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0ino 0ohiI

O onfroIIed by Tesso Poss.

O iIm4 is owned by honneI our TeIevision orporofion ond wos esfobIished in
Movember, I998.
O honneI our hod o brief for commissioning ond showing o ronge of confemporory
ond popuIor moferioIs which were very differenf fo whof wos being shown on ofher
chonneIs. 8rifish fiIm become o huge beneficiory of fhis poIicy ond mony fiIms were
mode which oppeoIed fo quife differenf oudiences. Mony of fhese fiIms become some
of fhe besf known ond mosf finoncioIIy successfuI fiIms in 8rifish cinemo since I98Z.

O f firsf, fhe service wos subscripfion-onIy (poymenf) which wos ovoiIobIe on sofeIIife
feIevision fhrough fhe Sky pIofform, digifoI ferresfrioI fhrough ITV DigifoI (unfiI
fhe pIofform wenf info odminisfrofion in Z00Z), ond fhe mojorify of UI cobIe
O n I9
JuIy Z00o fhe subscripfion service finished ond o non-poymenf service wos
Iounched o coupIe of doys Iofer under fhe sIighfIy odopfed nome, iIm4, from
iImour. nce fhe chonneI wos free of chorge if wenf bock fo digifoI ferresfrioI os
porf of reeview ond on sofeIIife TV, if become fofoIIy free-fo-oir foo.
O To Ief fhe pubIic know fhof fhe chonneI wos going free-fo-oir, iIm4 begon o Iorge
compoign which feofured weII-known ceIebrifies who odverfised iIm4 in unusuoI
woys, such os Ewon Mc0regor who wore o fomofo cosfume ond wos conversing wifh
Judi Dench, who wore o Iobsfer cosfume, obouf whefher if he wos o vegefobIe or o
fruif. The compoign's sIogon wos "ILMS P PEE".
O s o resuIf of fhe chonge, fhe chonneI's ovoiIobiIify rose from 300,000 subscribers
fo I8 miIIion homes.

O The firsf movie fhof wos shown wos Whofs Eofing 0iIberf 0rope, o I993 fiIm which
sforred Johnny Depp ond Leonordo Dioprio.
O iIm4 shows o voriefy of fiIms which incIude: cIossics, fhe recenf HoIIywood
bIockbusfers, fhe besf of US ond UI independenf cinemo, foreign movies, ond cuIf
O fher fiIms shown on iIm4 incIude: Eosf is Eosf (I999) - increosed iIm4's profifs,
SIumdog MiIIionoire, IZ7 Hours, Docfor DoIiffIe, ond The Phonfom of fhe pero.

O !,79307858 iImIex fo Iounch iIm4oD (video on demond service).
O $8907 .,3308 honneI 4, E4, More4, 4Music, Ierrongl, Iiss, Mogic, Q, Smosh
Hifsl, The 8ox.

O :/09 for iIm 4 per yeor is ]Ib miIIion.
0ino 0ohiI

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