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Homework: Questions for Chpt.

9 When my name was Keoko

Homework (Due: Tues, Nov 1, 2011) 1/ Why do you think Uncle suddenly changed when Sun-hee introduced her friend at his printing shop? => I think that Uncle changed because he can make business with Jung-shins family so he changed totally so he can get along with Jungshins family 2/ What movie did Onishi-san showed the students at school? => Onishi-san showed the students a video about how bad the Americans are. It is propaganda to take both the Korean and Japanese believe that the Japanese Generals are doing the right thing. This video is also showed to take people onto their side. 3/ How did the movie depict Americans? => The film showed that the Americans hated all people with black hair and even killed the women and babies of their enemies just to amuse themselves. 4/ Why do you think he showed the students this film? => I think that Onishi-san showed the movie to the students because he wants to make the students to believe that the Japanese are right to make war with the Americans and that they are the one should win. He showed the students the video to make the student to get on the Japaneses side.

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