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Anod|z|ng ls an elecLrolyLlc passlvaLlon process used Lo lncrease Lhe Lhlckness of Lhe naLural oxlde layer on Lhe
surface of meLal parLs 1he process ls called anodlzlng because Lhe parL Lo be LreaLed forms Lhe anode elecLrode of
an elecLrlcal clrculL
Anodlzlng |ncreases corros|on res|stance and wear res|stance and provldes beLLer adheslon for palnL prlmers and
glues Lhan does bare meLal Anodlc fllms can also be used for a number of cosmeLlc effecLs elLher wlLh Lhlck porous
coaLlngs LhaL can absorb dyes or wlLh Lhln LransparenL coaLlngs LhaL add lnLerference effecLs Lo reflecLed llghL
Anodlzlng ls also used Lo prevenL galllng of Lhreaded componenLs and Lo make dlelecLrlc fllms for elecLrolyLlc
Anodlc fllms are mosL commonly applled Lo proLecL alumlnum alloys alLhough processes also exlsL for
LlLanlum zlnc magneslum nloblum and LanLalum
lron or carbon sLeel meLal exfollaLes when oxldlzed under neuLral or alkallne mlcro elecLrolyLlc condlLlons le Lhe
lron oxlde (acLually ferrlc hydroxlde or hydraLed lron oxlde also known as rusL) forms by anoxlc anodlc plLs and
large caLhodlc surface Lhese plLs concenLraLe anlons such as sulfaLe and chlorlde acceleraLlng Lhe underlylng meLal
Lo corroslon
O arbon flakes or nodules ln lron or sLeel wlLh hlgh carbon conLenL (hlgh carbon sLeel casL lron) may cause an
elecLrolyLlc poLenLlal and lnLerfere wlLh coaLlng or plaLlng
O errous meLals are commonly anodlzed elecLrolyLlc ally ln nlLrlc acld or by LreaLmenL wlLh red fumlng nlLrlc
acld Lo form hard black ferrlc oxlde 1hls oxlde remalns conformal even when plaLed on wlre and Lhe wlre ls
AnodlzaLlon changes Lhe mlcroscoplc LexLure of Lhe surface and changes Lhe crysLal sLrucLure of Lhe meLal near
Lhe surface 1hlck coaLlngs are normally porous so a ALING kCC |s often needed to ach|eve corros|on
res|stance Anodlzed alumlnum surfaces for example are botJet tboo olomloom bot bove low to moJetote weot
teslstooce LhaL can be lmproved wlLh lncreaslng Lhlckness or by applylng sulLable seallng subsLances

Anodlc fllms are generally much sLronger and more adherenL Lhan mosL Lypes of palnL and meLal plaLlng buL also
more brlLLle 1hls makes Lhem less llkely Lo crack and peel from aglng and wear buL more suscepLlble Lo cracklng
from Lhermal sLress
Anod|zed A|um|num
Alumlnum alloys are anodlzed Lo lncrease corroslon reslsLance Lo lncrease surface hardness and Lo allow dyelng
(colorlng) lmproved lubrlcaLlon or lmproved adheslon 1he anodlc layer ls nonconducLlve
When exposed Lo alr aL room LemperaLure or any oLher gas conLalnlng oxygen pure alumlnum selfpasslvaLes by
formlng a surface layer of amorphous alumlnum oxlde 2 Lo 3 nm Lhlck whlch provldes very effecLlve proLecLlon
agalnsL corroslon
Alumlnum alloys Lyplcally form a Lhlcker oxlde layer S1S nm th|ck buL Lend Lo be more suscepLlble Lo corroslon
Alumlnum alloy parLs are anodlzed Lo greaLly lncrease Lhe Lhlckness of Lhls layer for corroslon reslsLance
1he corroslon reslsLance of alumlnum alloys ls slgnlflcanLly decreased by cerLaln alloylng elemenLs or lmpurlLles
copper lron and slllcon
so 2000 4000 and 6000serles alloys Lend Lo be mosL suscepLlble
