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Lng|neer|ng |s not easy

1he branch of sclence and Lechnology concerned wlLh Lhe deslgn bulldlng and use of englnes
machlnes and sLrucLures nlce deflnlLlon lsnL lL? Well LhaL's whaL englneerlng ls all abouL now LhaL
almosL every 12
grade passouL ls an Lnglneer Lhere ls no more woww" when you say you are an
1o all my MedlcalLaw and ArchlLecLure frlends who say/assume Lnglneerlng ls easylLs noL! Am sure we
worked as hard as you dld l beL we sLudled more Lheory ?ou guys don'L know how hard lL ls Lo sLudy
someLhlng wlLh no loglc or fuLure appllcaLlon Cne cycle LesL every monLh followed by reLesLs for Lhe
sub[ecLs you falled 8y Lhe Llme you end up wrlLlng reLesLsLhe nexL cycle LesL would have already
sLarLed 1hese wlll be followed by evenlng speclal classesModel pracLlcalsunlverslLy pracs Lheory and
noL Lo forgeL LACLMLn1 18AlnlnC All Lhls ln 3 monLhs!! We sLlll don'L glve up
Medlcos say tty stoJyloq 8locbemlsttyloeJlottlcsOC ooJ yooll koow bow tooqb M885 ls" uel qoys
wltb stetboscopes"have you heard someLhlng called LuC1CCC1 or uS?? Lven your class Lopper
wonL score more Lhan 70 ln lL! Lnglneerlng ls also Lough! 8uL we don'L go ouL and say Oob oo tbls
oqloeetloq ls so botJl sboolJ bove stoJleJ MeJlcol/low" We hardly express our sorrows
Lnglneerlng musL be Lhe only course whlch lncludes deallng wlLh machlnes/nonllvlng Lhlngs" ?ou can
aLleasL do someLhlng wlLh a slck paLlenL and geL off qulLe well buL lmaglne wrlLlng a 1000 llnes code [usL
Lo make Lhe compuLer generaLe a 8LC1AnCLL!! ( Craphlcs MulLlmedla Lab) uon'L ask us why we do
lL lL's a parL of our currlculum
Look around WhaL do you see? SmarLphones1absmachlnes and sofLwares? ?es Pow does lL work? We
make lL work LnClnLL8lnC MlnuS ?ou wonL undersLand how dlfflculL lL was for us Lo learn Moblle
CompuLlng AfLer 4 years of hardwork we somehow geL placed ln a company 1he flrsL Lhlng you'll ask
ls"mocbo bow mocb ls yoot soloty Jo? " Why da why? Ck even lf we come down Lo your level and Lell
our salary whaLs Lhe nexL reacLlon? wbooooot?? 25k pet mootb oooo??? Omq l wlsb l stoJleJ
oqloeetloq ooJ stotteJ eotoloq llke yoo" WhaL glves you so much pleasure l don'L know! Pow many
know we work for more Lhan 12hrs? Wellas l saldwe don'L complaln Lvery course has lLs own
dlfflculLles So never ever come Lo me saylng"l sboolJ bove tokeo oqloeetloq losteoJ of MeJlcol/low"
S noL LhaL am a proud englneer buL l dln'L llke LhaL aLLlLude of few who compare lL wlLh oLher

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