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PHR 142P- Quiz#t -F2002


(4) 1. Ephedrineis a weaklybasicdrugwit[Ku._*rt1]r10-5.woulda r%

of ephedrinehydrochloridb
6. ?:5$Fusic, or neutral?Circie
one of tno rhro chemicalreactionswhich
justify your answer.Indicatethe equilibriumconstantand any conjugate
acidsor basesin whateverreaction(s)you write. Circie conjugateacids;


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( 6 ) 2 . D r u g - D i sa w e a k b a s e w i t h K n : 1 . 5
x 8l 05- 6 .i t m t o t 0 . 0 g M D a r e
titratedwith 0.1M HCl. What is the pH afteraddingi0 ml of the HCl?

qd= /T+
(L)o= H)(p-npx)= o-av?u
GF)ft 'tt'4)= o -o{$l
s:fo:"i) + g+ J+l+ KX=E=Pt^?,+x:D-o{
It I

$,ov?-x) (o-or-*) frt*; (b)r * P.wPfvl

*h=, \il+ -* D + b ' G*
f f + ) o*'afr Eu,-= P =6 . s o j o , , f ?
g{.€J' (o,oV**,) $.*8+?) {n+e)

: g-30ftx n-|:+ fr*s.rrvs,r-s
if*-l > / =3 rrrxrr*ff ${

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