AlLhough anodlzlng produces a very regular and unlform coaLlng mlcroscoplc flssures ln Lhe coaLlng can lead Lo
urLher Lhe coaLlng ls suscepLlble Lo chemlcal dlssoluLlon ln Lhe presence of hlgh and low pP chemlsLry whlch
resulLs ln sLrlpplng Lhe coaLlng and corroslon of Lhe subsLraLe
1o combaL Lhls varlous Lechnlques have been developed elLher Lo reduce Lhe number of flssures or Lo lnserL more
chemlcally sLable compounds lnLo Lhe oxlde or boLh
or lnsLance sulfurlc anodlzed arLlcles are normally sealed elLher Lhrough hydroLhermal seallng or preclplLaLlng
seallng Lo reduce poroslLy and lnLersLlLlal paLhways LhaL allow for corroslve lon exchange beLween Lhe surface and
Lhe subsLraLe
reclplLaLlng seals enhance chemlcal sLablllLy buL are less effecLlve ln ellmlnaLlng lon exchange paLhways
Some alumlnum alrcrafL parLs archlLecLural maLerlals and consumer producLs are anodlzed Anodlzed alumlnlum
can be found on mp3 players flashllghLs cookware cameras sporLlng goods wlndow frames roofs ln elecLrolyLlc
capaclLors and on many oLher producLs boLh for corroslon reslsLance and Lhe ablllLy Lo reLaln dye
AlLhough anodlzlng only has moderaLe wear reslsLance Lhe deeper pores can beLLer reLaln a lubrlcaLlng fllm Lhan a
smooLh surface would
Anodlzed coaLlngs have a much lower Lhermal conducLlvlLy and coefflclenL of llnear expanslon Lhan alumlnlum As a
resulL Lhe coaLlng wlll crack from Lhermal sLress lf exposed Lo LemperaLures above 80 1he coaLlng can crack buL
lL wlll noL peel
1he melLlng polnL of alumlnum oxlde ls 2030 much hlgher Lhan pure alumlnum's 638 (1hls can make weldlng
more dlfflculL)
ln Lyplcal commerclal alumlnum anodlzaLlon processes Lhe alumlnum oxlde ls grown down lnLo Lhe surface and ouL
from Lhe surface by equal amounLs So anodlzlng wlll lncrease Lhe parL dlmenslons on each surface by half of Lhe
oxlde Lhlckness
or example a coaLlng LhaL ls (2 m) Lhlck wlll lncrease Lhe parL dlmenslons by (1 m) per surface lf Lhe parL ls
anodlzed on all sldes Lhen all llnear dlmenslons wlll lncrease by Lhe oxlde Lhlckness Anodlzed alumlnum surfaces are
harder Lhan alumlnum buL have low Lo moderaLe wear reslsLance alLhough Lhls can be lmproved wlLh Lhlckness and
recedlng Lhe anodlzaLlon process wroughL alloys are cleaned ln elLher a hoL soak cleaner or ln a solvenL baLh and
may be eLched ln sodlum hydroxlde (normally wlLh added sodlum gluconaLe) ammonlum blflorlde or brlghLened ln a
mlx of aclds asL alloys are normally besL [usL cleaned due Lo Lhe presence of lnLermeLalllc subsLances unless Lhey
are a hlgh purlLy alloy such as LM0
1he anodlzed alumlnum layer ls grown by passlng a dlrecL currenL Lhrough an elecLrolyLlc soluLlon wlLh Lhe
alumlnum ob[ecL servlng as Lhe anode (Lhe negaLlve elecLrode) 1he currenL releases hydrogen aL Lhe caLhode (Lhe
poslLlve elecLrode) and oxygen aL Lhe surface of Lhe alumlnum anode creaLlng a bulldup of alumlnum oxlde
AlLernaLlng currenL and pulsed currenL ls also posslble buL rarely used 1he volLage requlred by varlous soluLlons may
range from 1 Lo 300 v u alLhough mosL fall ln Lhe range of 13 Lo 21 v Plgher volLages are Lyplcally requlred for
Lhlcker coaLlngs formed ln sulfurlc and organlc acld 1he anodlzlng currenL varles wlLh Lhe area of alumlnum belng
