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Eternity Late night, 2:30 A.M. As I lay in bed I begin to think about you. Your beauty.

How beautiful you are. How beautiful you make me feel. You can sit there doing nothing, And be cute as newborn. Your eyes. The way you look at me. The love they hold within them. The love that they call for; The love I stare back with. I reflect on the feelings you stir Deep within my soul. Your love. The love you have for me, Your family, Your love Holds me, Warms me, Sustains me. Your kiss. Drives me absolutely Insane. I all I can do is sit there, And take it. Im powerless against it. Time and times.

I think back on all the time, Weve spent together, Alone, With our best of friends. The times we had, The times to be had. I think and dream about, Us. How we started, How we are, And how I hope well be. The more I dream of you , The more I realize, Im still alone in bed. I begin to realize, How much I miss you, How much I know youre missing me. I cant stand this. Being away from you is, Maddening. I look at the clock, 2:31 A.M. Son of a bitch.

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