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Press ke/eose P5l on "corporote 5ocio/ kesponsibi/ity os o competitive 4dvontoqe"

1hursdoy 10 5eptember 2009 CorrecL lmplemenLaLlon of CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy (CS8) can
resulL ln opporLunlLles lnnovaLlons and advanLages for companles 1hls was Lhe key message from a
sLraLeglc dlscusslon dubbed CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy as a CompeLlLlve AdvanLage" hosLed by
uLera Sampoerna loundaLlon and Lhe lnLellecLual 8uslness CommunlLy (l8C) aL xxl Club u[akarLa
1heaLer 8ulldlng (10/9)

8ased on an arLlcle ln Lhe Parvard 8uslness 8evlew LlLled SLraLegy SocleLy 1he Llnk beLween
CompeLlLlve AdvanLage and CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy" by Mlchael orLer and Mark kramer Lhe
dlscusslon was led by CS8 speclallsLs 8ayu rawlra Ple execuLlve dlrecLor of lnLellecLual 8uslness
CommunlLy 1e[a kusmana publlc secLor dlrecLor of MlcrosofL lndonesla and 8on erklnson presldenL
and CLC of uLera Sampoerna loundaLlon

Companles ofLen make Lhe mlsLake of poslLlonlng Lhemselves on Lhe opposlLe slde of Lhe communlLy
1hls paradlgm musL be alLered as companles and communlLles are acLually llnked by an unbreakable
lnLerdependenL relaLlonshlp CS8 lmplemenLaLlons should be consldered as an lnsLrumenL of soclal
lnvesLmenL" 8ayu rawlra Ple sald ln Lhe dlscusslon aLLended by leaders of ma[or companles ln

1hrough correcL CS8 lmplemenLaLlon companles can conLrlbuLe poslLlvely Lo Lhe lmprovemenL of Lhe
quallLy of llfe of Lhelr communlLles eople wlLh good quallLy of llfe and economy have good purchaslng
power LhaL ln Lurn brlngs a poslLlve lmpacL Lo company growLh" 8ayu added

1e[a kusmana of MlcrosofL lndonesla sald LhaL as a company wlLh a CS8 program MlcrosofL belleves
LhaL Lhe key Lo good CS8 ls careful and well planned sLraLegy SupporLed by Lhe Lwo maln facLors
companles wlll have full undersLandlng of Lhe maln ob[ecLlve of Lhe program Lo help Lhem dellver
opLlmum resulLs

MlcrosofL lndonesla has several benchmarks Lo raLe Lhe success of lLs CS8 programs such as Lhrough
buslness pro[ecLlon and an observaLlon on Lhe lmpacL of Lhe CS8 Lo Lhe communlLy Powever as Lhe
publlc secLor dlrecLor of MlcrosofL lndonesla 1e[a kusmana sald LhaL plannlng and execuLlng an
effecLlve and efflclenL CS8 program ls no walk ln Lhe park slnce CS8 ls noL MlcrosofL's core compeLence
1herefore he needs a Lhlrd parLy Lo reallze Lhe company's goodwlll

1he challenges ln organlzlng a CS8 program lle ln Lhe lnLegraLlon of buslness and soclal lnLeresLs LhaL
requlre more Lhan goodwlll and sLrong leadershlp lL requlres organlzaLlonal resLrucLurlng work
relaLlonshlps and lncenLlves A CS8 program LhaL focuses on soclal aspecLs can acLually supporL Lhe
company's vlslon and mlsslon and creaLe a shared value LhaL can become a longLerm lnvesLmenL ln
Lerms of Lhe company's compeLlLlve edge 1haL parLlcular afLernoon 8on erklnson sLressed LhaL As an
lnsLlLuLlon LhaL has been conslsLenLly helplng companles' CS8 lmplemenLaLlon Sampoerna loundaLlon
compleLely undersLands Lhe challenges of a good CS8 8uL as we have seen for ourselves Lhe challenges
are noLhlng compared Lo Lhe advanLages Lhe programs brlng Lo Lhe company's buslness and people"

1he CorporaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy as a CompeLlLlve AdvanLage" dlscusslon ended wlLh ulrecLoraLe
Ceneral of 1axaLlon lnsLlLuLlonal lncome 1ax SecLlon ll Pead Wahyu SanLosa explalnlng Lhe CS8
poslLlon ln Lhe llmlLed companles law (uu 1) and Lhe lncome Lax regulaLlon lLems LhaL are noL sub[ecL
Lo Lax and Lhe posslblllLy of Lax deducLlon for companles lmplemenLlng CS8 for educaLlon

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