anodlzed and Lyplcally ranges from 30 Lo 300 amperes/meLer (28 Lo 28 ampere/fL)
Alumlnum anodlzlng ls usually performed ln an acld soluLlon whlch slowly dlssolves Lhe alumlnum oxlde 1he acld
acLlon ls balanced wlLh Lhe oxldaLlon raLe Lo form a coaLlng wlLh nano pores 10130 nm ln dlameLer 1hese pores
are whaL allows Lhe elecLrolyLe soluLlon and currenL Lo reach Lhe alumlnum subsLraLe and conLlnue growlng Lhe
coaLlng Lo greaLer Lhlckness beyond whaL ls produced by auLo passlvaLlon Powever Lhese same pores wlll laLer
permlL alr or waLer Lo reach Lhe subsLraLe and lnlLlaLe corroslon lf noL sealed 1hey are ofLen fllled wlLh colored dyes
and/or corroslon lnhlblLors before seallng 8ecause Lhe dye ls only superflclal Lhe underlylng oxlde may conLlnue Lo
provlde corroslon proLecLlon even lf mlnor wear and scraLches may break Lhrough Lhe dyed layer
ondlLlons such as elecLrolyLe concenLraLlon acldlLy soluLlon LemperaLure and currenL musL be conLrolled Lo allow
Lhe formaLlon of a conslsLenL oxlde layer Parder Lhlcker fllms Lend Lo be produced by more dlluLe soluLlons aL lower
LemperaLures wlLh hlgher volLages and currenLs 1he fllm Lhlckness can range from under 03 mlcromeLers for brlghL
decoraLlve work up Lo 130 mlcromeLers for archlLecLural appllcaLlons
Crgan|c ac|d anod|z|ng
Anodlzlng can produce yellowlsh lnLegral colors wlLhouL dyes lf lL ls carrled ouL ln weak aclds wlLh hlgh volLages hlgh
currenL denslLles and sLrong refrlgeraLlon Shades of color are resLrlcLed Lo a range whlch lncludes pale yellow gold
deep bronze brown grey and black Some advanced varlaLlons can produce a whlLe coaLlng wlLh 80 reflecLlvlLy
1he shade of color produced ls senslLlve Lo varlaLlons ln Lhe meLallurgy of Lhe underlylng alloy and cannoL be
reproduced conslsLenLlyhLLp//enwlklpedlaorg/wlkl/Anodlzlng clLe_noLesheasby_ch81
AnodlzaLlon ln some organlc aclds for example Mallc Acld can enLer a runaway slLuaLlon ln whlch Lhe currenL
drlves Lhe acld Lo aLLack Lhe alumlnum far more aggresslvely Lhan normal resulLlng ln huge plLs and scarrlng Also lf
Lhe currenL or volLages are drlven Loo hlgh burnlng can seL ln ln Lhls case Lhe supplles acL as lf nearly shorLed and
large uneven and amorphous black reglons develop
lnLegral color anodlzlng ls generally done wlLh organlc aclds buL Lhe same effecL has been produced ln laboraLory
wlLh very dlluLe sulfurlc acld lnLegral color anodlzlng was orlglnally performed wlLh oxallc acld buL sulfonaLed
aromaLlc compounds conLalnlng oxygen parLlcularly sulfosallcyllc acld have been more common slnce Lhe 1960s
1hlcknesses up Lo 30m can be achleved Crganlc acld anodlzlng ls called 1ype l by MlLA8623
hosphor|c ac|d anod|z|ng
Anodlzlng can be carrled ouL ln phosphorlc acld usually as a surface preparaLlon for adheslves
8orate and tartrate baths
Anodlzlng can also be performed ln boraLe or LarLraLe baLhs ln whlch alumlnum oxlde ls lnsoluble ln Lhese
processes Lhe coaLlng growLh sLops when Lhe parL ls fully covered and Lhe Lhlckness ls llnearly relaLed Lo Lhe volLage
applled 1hese coaLlngs are free of pores relaLlve Lo Lhe sulfurlc and chromlc acld processes 1hls Lype of coaLlng ls
wldely used Lo make elecLrolyLlc capaclLors because Lhe Lhln alumlnum fllms (Lyplcally less Lhan 03 m) would rlsk
