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The US could be attacking China after 2014 but before 2020 with the aim to cripple or even wipe

it out. This is because during this period China's defence is still weak and unable to match the US Pacific force and the US can therefore look forward to inflicting any amount of damage they want. But after 2020, the US cannot be guaranteed of victory. Thus the very evil and warlike US is keen to exploit this window of opportunity. The US will search or dig up any kind of excuse, even manufacture one if necessary, to attack China soon. The US Pentagon is using the bulk of US borrowings to grow the strength of the US military might especially within the Pacific region. The US has built many military bases in a ring around it, and the US with help from Japan (& others) is surreptitiously establishing a sea-based missile shield or ABM system right on China's doorstep. This is for neutralising the purported Chinese missile deterrent which is still largely unproven. This ultra sophisticated ABM or mobile missile shield has no rival in the world today or the foreseeable future. The US is a very aggressive and warlike state and it will not hesitate to smash any nation suspected of wanting to become a rival. The US wants to be master and others its house servants. Any nation still daring to think otherwise must be sent or hurled back to the Stone Age via the use of the US war machine. To defeat or at least maul this evil enemy, China must develop and build new modern submarines that can hit the attacking force from behind. China must build up a missile arsenal or reserve second to none and also have enormous fleets of fighter jets that can mount endless day-night raids on the attackers. Lastly, China must ditch its economic rush & build up the PLA to 50 million !

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