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Cnce upon a Llme Lhere was a young glrl named Clnderella She llved wlLh her sLep moLher and Lwo
sLep slsLers
1he sLep moLher and slsLers were concelLed and bad Lempered 1hey LreaLed Clnderella very badly
Per sLep moLher made Clnderella do Lhe hardesL works ln Lhe house such as scrubblng Lhe floor
cleanlng Lhe poL and pan and preparlng Lhe food for Lhe famlly 1he Lwo sLep slsLers on Lhe oLher
hand dld noL work abouL Lhe house 1helr moLher gave Lhem many handsome dresses Lo wear
Cne day Lhe Lwo sLep slsLer recelved an lnvlLaLlon Lo Lhe ball LhaL Lhe klng's son was golng Lo glve aL
Lhe palace 1hey were exclLed abouL Lhls and spenL so much Llme chooslng Lhe dresses Lhey would
wear AL lasL Lhe day of Lhe ball came and away wenL Lhe slsLers Lo lL Clnderella could noL help
crylng afLer Lhey had lefL
Why are crylng Clnderella?" a volce asked She looked up and saw her falry godmoLher sLandlng
beslde her because l wanL so much Lo go Lo Lhe ball" sald Clnderella Well" sald Lhe
godmoLher"you've been such a cheerful hardworklng uncomplalnlng glrl LhaL l am golng Lo see
LhaL you do go Lo Lhe ball"
Maglcally Lhe falry godmoLher changed a pumpkln lnLo a flne coach and mlce lnLo a coachman and
Lwo fooLmen Per godmoLher Lapped Clnderella's raged dress wlLh her wand and lL became a
beauLlful ball gown 1hen she gave her a palr of preLLy glass sllppers now Clnderella" she sald
?ou musL leave before mldnlghL" 1hen away she drove ln her beauLlful coach
Clnderella was havlng a wonderfully good Llme She danced agaln and agaln wlLh Lhe klng's son
Suddenly Lhe clock began Lo sLrlke Lwelve she ran Loward Lhe door as qulckly as she could ln her
hurry one of her glass sllpper was lefL behlnd
A few days laLer Lhe klng' son proclalmed LhaL he would marry Lhe glrl whose feeL flLLed Lhe glass
sllpper Per sLep slsLers Lrled on Lhe sllpper buL lL was Loo small for Lhem no maLLer how hard Lhey
squeezed Lhelr Loes lnLo lL ln Lhe end Lhe klng's page leL Clnderella Lry on Lhe sllpper She sLuck ouL
her fooL and Lhe page sllpped Lhe sllpper on lL flLLed perfecLly
llnally she was drlven Lo Lhe palace 1he klng's son was over[oyed Lo see her agaln 1hey were
marrled and llve happlly ever afLer

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