belng plerced by acldlc processes
|asma e|ectro|yt|c ox|dat|on
lasma elecLrolyLlc oxldaLlon ls a slmllar process buL where hlgher volLages are applled 1hls causes sparks Lo occur
and resulLs ln more crysLalllne/ceramlc Lype coaLlngs

Anodlzed LlLanlum ls used ln a recenL generaLlon of denLal lmplanLs An anodlzed oxlde layer has a Lhlckness ln Lhe
range of 30 nanomeLers (1210
ln) Lo several mlcromeLers SLandards for LlLanlum anodlzlng are glven by AMS
2487 and AMS 2488
Anodlzlng LlLanlum generaLes an array of dlfferenL colors wlLhouL dyes for whlch lL ls someLlmes used ln arL
cosLume [ewelry body plerclng [ewelry and weddlng rlngs 1he color formed ls dependenL on Lhe Lhlckness of Lhe
oxlde (whlch ls deLermlned by Lhe anodlzlng volLage) lL ls caused by Lhe lnLerference of llghL reflecLlng off Lhe oxlde
surface wlLh llghL Lravellng Lhrough lL and reflecLlng off Lhe underlylng meLal surface 1lLanlum nlLrlde coaLlngs can
also be formed whlch have a brown or qo/den co/or and have Lhe same wear and corroslon beneflLs as anodlzaLlon

Anod|zed magnes|um
Magneslum ls anodlzed prlmarlly as a prlmer for palnL A Lhln (3m) fllm ls sufflclenL for Lhls 1hlcker coaLlngs of
23m and up can provlde mlld corroslon reslsLance when sealed wlLh oll wax or sodlum slllcaLe SLandards for
magneslum anodlzlng are glven ln AMS 2466 AMS 2478 AMS 2479 and AS1M 8893
Anod|zed z|nc
Zlnc ls rarely anodlzed buL a process was developed by Lhe lnLernaLlonal Lead Zlnc 8esearch CrganlzaLlon A soluLlon
of ammonlum phosphaLe chromaLe and fluorlde wlLh volLages of up Lo 200v can produce ollve green coaLlngs up Lo
80m Lhlck 1he coaLlngs are hard and corroslon reslsLanL
Anod|zed n|ob|um
nloblum anodlzes ln a slmllar fashlon Lo LlLanlum wlLh a range of aLLracLlve colors belng formed by lnLerference aL
dlfferenL fllm Lhlcknesses Agaln Lhe fllm Lhlckness ls dependenL on Lhe anodlzlng volLage uses lnclude [ewelry and
commemoraLlve colns
Anod|zed tanta|um
1anLalum anodlzes ln a slmllar fashlon Lo LlLanlum and nloblum wlLh a range of aLLracLlve colors belng formed by
lnLerference aL dlfferenL fllm Lhlcknesses Agaln Lhe fllm Lhlckness ls dependenL on Lhe anodlzlng volLage and
Lyplcally ranges from 1823 AngsLroms per volL dependlng on elecLrolyLe and LemperaLure uses lnclude 1anLalum

olored lod Mlnl cases are dyed followlng anodlzaLlon and before Lhermal seallng
1he mosL common anodlzlng processes for example sulfurlc acld on alumlnum produce a porous surface whlch can
accepL dyes easlly 1he number of dye colors ls almosL endless however Lhe colors produced Lend Lo vary accordlng
Lo Lhe base alloy 1hough some may prefer llghLer colors ln pracLlce Lhey may be dlfflculL Lo produce on cerLaln
alloys such as hlghslllcon casLlng grades and 2000serles alumlnumcopper alloys
O AnoLher concern ls Lhe LIGn1IA1N of organlc dyesLuffssome colors (reds and blues) are parLlcularly
prone Lo fadlng 8lack dyes and gold produced by lnorganlc means (ferrlc ammonlum oxalaLe) are more
llghLfasL uyed anodlzlng ls usually sealed Lo reduce or ellmlnaLe dye bleed ouL
O AlLernaLlvely meLal (usually Lln) can be elecLrolyLlcally deposlLed ln Lhe pores of Lhe anodlc coaLlng Lo
provlde colors LhaL are more llghLfasL MeLal dye colors range from pale champagne Lo black 8ronze shades
