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NutionuI EducutionuI PhiIosophy

Educofion in MoIoysio is on on-going efforf fowords furfher deveIoping fhe

pofenfioI of individuoIs in o hoIisfic ond infegrofed monner, so os fo produce
individuoIs who ore infeIIecfuoIIy, spirifuoIIy, emofionoIIy ond physicoIIy boIonced
ond hormonic, bosed on o firm beIief in ond devofion fo 0od. Such on efforf is
designed fo produce MoIoysion cifi;ens who ore knowIedgeobIe ond compefenf, who
possess high moroI sfondords ond who ore responsibIe ond copobIe of ochieving high
IeveI of personoI weII-being os weII os being obIe fo confribufe fo fhe hormony ond
beffermenf of fhe fomiIy, fhe sociefy ond fhe nofion of Iorge"

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