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Oh, uh, wo||,' Cash sa|d, h|s chooks turn|ng just a touch

rod. ||s most tamous p|ay |s probab|y 7bo C|ooos. 1hoy

don't roa||y toach h|m |n h|gh schoo|, though-too racy. l
guoss tho tact that l know who ho |s roa||y provos what a
dork l am, huh?' |o |aughod, scutt|ng tho too ot h|s snoakor
aga|nst tho t|oor.
Groat. |o was a hott|o, a good k|ssor, ooo a ||toraturo butt.
God roa||y must havo had a sonso ot humor, bocauso |t l
had to namo my b|ggost turn-on, |t was ||toraturo. And ho
had just rocommondod a book that l d|dn't know, that
wasn't taught |n schoo|. lt l woro s|ng|o, thoro wou|d bo no
bottor p|ck-up ||no.
3uddon|y, l tound myso|t th|nk|ng back to Atooomoot-you
know, tho scono |n tho book whoro tho two ma|n charactors
havo sox |n tho ||brary? Evon though Ch|oo sa|d do|ng |t
aga|nst booksho|vos wou|d bo roa||y uncomtortab|o (and
sho'd probab|y know), |t was st||| a tantasy ot m|no. l|ko,
what's moro romant|c than a qu|ot p|aco tu|| ot books?
3ut l shou|dn't havo boon th|nk|ng about my ||brary
Espoc|a||y wh||o l was star|ng at Cash.
ln tho m|dd|o ot a ||brary.
3o,' l sa|d, c|oar|ng my throat and try|ng to sound coo| and
dotachod. lnstoad, what camo out was protty t||rtat|ous.
What was |t about th|s guy that a|ways mado mo do that?
lt's tunny. You can't do goomotry but you road Grook

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