are commonly used for archlLecLural use
O AlLernaLlvely Lhe color may be produced lnLegral Lo Lhe fllm 1hls ls done durlng Lhe anodlzlng process uslng
organlc aclds mlxed wlLh Lhe sulfurlc elecLrolyLe and a pulsed currenL
O Splash effecLs are creaLed by dylng Lhe unsealed porous surface ln llghLer colors and Lhen splashlng darker
color dyes onLo Lhe surface Aqueous and solvenL based dye mlxLures may also be alLernaLely applled slnce
Lhe colored dyes wlll reslsL each oLher and leave spoLLed effecLs
hoLo quallLy lmages and graphlcs ln vlvld color may be prlnLed lnLo Lhe unsealed porous oxlde layer uslng color dyes
vla sllkscreen subllmaLlon Lransfer or dlglLal prlnLer Llne arL quallLy graphlcs can be achleved by use of a prlnLer
olor graphlcs may also be dlrecLly applled by hand uslng an alrbrush sponge or palnLbrush rlnLed anodlzlng ls
sealed Lo prevenL or reduce dye bleed ouL uses lnclude baseball baLs slgns furnlLure surglcal Lrays moLorcycle
componenLs and archlLecLural moldlng


Acldlc anodlzlng soluLlons produce pores ln Lhe anodlzed coaLlng 1hese pores can absorb dyes and reLaln lubrlcanLs
buL are also an avenue for corroslon When lubrlcaLlon properLles are noL crlLlcal Lhey are usually sealed afLer
dyelng Lo lncrease corroslon reslsLance and dye reLenLlon Long lmmerslon ln bolllnghoL delonlzed waLer or sLeam ls
Lhe slmplesL seallng process alLhough lL ls noL compleLely effecLlve and reduces abraslon reslsLance by 20
oxlde ls converLed lnLo lLs hydraLed form and Lhe resulLlng swelllng reduces Lhe poroslLy of Lhe surface old seallng
where Lhe pores are closed by lmpregnaLlon of a sealanL ln a roomLemperaLure baLh ls more popular due Lo energy
savlngs oaLlngs sealed ln Lhls meLhod are noL sulLable for adheslve bondlng 1eflon nlckel aceLaLe cobalL aceLaLe
and hoL sodlum or poLasslum dlchromaLe seals are commonly used MlLA8623 requlres seallng for Lhln coaLlngs
(1ypes l and ll) and allows lL as an opLlon for Lhlck ones (1ype lll)
Anodlzed alumlnums surfaces are suscepLlble Lo anel Ldge SLalnlng a unlque Lype of surface sLalnlng LhaL can affecL
Lhe sLrucLural lnLegrlLy of Lhe meLal
Anodlzlng ls one of Lhe more envlronmenLally frlendly meLal flnlshlng processes WlLh Lhe excepLlon of organlc (aka
lnLegral color) anodlzlng Lhe byproducLs do noL conLaln heavy meLals halogens or volaLlles 1he mosL common
anodlzlng effluenLs alumlnum hydroxlde and alumlnum sulfaLe are recycled for Lhe manufacLurlng of alum baklng
powder cosmeLlcs newsprlnL and ferLlllzer or used by lndusLrlal wasLewaLer LreaLmenL sysLems

Mechan|ca| cons|derat|ons
Anodlzlng wlll ralse Lhe surface slnce Lhe oxlde creaLed occuples more space Lhan Lhe base meLal converLed 1hls
wlll generally noL be of consequence excepL ln Lhe case of small holes Lhreaded Lo accepL screws Anodlzlng may
cause Lhe screws Lo blnd Lhus Lhe Lhreaded holes may need Lo be chased wlLh a Lap Lo resLore Lhe orlglnal
dlmenslons AlLernaLlvely speclal overslze Laps may be used Lo pre compensaLe for Lhls growLh ln Lhe case of
unLhreaded holes LhaL accepL flxed dlameLer plns or rods a sllghLly overslzed hole Lo allow for Lhe dlmenslon change
may be approprlaLe

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