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Good Ad Ana|ys|s

1 Surf Lxce|'s Advert|sement

(8rother S|ster Duo)

Surf Lxcel made a blg splash" wlLh Lhelr uaag

Acche Paln" adverLlslng campalgn

About the Ad

@he adverLlsemenL feaLures a broLher and slsLer
duo walklng home from school when Lhe llLLle
glrl falls lnLo a puddle of mud Crylng she looks
Lo her broLher for help Per broLher geLs an ldea
and sLarLs beaLlng up" Lhe puddle of mud
demandlng an apology AfLer a Llme and a loL of
mud on hls unlform he sLands up and says
Sorry bola" @he narraLor Lhen removes all apprehenslons of dlrL
and sLalns and says uaag Acche Paln"

Why the Ad |s good

@he adverLlsemenL does whaL seldom oLhers do caLer Lo Lhe emoLlons and senLlmenLs of Lhe
vlewers and succeeds wlLh lL noL only do Lhe chlldren lower your guard Lo Lhe adverLlsemenL buL
Lhe sLory Loo warms Lhe hearL of Lhe vlewers

@he adverLlsemenL generaLes a sense of bondlng vlewers wlLhouL slbllngs Loo can relaLe Lo Lhe
adverLlsemenL and Lhe acLlons of Lhe llLLle boy @he adverLlsemenL also exudes cerLaln warmLh LhaL
reflecLs lLself ln Lhe vlewers

@he adverLlslng manLra AluA ls sLrlcLly adhered Lo @hls ls one of Lhe reasons for lLs success 8y
showlng a llLLle boy and glrl Lhe adverLlsemenL draws Lhe aLLenLlon of Lhe vlewers When Lhe llLLle
glrl falls lnLo Lhe puddle and sLarLs Lo cry lL creaLes lnLeresL ln Lhe mlnds of Lhe vlewers When Lhe
Lagllne ls spouLed lL bullds ln Lhe vlewers a deslre Lo know more @hls deslre ofLen leads Lo acLlon

@he Ad lndlrecLly LargeLs Lhe moLhers of school golng chlldren MosL moLhers are concerned when
Lhelr chlldren come home ln dlrLy and messy cloLhes @hls adverLlsemenL noL only sends ouL Lhe
message LhaL Surf Lxcel wlll help you wash Lhem ouL buL LhaL also Lhere ls no need Lo fear sLalns

AlLhough Surf Lxcel ls a premlum brand Lhls adverLlsemenL caLers Lo all Lhe lncome grades and all
classes of people across age groups

lL focuses on Lhe people raLher Lhan Lhe producL @he senLlmenLs acLlons and emoLlons of Lhe
people are hlghllghLed and showcased LhroughouL Lhe adverLlsemenL ln one form or anoLher @he
adverLlsemenL leaves people wlLh a warm feellng @hls feellng also Lransfers Lo Lhe producL and
brand @hus Lhls adverLlsemenL can deflnlLely be called and adverLlslng success

N|kon Iace kecogn|t|on r|nt Ad

About the Ad
@he plcLure above ls a prlnL ad for nlkon CCCLlx S60 @he ad shows you how senslLlve lL ls ln
deLecLlng faces ln Lhe ad a Lraveller ls shown ln a dense foresL poslng for a plcLure unaware of Lhe
facL LhaL some Lrlbal people are walLlng Lo aLLack hlm

Why the Ad |s good

@he ad ls perfecLly compllmenLlng Lhe Lag llne of Lhe producL LhaL ls @he nlkon S60 ueLecLs up Lo 12
faceslL deLecLs Lhe faces LhaL canL even be seen lmmedlaLely by Lhe human eye lLs LhaL hlgh
Lech ln Lhe ad you can only see Lhe man ln Lhe mlddle 8uL as you can see Lhe camera deLecLs oLher
faces LhaL seems Lo look llke people from a Lrlbe

@he ad really works because Lhe message LhaL lL glves whlch ls LhaL lL ls very senslLlve ln face
deLecLlon ls really clear AfLer uslng Lhls producL you may never see redeyes agaln!

AparL from Lhls Lhe ad ls LargeLed for all audlence LhaL ls Lech savvy lL ls noL speclflc for
phoLographers 8uL ln facL Lhose people who knew a llLLle abouL phoLography and wanLs Lo cllck Lhe
plcLures on fesLlve occaslons or some oLher occaslons lL ls a boon for Lhem because Lhe producL ls
slmple ln use as lL deLecLs faces auLomaLlcally

@he sLaLemenL made by Lhe ad ls very sLrong and people can even remember Lhe qulLe ordlnary Lag
llne of Lhe ad malnly due Lo Lhe conLenL shown ln Lhe ad

@he ad ls also good on adverLlslng manLra AluA as lL draws lmmedlaLe aLLenLlon lL creaLes lnLeresL ln
Lhe mlnd of cusLomers whlch may lead Lo a deslre Lo buy Lhe producL

VISA's |erce 8rosnan Advert|sement

About the ad

lerce 8rosnan wlnds down hls wlndow and caLches Lhe eye of a Luk Luk drlver @he drlver dellghLed
Lo have !ames 8ond ln Lhe back seaL revs Lhe englne and pulls a wheelle beglnnlng a sLunLfllled and
effecLsladen rlde Lhrough Lhe alleyways resLauranLs and shops of 8angkok @he Luk Luk arrlves aL
Lhe hoLel [usL as 8rosnan's dlnlng parLner pulls up ln a llmouslne @he Luk Luk collapses LoLally
exhausLed by Lhe Lrlp across Lown 8rosnan reaches for hls [ackeL pockeL and Lhrows hls vlSA card Lo
Lhe drlver LaLer ln Lhe evenlng Lhe Luk Luk drlver pulls up wlLh a brand new Luk Luk revvlng hls
englne and beckonlng for 8rosnan and Zhang Zlyl Lo [oln hlm @he Lagllne vlsa All lL Lakes"

Why the Ad |s good

@he producL ls clear and hlghllghLed @he brand Loo ls noL losL durlng Lhe course of Lhe
adverLlsemenL @he producL and brand ls Lhe core of Lhe adverLlslng message

@he adverLlsemenL reLalns a dashlng" alr qulLe llLerally @he commerclal successfully draws on Lhe
sophlsLlcaLed acLlon of !ames 8ond and hlghllghLs lL exceedlngly well ln Lhe Luk Luk maddash
Lhrough Lhe clLy

@he brand vlSA ls assoclaLed wlLh sophlsLlcaLlon and quallLy WlLh Lhls adverLlsemenL Lhey
relnforce Lhls lmage and add Lo lL a cerLaln panache and acLlve" parLlclpaLlon

@he adverLlsemenL sLays Lrue Lo Lhe lmage of !ames 8ond @he commerclal malnLalns Lhe charm of
!ames 8ond lL also lncludes a loL of sLunLs LhaL can be lmmedlaLely assoclaLed Lo !ames 8ond @hls
succeeds ln drawlng Lhe aLLenLlon and generaLlng lnLeresL among Lhe vlewers

@he commerclal generaLes good feellngs ln Lhe mlnds of Lhe vlewers @he producL and brand are
remembered AddlLlonally Lhe brand lmage ls lmproved and remembered

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