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1. Define a ‘Digital Image’
2. Define ‘Digital Image processing’
3. What are the different types of digital image?
4. Write the applications of digital image processing
5. What are the fundamental steps in image processing? Draw the block diagram
6. Define a ‘Pixel’
7. Define ‘contrast’
8. Define ‘resolution’
9. What are the different components of an Image processing system?
10. Draw the block diagram of ‘Image acquisition’
11. What are the different types of sensors to acquire an image?
12. Draw the diagram of Linear Sensor Strip.
13. Draw the diagram of Circular Sensor Strip.
14. What are the different drawbacks of hand held scanners?
15. What are the two factors that a value at a location is dependent?
16. In an image f(x,y)=
17. The range of illumination is between -------- and ------
18. The range of reflectance is between ------- and -------
19. What are the units of illumination---------
20. What is ‘Sampling’?
21. What is ‘Quantizatiion’?
22. If there is a pixel p(x,y), then what are the N4(p) ?
23. If there is a pixel p(x,y), then what are the N8(p)?
24. If there is a pixel p(x,y), then what are the ND(p)?
25. Define 4-adjancy/4-connectivity?
26. Define 8-adjancy/8-connectivity?
27. Define m-adjancy /m-connectivity?
28. Define Euclidean distance.

29. Define ‘City block distance’
30. Define ‘Chess board distance’
31. Logical operation can be applied only on -------------images
32. If we translate an image with tx, ty and tz what is the resultant matrix?
33. What is the resultant matrix, if we rotate an image with θ with x-axis?
34. For the given sub image, what is the resultant matrix, after zooming it twice?
4 6 2 5
2 2 4 6

3 4 6 7
 
5 4 4 5

35. What are the different ways of converting gray images to binary images?
36. What are linear and nonlinear operations?
37. What are the different color models?
38. Which color model is used in printers?
39. Define Hue, Brightness and Saturation?
40. Draw the block diagram of HLS color model?
41. What do you mean by ‘Geo stationary Satellite?
42. What are range images?
43. What are the different ranging devices?
1. What are the different categories of image processing algorithms?
2. What are the different types of low-level image processing algorithms?
3. Define ‘Noise’
4. Define ‘Histogram’.
5. Define “Baud Rate”
6. What are the different Gray level transformations?
7. What do you mean by histogram equalization?
8. What are the different Multi image operations?
9. How to get Image negatives?
10. What do you mean by Log transformations?

11. What do you mean by Power law transformations?
12. What are the different Multi image operations?
13. How to subtract the back ground of an image?
14. What is multi image modal filtering?
15. What is multi image median filtering?
16. What is multi image averaging filter?
17. What are the different logical operations on an image?
18. What is the difference between statistical operations and spatial operations?
19. Define ‘Convolution’
20. What are the different types of filters?
21. What is a smoothing filter?
22. What is the other name for a smoothing filter?
23. What is a sharpening filter?
24. What is the other name for Sharpening filter?
25. Give any two templates of smoothing?
26. The two main classifications of smoothing filters are ----------- and ---------
27. Give any two templates of sharpening?
28. What are the different smoothing nonlinear filters?
29. What is k-closest averaging filter?
30. What are the two different types of Sharpening filters?
31. What are the different first order derivative operators?
32. What are the different second order derivative operators?
33. What are the Robert’s templates?
34. What are the Sobel’s templates?
35. Give the Laplacian’s operators?
36. Give the Frei-Chen operators?
37. What is High-Boost filtering?
38. What is Directional smoothing?
39. Give a template to do the directional smoothing at +450 with a template of size

40. Give a template to do the directional smoothing at -450 with a template of size


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