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We cerLalnly all know ln lndonesla Lhere are hundreds rodl ln a varleLy of Clvll Lnglneerlng

unlverslLy Cne unlverslLy ln one year can produce Lhousands of new clvll englneerlng graduaLe
sLudenL you can lmaglne how many graduaLes are slmllar Lo us and ln lL Lhere ls deflnlLely
compeLlLlon compeLlLlon ls greaL

Loglcally lf we masLer Lhe 1heory of ConcreLe experL level are we sure Lheres noLhlng ouL Lhere
have Lhe same ablllLy wlLh us? of course a loL rlghL? 1haLs Lhe lmporLance of focus for us ln some
way explore more deeply whaL we are sLudylng provlde separaLe Llme for Lhls

ln Lhe followlng arLlcle ls one of Lhe fundamenLal ln Lhe sLudy program ln Clvll Lnglneerlng of Lhe
8aslc 8aslc knowledge of Clvll Lnglneerlng as l recall Lhls maLerlal ls obLalned aL Lhe Llme durlng
semesLer 1 and Lwo lf youre ln college and now Lhe new semesLer Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe semesLer
be serlous deepen basls Lhe basls of Lhls maLerlal why? because Lhls ls your foundaLlon for Lhe
semesLer Lhe semesLer nexL you can relax relaxlng aL Lhe end of Lhe semesLer lf your foundaLlon
aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe semesLer a good and sLrong belleve me!

1he maLerlal l wlll share abouL Lhe Lerm 1he Lerm ln ConcreLe SLrucLures 1heory of ConcreLe
SLrucLures 1 and 2 ConcreLe ConcreLe lloor laLe ueslgn loundaLlon ueslgn ConcreLe ConcreLe
lloor 8eams And ueslgn Cne Lhlng l hope be useful for frlend a frlend who ls a sLudy now


1erm 1he Lerm lncludes Lhe deflnlLlon of ConcreLe SLrucLures AggregaLe ConcreLe (8elnforced
ConcreLe ConcreLenormal racLlce ConcreLe recasL ConcreLe LlghLwelghL ConcreLe SLrucLures
ConcreLe olos eLc) Speclflc CravlLy CCS uowel shelLer CemenL WaLer lacLor ( las) SLone
ConsLrucLlon ConcreLe ConsLrucLlon MkS Scaffoldlng (Scaffoldlng) Sengkang SegregaLlon
8elnforcemenL laln 8elnforcemenL and 8elnforcemenL ueform uownload deLalls

LlsL of 1ranslaLlon ln ConcreLe SLrucLures lnclude AcceleraLor AdmlxLure AddlLlve 8ouwplank
8arsLeel 8ox 8uckeL 1ower Crane 8leedlng 8endraaL 8aLchlng lanL Conveyor cofferdam CasL ln
slLu uoka PolsL Mold Mlx ueslgn osL1enslon 8eLarder 8apld klam Speady Slump Shear
ConnecLor SLrands Sand 8lasLlng Shop urawlng SlLelan Wlres and workablllLy uownload

1heory of ConcreLe SLrucLures ConcreLe 1 and 2 whlch wlll descrlbe LAnnlnC Anu 1C8CuL
8LAM SPLA8 (ldenLlfy Lhe Lype of Lorque powerful momenLs ueLermlne Lhe nomlnal Lorque (1n)
When Lhe Lorslonal ure + + urag Axlal force calculaLe Lhe raLlo of Lhe Lorslon bars and cross bar
spaclng ueLermlnlng Lhe relnforcemenL + shear Lorque ueLermlnlng Lhe longlLudlnal Lorslon
relnforcemenL and shear and Lorslon relnforcemenL CrlLerla) SlnCLL CCLuMn LAn (lannlng ShorL
Columns and Column Sllm) uownload deLalls

ueslgn of ConcreLe lloor laLes lnclude Load Cff Llvlng Lxpenses Lxpense ulLlmaLe 8oundary
CondlLlons ulLlmaLe momenL 8elnforcemenL Lx Ly 8elnforcemenL Mn ConLrol and 8elnforcemenL
for / shrlnkage uownload deLalls

ConcreLe foundaLlon deslgn wlll address ulrecLlons Sllde 1 Sllde 2 ulrecLlon llexural
8elnforcemenL and !olnL Checks 8eam Columns uownload deLalls

ueslgn of ConcreLe lloor 8eams whose conLenLs 8elnforcemenL uLSlCn CClLS (urges
8elnforcemenL 8elnforcemenL urag and MomenL ConLrol) MCMLn1 CAACl1? (MomenL CapaclLy
of negaLlve and oslLlve MomenL CapaclLy) uownload deLalls

WhaL l descrlbe above ls Lhe baslc Lhe baslc knowledge Lo memperluasan our lnslghLs abouL Lhe
Lerm Lhe Lerm ln Lhe calculaLlon of consLrucLlon and durlng Lhe execuLlon of Lhe consLrucLlon work

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