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Presented by:
Wun Nurfuruhiyuh W,Liuh
Hunis AqiIuh Johuri
Nur Atikuh Ibruhim
Nik Nur Fukhiru Nik Mohd SuIIeh
Tusk 3:
Enrichment und
RemediuI Activity
Whof is enrichmenf7
Enrich- To improve fhe quoIify of:
Enrichment- Enhoncemenf, forfificofion,
Whof is enrichmenf ocfivify7
W expond on sfudenfs Ieorning in woys fhof differ from fhe
mefhods used during fhe schooI doy.
W Inferocfive ond projecf-focused.
W Enhonce o sfudenfs educofion by bringing new concepfs fo
Iighf or by using oId concepfs in new woys.
W Fun for fhe sfudenf, buf fhey oIso imporf knowIedge.
W They oIIow fhe porficiponfs fo oppIy knowIedge ond skiIIs
sfressed in schooI fo reoI-Iife experiences.
Whof ore fhe purposes of
enrichmenf ocfivifies7
W To inspire more chiIdren fo sfudy EngIish.
W To encouroge high sfondords of EngIish.
W To sfimuIofe creofivify wifh regord fo EngIish.
W To supporf on informed debofe omongsf pupiIs obouf
fhe oppIicofion ond direcfion which EngIish - bofh
wriffen ond spoken - fokes in our increosingIy compIex
sociefy, ond wiII foke in on increosingIy compIex ond
choIIenging fufure.
What |s remed|a|?
Remedy- fheropy, soIufion, improve
RemediuI- correcfive, counferocfive,
Whut is remediuI uctivity?
ne fhof is meonf fo improve o Ieorning
skiII or recfify o probIem oreo.
PemedioI insfrucfion invoIves using
individuoIi;ed feoching of sfudenfs who
ore experiencing difficuIfies in specific
subjecf oreos.
PemedioI insfrucfion mighf be foughf
individuoIIy or in groups ond forgefs
ocodemic weoknesses fhof moy hinder
PemedioI ocfivifies feoch bosic skiIIs fhof
ore fhe foundofion for Ieorning o subjecf
in greofer defoiI, ond such skiIIs musf be
Ieorned before sfudenfs con deveIop o
defoiIed undersfonding of fhe fopic of
horocferisfics of remedioI ond
enrichmenf ocfivifies
W Worksheefs ore bosed on sfudenfs' obiIify.
W Worksheefs ore bosed on mosfery-Ieorning
where fhe sfudenfs hove fo mosfer every
IeveI from boffom fo reoch fhe fop IeveI.
W The reosons fo compIefe fhe worksheefs
ore fo idenfify sfudenfs' obiIify, IeveI of
undersfonding, fheir sfrengfhs ond
W Teocher couId use fhe worksheefs os o
fesfimony of sfudenfs' records of
ochievemenfs or foiIure, ofher fhon
exominofion popers.
W The worksheefs ore bosed on EngIish
syIIobus ond bofh ore creofed by feocher.
W These ore modificofions fhof you wouId
odd for sfudenfs ho compIete the ork
eurIy or ho need more chuIIenging ork,
W $ef for fhe high-fIyer
W The fosk is difficuIf ond choIIenging
W HeIps fo poIish sfudenfs' sfrengfhs
W DifficuIfy IeveI of fosk increose when
sfudenf mosfered o IeveI
W To encouroge sfudenfs fo be more
inferesfed in Ieorning.
W Enhonce o sfudenf's educofion by
bringing new concepfs fo Iighf or using
oId concepfs in new woys.
W8oLh worksheeLs are based on sLudenLs' ablllLy
W8oLh worksheeLs are based on masLerylearnlng where Lhe sLudenLs have Lo masLer
every level from boLLom Lo reach Lhe Lop level
W1he reasons Lo compleLe Lhe worksheeLs are Lo ldenLlfy sLudenLs' ablllLy level of
undersLandlng Lhelr sLrengLhs and weaknesses
W1eacher could use Lhe worksheeLs as a LesLlmony of sLudenLs' records of
achlevemenLs or fallure oLher Lhan examlnaLlon papers
W1he worksheeLs are based on Lngllsh syllabus and boLh are creaLed by Leacher
1hese are ways LhaL you wlll adapL Lhe lesson for
sLudenLs ln your class who need addlLlonal supporL
and modlflcaLlons
1hese are modlflcaLlons LhaL you would add for
sLudenLs who compleLe Lhe work early or who need
more challenglng work
SeL for Lhe weak achlever SeL for Lhe hlghflyer
1he Lask ls easy and sLralghLforward 1he Lask ls dlfflculL and challenglng
Pelps Lo enhance sLudenLs' weaknesses Pelps Lo pollsh sLudenLs' sLrengLhs
1he exerclse repeaLs unLll sLudenL masLer Lhe
ulfflculLy level of Lask lncrease when sLudenL masLered
a level
1o Leach sLraLegles for coplng wlLh fuLure dlfflculLles 1o encourage sLudenLs Lo be more lnLeresLed ln
1o close Lhe gap beLween Lhe sLudenLs ln Lhe class Lnhance a sLudenL's educaLlon by brlnglng new
concepLs Lo llghL or uslng old concepLs ln new ways
SumpIes of enrichment
SumpIes of remediuI
The end The end

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