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Working TitIe

I) Working TifIe FiIms wos co-founded by producers, Tim evun ond Suruh
Z) f wos founded in ,
3) f is bosed in ondon United kingdom,
4) ric FeIIner ond Tim evun ore now fhe co-owners of fhe compony.
b) Two Acudemy Awurds for Atonement (besf originoI score) ond Iizubeth: The
SoIden Age (cosfume designs) were won in Z008.
o) fuII-fime sfoff is empIoyed of Working TifIe.
7) Working TifIe's phiIosophy hos oIwoys been to muke fiIms for un uudience
which pIuys in u muItipIe to muintuin the Uk fiIm industry,
8) Their box office hifs incIude: Four Weddings und u FuneruI The orrowers
AIi S Induhouse Johnny ngIish ond ridget Jone's Diury,
9) FIops incIude Red Dwurf where fhey onIy mude $ in the first weekend
ond grossed $ in the US, AIso, Cuptuin CoreIIi's MundoIin didn'f do very
weII even fhough if wos fheir mosf expensive fiIm ond neifher did Thunderbirds,
which wos onofher expensive fiIm.
I0)#ichord Curfis works for Working TifIe, writing producing und directing
II)Two fomous direcfors fhof Working TifIe hos worked wifh ore Shuron Muguire,
who direcfed ridget Jone's Diury ond Peter Howitt, who direcfed Johnny
IZ)ugh 0ronf ucts in Iofs of Working TifIe fiIms. e is oIso o producer,
I3)JoeI Duvid Coen (born Movember Z9, I9b4) ond thun Jesse Coen (born
Sepfember ZI, I9b7) known fogefher professionoIIy os fhe Coen 8rofhers ore
Americun fiImmukers, They muke und produce fiIms, ond ore editors
screenwriters ond cinemutogruphers for Working TitIe somefimes. Their fiIms
incIude: Iood SimpIe Furgo The ig ebowski O rother Where Art
Thou? No Country for OId Men ond True Srit, The Coen 8rofhers hove
worked within the reuIms of vurious genres of fiIms such us comedy und
I4)UniversuI owns o77 of Working TifIe fiIms since becouse Working TifIe
did go fhrough o fime when fheir fiIms weren't finuncing enough ond the
compuny wus uIwuys virtuuIIy bunkrupt, Working TifIe wonfed fo muke
uropeun fiIms for u worIdwide uudience ond fhey wunted to imbue the fiIms
with uropeun ideus und infIuences, They couIdn't do this without the bucking
of u mugor HoIIywood studio,

Ib)The budgef for The orrowers bIockbusfer wos uround ond fhe
budgef for fhe Four Weddings und u FuneruI bIockbusfer wos oround ,
Io)Working TifIe's mosf fomous genres incIude fumiIy fiIms ond comedies,
I7)fher genres incIude drumu ond herituge,
I8)n 8evon ond FeIIner Iounched o subsidiury compony nomed Working TitIe
Productions commonIy known os WT
. The compony is on independent fiIm
production urm run by Nutuschu Whurton ond hos produced fiIms fhof incIude
iIIy IIiot Shuun of the Deud ond The CuIcium kid, Working TifIe Z hove
won uwurds for iIIy IIiot - est ritish Independent FiIm WINNR (8rifish
ndependenf FiIm Awords, UI - Z000) ond est ritish FiIm WINNR (8AFTAS
- Z00I), which hod o budget of ,
I9)nformofion fhof con be found from Working TifIe's websife incIude: news
feutures truiIers fiIms theutre ond uction,
Z0)An inferesfing focf obouf Working TifIe is fhof fhey usuuIIy huve to
progects in deveIopment ut uny time,

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