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Section 67 Le Gendre ie no hitobito sono hachi The Le Gendre dynasty part eight Translated from http://9326.teacup. by Trevor Skingle About uncle and mother who were different having seen their faces, physique and overlapping fingers* * *, probably alagille syndrome Aikos () Noguchi Kimiko san ( Aikos daughter) talked a lot about having noticed the couples atypical appearance which its felt can indeed be seen in the handed down photograph. Here [Section 15] in a photograph Aiko appears in spectacles in a pleasant enough portrait photograph. It cant be helped but see the extent of the strong similarity to the features of Western people. Surprisingly Uzaemon isnt really anywhere near being her mirror image, and in the other photographs the difference between the couples feature can be seen.

Photograph at [15] Like grandmother uncle was typically Japanese in comparison with mother whose looks which, quite frankly, clearly reflected and were fashioned by grandfathers ancestry About Uzaemon Satomi Ton observes that his hands were the mirror image of Aikos who said with embarrassment that this defect wants to spread to the spine . She ended up accepting the loss of strength in her hands that she experienced. Occasionally Kimiko san would go out with her when her feet, which suffered in the same way as her hands, would make it a bit difficult walking. For the benefit of self-interest the controversy about Uzaemons ancestry was misleadingly side-stepped though news about his sisters handgrip was public knowledge. According to Kimiko san up till then her health was reliable and she was making progress and was all right . Certainly she reiterated her mothers hands and her dignity improved to the extent that she allowed herself to show a smile of enjoyment when swapping glances and as a consequence felt fairly good and was overjoyed that in the circumstances and to a great extent Ichimuras affection was assured . Perhaps this is somewhat amazing, or maybe not? That Aiko then grew up with both parents inherited characteristics and way of thinking, how naturally like them her pride in the family improved.

Later, after her marriage, the three of them discovered that in Fuskushima (), kuma (), Mutsu () following the circumstances of the recent past the situation suddenly changed completely, because once there they introduced themselves, the place suggesting improved prospects . At a proposed meeting with the heir of the feudal Lord Shungaku ( haiku name of Matsudaira Yoshinaga) Itos () story was told. However significant and legitimate his honourable status, once he withdrew and abandoned me my insignificance increased. Even so though I had the honour and opportunity to cultivate closer relationships Im sorry that Ikeda the nobody () has only some vague information about my parents. Now, after such a long time, my name is more influential. Both of them, master and mistress, in order to deal with their anxietysecretly joined in boasting about their noble and historic lineage and that their birth and social status is an example that is in harmony with and benefits a Lord of the country. Even though the wife of a nobleman from a foreign country ( - ) I was given an opportunity and engaged as attending tutor to the princewith the Japanese strength of mind I loyally carried out their wishes, and in accordance with a womans merits faultlessly accomplished everything that has been mentioned. , pardon me but all along my purpose has been to fulfil my obligations to my country and my husbands purpose was dedicated to serving the prosperity of his heritage, how invaluable After the public wedding ceremony was conducted traditional preparations were made for the future. This was done in order to obtain the consent of three of the most influential people in the Meiji () Government who swallowed their silent tears (i.e. swallow a bitter pill). This story comes from the written self-admonition by Ito (). Here verbatim it is at last set down for consideration.
* Probably referring to kuma Shigenobu - ), It Hirobumi ( - ) and one other

Perhaps speaking out of turn, in life I am discreet and modest. My wishes are remarkably humble. Not at all noble enough to flatter any intellect I am expected to lose gracefully and bow in gratitude. That I am much less worthy than the riches of the intellectual aristocracy is certainly an insincere undertaking that the nobility appreciate. If my spirit is peaceful it becomes harmonious. I naturally pass the time resting and enjoying myself in moderation which according to the doctor ought to keep me healthy. My intentions around accomplishing loyalty and filial piety arent so different. I love that person who is my favourite. I must hold dear to what I say and not write words for entertainments sake which are untrue and disdainful in such a discrete matter. I speak frequently about the cause of the problem, a situation in which I am the exasperated wife of that person, who is my sweetheart, friend and spouse. The little time that Ai ( Ito and Le Gendres first daughter who died premature at the age of three) spent with us was a gift before she was soon taken to heaven. My thoughts were angry on behalf of Ais spirit to which I reached out. I will talk about this until I am told to be still. My story is frequently eventful and I have a sense of a wasted life. During his time away I pleaded with heaven for him, an especially invisible nobleman whose time spent in absence was particularly heartfelt. I reasoned with my intellect that if I do this it might become real as my feelings about that completely absent person were unbearable I kept a little make up and an old poem that I brought along and kept in my room. Because of the conceivable likelihood of the threat to Le Gendres familys dignity I then still reached out to embrace

Ai in a significantly Christianity () like way. Perhaps, it would seem, a lesson learnt from Le Gendre (). We should have continued in this spirit, that was until the present when the final setback came which was that the household enforced their will unhappy about the duration of, and persistence in, this sacred matter. (Even if one is only able to say that from the beginning there was a troublesome potential to deceive , two people attested to the hidden secret of Uzaemons birth which may possibly have been contained in other concealed documentation until this was included in The Legend of Uzaemon when it was published. Its possible to say that it seems to be a minor exception from anothers significant assurance) It was said that Uzaemon is brought to the stage the impression of pure clarity of speech . From his fathers instruction he was well versed in shielding his career in that there were no supposed unusual circumstances in much the same way as Aiko who was brought up amongst similar people. In those circumstances her family approved of her daughter Kimiko sans developing refinement, modesty and noble integrity. She was said to have a way with Fukushima saying that in even if it isnt so very different from all the great countries of the world I love the spirit of the Province and, however much father was honoured, I am from the chivalrous heart of an ancient country, and the great devotion of the Japanese people, in a particular way not following the situation of mama that lingered in an imaginative poem Aiko remarked openly that she was influenced one at a time the extent of her mothers qualities rather than her fathers. Both mother and daughter went to Korea to investigate the events of Le Gendres death. Ito had very difficult feelings about saying goodbye. She did however say that in his refusal to profit I am pleased that without wavering he gave his whole life in service to other countries . After attending to this the question of whether or not it was her personal choice Aiko () chose to stay in Fukushima and kuma, though in this choice she was compelled. With a mothers strong disposition and pregnant with Rinko () in such different circumstances was fortunate enough not to contemplate suicide. unless one was held completely under mothers influence Though having a great number of distressing concluding thoughts, in the circumstances the mother remained permanently in Japan with them both. Having together left Fukushima, when Ito and Aiko left Korea during their time away from home they had attended to and concluded the business of committing Le Gendre to the Korean soil. Kimura Shhachi () sketch The Legend of UzaemonMeiji University Library () in ones possession, Satomi Ton Mr gift Ichimura Uzaemon all the documents related to the matter complete set [] 1954 ( 29) Mainichi Shimbun () evening newspaper

Photographic images published before December 31st 1956, or photographed before 1946 and not published for 10 years thereafter, under jurisdiction of the Government of Japan, are considered to be public domain according to article 23 of old copyright law of Japan and article 2 of supplemental provision of copyright law of Japan

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