E R 1 3
8 a.m.
Greeter: Elin Cogan-Adewunmi Lector & Chalice Bearer: Jim Crabtree Ushers: Honor & Rich Hebenstreit Eucharistic Visitor: Rebecca Barger

N OV E M B E R 2 7
8 a.m.
Greeter: Elin Cogan-Adewunmi Lector & Chalice Bearer: Daryl Norman Ushers: Ginny & Bob Marchetto

10:15 a.m.
Greeters: Theresa & Rich Luebcke 1st Lesson: Doug Edmonson 2nd Lesson: Jack Hauser Prayer Leader: Mary Edmonson Chalice Bearers: Jack Hauser, Mary Edmonson Ushers: Rich Brown, Mark Edwards, Linda & Bob Huheey Healing Ministers: Diana Hauser, Leanne Lyle Eucharistic Visitors: Jennifer Neckermann, Mary K Heyde, John Lange Acolytes: Evan Fencl, Abby Trieschmann, Lindsey Peters Childrens Worship Leader: Terri Garbo CW Assistant: Hope Mueller Nursery: Jody Mena, Mary Kate Galvan

10:15 a.m.
Greeters: Nancy & Steve Young 1st Lesson: Maxine Heller 2nd Lesson: Andrew Wiles Prayer Leader: Ralph Trieschmann Chalice Bearers: John Lange, Tom Allen Ushers: Jeff Nordeen, Larry Cornelius, Sandy & Tom Baranowski Healing Ministers: Barbara McCann, Judi Batch, Eucharistic Visitors: Mary K Heyde, Leanne Lyle, Ray Harbert, Beverly Weaver Acolytes: Lindsey Peters, Shannon Gould, Kiki Cogan Childrens Worship Leader: Teresa Reeves CW Assistant: Hope Mueller Nursery: Jody Mena, Chen Nelson

If you cannot serve on an assigned date, please get a substitute and notify the church of the change (636-227-1484). If you have any special scheduling needs please contact: Readers, Chalice Bearers, Ushers, Greeters: Rebecca Barger, 636-778-0799 /; Acolytes: Bob Ecker, 636-230-7302 /; Childrens Worship: Julie Clark, 636-458-2584 /; Nursery: The Rev. Jon Hall, 636-227-1484 /

November 2011
10am - Womens Bible Study Noon - Holy Eucharist 6:30pm - Handbell Choir 7pm - Discernment Cmte. 7pm - Parables Bible Study 7pm - Choir Rehearsal 6:30am - Mens Bible Study 9:30am - Thursdays with ECW 10am - Beginners Bible Study Office Closed Worship Under Construction 4:15pm - Set up 5pm - Worship (de-brief following)

2 3 4 5







10am - Womens Bible Study 10am - Mary & Martha Noon - Holy Eucharist 6:30am - Mens Bible Study 9:30am - Thursdays with ECW 10am - Beginners Bible Study 7:15pm - Legacy Committee 6:30pm - Handbell Choir 7pm - Parables Bible Study 7pm - Choir Rehearsal



Office Closed Glazer/Matthews Wedding Rehearsal

9am - Mens Group Breakfast 4pm - Glazer/Matthews Wedding Worship Under Construction
4:15pm - Set up 5pm - Worship (debrief following)

8am - Holy Eucharist 9am - Christian Formation 10:15am - Holy Eucharist 11:30am - Adult CF Cmte. 11:30am - Worship Cmte. 5:30pm - Youth Group

10:30am - Bible Study 1:15pm - Staff meeting 7pm - Outreach Committee

Newsletter Deadline Noon - Holy Eucharist 10am - Womens Bible Study 7pm - Hospitality Committee 6:30pm - Handbell Choir

Food Pantry Sunday





6:30am - Mens Bible Study

Office Closed
9:30am - Thursdays with ECW 10am - Beginners Bible Study 5:30pm - Exec. Committee 6pm - Evangelism Committee 7pm - Facilities Committee 7pm - ECW 7pm - Choir Rehearsal

7pm - Middle School Lock-In Worship Under Construction 4:15pm - Set up 5pm - Worship (debrief following)

Ingathering of Pledge Cards 8am - Holy Eucharist 9am - Christian Formation 10:15am - Holy Eucharist 11:30am - St. Martins Day Potluck Lunch

10:30am - Bible Study 1:15pm - Staff meeting

10am - Womens Bible Study 7pm - Book Club

PDF Sunday



Noon - Holy Eucharist 7:30pm - Thanksgiving Eve Service @ Trinity Lutheran


Thanksgiving Office Closed

Office Closed

Worship Under Construction 4:15pm - Set up 5pm - Worship (debrief following)

UTO Ingathering 8am - Holy Eucharist 9am - Christian Formation 10:15am - Holy Eucharist

10:30am - Bible Study 1:15pm - Staff meeting



10am - Womens Bible Study

Noon - Holy Eucharist 6:30pm - Handbell Choir 7pm - Stewardship Committee


8am - Holy Eucharist 9am - Grand Coffee Hour 10:15am - Holy Eucharist

10:30am - Bible Study 1:15pm - Staff meeting

6pm - Vestry meeting


St. Martins Episcopal Church

15764 Clayton Road Ellisville, Mo., 63011-2330 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Phone: 636-227-1484 E-mail:



8 a.m. - Holy Eucharist I 9 a.m. - Christian Formation 10:15 a.m. - Holy Eucharist II

Noon - Holy Eucharist II

Presiding Bishop Schori to visit MO Diocesan Convention

The 172nd Meeting of the Convention of the Diocese of Missouri will be November 18-19 at Christ Church Cathedral in St. Louis. Phyllis Duff, Larry Cornelius, Wayne Peters and Lincoln Drake (Rebecca Barger is the alternate) will be attending the convention as delegates from St. Martins. The Revs. Jon Hall, Emily Hillquist Davis and Susan Naylor will also be representing St. Martins at the event. Highlights for this year's convention include: Our Presiding Bishop, the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, will be with us for her official visit to the Diocese of Missouri. She will preach at the Convention Eucharist on Saturday morning and be with us throughout the meeting. Our bishop, The Rt. Rev. Wayne Smith, has also invited the Bishop of Lui, the Rt. Rev. Stephen Dokolo, and his wife Lillian, to join us at Convention. Details were still being arranged for that visit at the time of publication, but we are hopeful that they will be able to come. Updates on the missional life in the Diocese of Missouri, especially as it relates to Making Disciples | Building Congregations | For the Life of the World. Vignettes telling the stories of various works of mission through our Diocese. Election to Diocesan offices. Consideration of proposed resolutions, perhaps including some to forward to the General Convention,
Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefforts Schori will preach at the Convention Eucharist, Saturday, Nov. 19 at Christ Church Cathedral. The service is open to the public.

meeting in July 2012. Consideration of a Diocesan budget for 2012.

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