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~MI-F@7 J ‘ys Department of Agriculture. bird PATENT So. TOM fe, s —_ Bhp EEE Dicken SOP” a. vo Ay Gust i Vara > | arruscamos row vatest, | roe een EL heeab lacgeu G2 Chi hecione TO ALL WGH IT MAY CGNCERN: PE IT KNOWN, that I, NIKOLA TESLA, of Now York, in Siate of Nov York, stoctrician, have ine the Sounty and useful Improvene: of ‘gp aratus for converting and distribuing clectric currants, AND I HERERY NECLARE, that the following is a Pull, clear and oxact deseription of exused to indses, by mewis of waitable inau on coils, a currort or tain an dependent wor. ing eirevit or circuits. The main objects of tha inveition are the ome as have been heratofore okzained ty 190 of these systoas, vizt To divide the current from s sin source thareby a number of lwp: » Rotors or other translating devices may te inderendently controlled and opersted ty the ome soures of turrant, aid in coms eases to of high potential in the main quantity vn lower eiresit or circuits: eral char: 282 deviees is now well The pm understood. alternating carront magneto-machine is sed as the soures of supply. The varem developed a transmission circuit to transformers are located. These consist of induction machines ef various Kinds; in som eases ordinary forms of irduetion coil 1 have tow us ’ one 0” the cireuit and th: other in aloes say, if the work requires a eurrort of OF potontsal than chat in the transmission circuit tie sosondary or indueed 8 of rraster 1 sistance than the other hand, if a quwtity carront wanted the loner coil is made the primary. In lieu of thea devices various “orms of so: dynmmie induction mae Ss, including the combined motors wid Poerstors, have boon daviced. For in: ance, § motor ain ia onstrated tn aczoraqnce xi swell understood prinei- ples and o: sme armature sre wurd indueed coils which const Tho notof coils sre frerstor coils of coarser wire 20 23 to produce s current of croster quantity ind lower potontial thar he line curront which is of reletiyaly high potas fal to avoid loss in lonr transmission. A sim ilar srrang-ment is to rind coils cor: ponding to those of th of th ’ ol a getup the surronts Without sun ting the obje-tions to these sys— toms in detail, it will suffice to oy that the theory or

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