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write, Mao's agents are setting up their Embassy in Ottawa. Embassy, it will be used as a center of subversion.

What Happens Now? '

Like the Russian

Canada is now on the verge of becoming a Cornmunistcounuy; and when you read this Canada will be where Cuba was in April, 19'59, soon after Castro took over. Like Castro, Tmdeau wiII continue to deny he is'a.Communist until he seizes total power. If the Canadian people let him do that, he will then announce, lil.:e Castro, that he has been a Communist from the beginning. Recently, he shouted from his limousine to some unemploy,:d Quebec workers in Ottawa to protest: "Mangez de la merde!" This advice uansLnes into the Queen's English as "Eat s**t!" - somewhat inappropriate phraseolo?y fT,om a "champion of the laboring masses." Marie Antoinette is at least reponed w :'~::se,old them to eat cake. On another recent occasion, he used an obscene gesc'.:,,: - on the floor of Parliament - at the same time mouthing the words, "F*** of="" And the same terror that exists in Saigon can now be ,', u,d in ".lontreal. In a restaurant, a woman cautions me to whisper as we discuss ,h.,: f .L.Q. And there is the usual manufactured anti-Americanism. At the Sea\';ay -'1cwr 1=-.2', a good place for Americans to avoid - we have guaranteed reserYations \w m'.:>-:pay for if we don't show. We do show but there is no room. Our credit cards ::.,e ~x,j and then they are no good. As in Cuba, there is a Canadian version of "Cub" s~,'1'2<,:ee no." An attempt is being made to reduce and eliminate American iryes,I::'"e-::, "Canada for the Canadians," the people are being told. The stage is b,:~n~ see for the usual nationalizations. Indeed, the first refugees - the doctors - are already arri\ing i=-,::e enited States : from Canada. Unlike the Cubans, they can walk all the way. If Trudeau and his fellow Communists are successfuL the l'=-.i:ed Scates will be faced not only with a Communist country ninety miles mvay - 'om also by CiDe with whom we share a common, 4,000-mile border. Our best friend would be LUr-:ecinto our greatest danger. And America would be caught in the pincers the COIYL'llT-ists ave planned. h Presumably, Richard Nixon has a policy ready. When Trudem demands Louisiana, we will only give him half. Demagogues throughout history have used mobs on the bottom, in the streets, in the open, to justify the imposition of a dictatorship at the top. Indeed, that is the meaning of the word, demagoguery. Hitler did it, by fomeming riots and then offering a "solution." Communists like Trudeau do it. And the demagogic conspirators who control our governmem are doing it too. Like Trudeau, they are financing revolution against themselves, to justify a dictatorship as the "solution." Indeed, just as in Canada, they are beginning to demand that our doctors be nationalized, by means of various proposals for "health care." And on October 30,1969, the Federal Register published Richard Nixon's Executive Order 11490, which consolidates the powers described in nineteen earlier Executive Orders issued by Presidents Ken, nedy and Johnson; powers which the President may use ifhe declares a state of "national emergency" - a term which Mr. Nixon's Order does not define. America, in short, has its own War Measures Act. And America has its own Trudeau. Americans and Canadians must cooperate immediately to stop them .


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