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Whispers in the Wind

Comfort comes in many shapes as we all have our own Some believe some dont with respect we live together Always be the lip flapper to dumb too leave well enough alone If brain matter was weight they would be light as a feather Most are wise to their disguise know it all they are not old enough

Age does have its good n bad just as everything off the cuff Three dog night sang one is the loneliest number you ever knew In todays society it can be said honesty is holding ones hand Billy Joel sang honesty is such a lonely word in the 80s so true Liars breed like rabbits whats that, who am I to judge you say

Ill tell you who I am I am my married Mothers son bastard away I am the last of five n that is not jive Mom & Dad 48 years till death I would venture to say marriage is the parent of honesty n one day We all know that Father Time the one honesty takes away marriage breath Jack n Jill up the hill each a buck n a quarter Jill came down with 2.50; dont drink the water

A sense of humor is gold these days with wit to expand give a hand to laughter I stay grounded with Mom & Dad in my heart n all my relative as I hold all their hand These words are the product of parents well planned my siblings where I begin Of course I was blamed for which I am unashamed my brothers n sister the band I look n think back in my heart even under heavy attack I feel n hear love Whispers in the Wind

2011 I.M. Nobody Moms always know best, Love you Mom till the end of time.

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