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Robert Lawlor "Sacred Geometry: Philosophy and Practice" Thames & Hudson 1989 ISBN: 0500810303 114 pages


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Saint Bernard of Clairvaux wrote in On Consideration: What is God? He is length, width, height and depth. This lovely 112-page book explores numbers, shape & prop ortion that determine the dimension and form of both man-made and natural struct ures, from Gothic cathedrals to flowers, from music to the human body. The autho r covers the theories of the ancient geometers, and involves the reader in pract ical work doing geometric constructions using only a pencil, compass, straight-e dge and graph paper. These simple exercises lead us from first principles to a g rasp of the dynamics of logarithmic spirals and the Golden Proportion. The nine workbooks include Golden Section, creation of spirals, squaring the circle, geom etry and music, and the Platonic Solids. The book has 202 illustrations and diag rams with 56 in color. The cover shows Fra Luca Pacioli, the great Renaissance m aster of sacred geometry. The student's focus on the transparent solids was a di scipline to assist in seeing the metaphysical reality beneath all appearance.

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